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References. 1.Louis Brickman. Mathematical Introduction to Linear Programming and Game Theory ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 5 из 5
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Appendix A The form of the title page of the course work Ф.7.04-03 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND SCIENCE OF REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN
Chair of " Information Systems"
Theme: _____________________________________________________ on discipline" Mathematical economics in IS " Specialty 5B070300 – Information Systems
Finished: ________________________________________________________ Full name of the student, group number Supervisor: _____________________________________________________ Name of lecturer, academic degree and title
The work is protected with the assessment ___________ (assessment) " ___" ______20___
Check Standards: ____________ Signature, name
Commission: ___________________ Signature, name
__________________ Signature, name
Shymkent, 20__ Appendix B The form of task for course work Ф.7.04-04 M.AUEZOV SOUTH KAZAKHSTAN STATE UNIVERSITY
Chair of " Information Systems"
" Approved" Head of Chair ___________________ " ____" _______20___
TASK № ____ for course work in the discipline: " Mathematical economics in IS " Student ___________________________________ group_________________ (Name) Theme of work ___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Initial data _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________
References: 1._______________________________________________________________ 2.______________________________________________________________ 3._______________________________________________________________ Date of issuance of the work ___________, date of work defense __________ Supervisor of the work __________________________________________ (Name, title and signature of the post) Task accepted for execution _____________________________________ (Full name, signature and date)