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Organization of guidance and protection of the course work


The heads of the course work may be:

- Leading professors, associate professors and senior lecturers of the department, read the theoretical course;

- Research officer of the research units of the University, profiled in the discipline of work;

- Graduate students and senior research staff of the Department, with more than five years of experience.

To zoom in on training requirements to production, as well as for the exchange of experience in the design between universities and industry may be brought to the leadership of experienced professionals who work directly in production.

Head of course work:

- Gives the job to an element of novelty and schedule milestones;

- Organizes the work on the course;

- Recommends the necessary literature, normative and technical documentation, reference and other materials;

- Advises the student during the execution of the course work;

- Inform the Department on the implementation of the course work.

Implementation of the course work must be provided guidelines.

Individual counseling should be conducted regularly once a week. Theme of the course work and the date of issuance of the job is recorded in a special register, with an indication of the Cathedral of discipline, student names, groups, families, head, protect your course work.

A month before the defense of coursework, the head of his order to appoint the chair, committee of two or three members to receive protection.

Protection of the course work is testing the student's knowledge, as well as the criteria for the student's ability to work independently. Protection of term is a special form of verification of work. Protection must teach the student to a full justification for his proposed solutions and a deep understanding of the work performed.

Protection course work done in public, in the presence of students, leaders, and members of the committee.

Duration of the report should be 8 - 10 minutes for questions and answers given to 10 minutes.

Coursework is assessed differentiated assessment. According to the module-rating system of training and control of knowledge, skills and abilities to perform ongoing monitoring of the course work is given a maximum of 60 points. At the final control (protection) - maximum of 40 points.

Upon completion of the course work of protection, a protocol and a rating of the student on the same day.

Coursework provided by the curriculum, should be protected before the examination session and serve as admission to the examination in the discipline. Mandatory prerequisite for admission to the exam is to have a positive assessment of the protection of the course work. Positive evaluations are considered estimates of A, A-to D +, D. Estimates must be taken into account when calculating ranking tolerance discipline.

A student, who has not presented on time course work or will not protect her valid reason, is deemed to have academic debts.

Upon completion of coursework protection manager conducts a final interview with the students, with the analysis of the work, pointing out the common errors and deficiencies found during protection work.

The results of the coursework discussed at faculty meetings.

Completed work after their protection should surrender under the logging in the department responsible for the course work and must be kept under the supervision of Head of Department within the period specified in the nomenclature of affairs of the department.

At the expiration of this period, all of the written-off by an act of cancellation (Form F.4.03-07, DP SKSU 4.03-2008).

In the act of cancellation shall include:

- Discipline, a group of students and surname, the total amount of work, the name of the head;

- An act signed by the Cathedral Commission (3 people), led by the chair.

Head of the Department takes action to eliminate discarded papers.


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