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Active vocabulary. Read and learn the following words and word combinations: require требовать utilize потреблять process процесс enzyme фермент protein белок
Read and learn the following words and word combinations:
15. beneath под, ниже 16. source источник
20. daily ежедневно
For life to continue, the body requires fuel in the form of oxygen and food. Respiration provides the oxygen. Our food, however, cannot be utilized by the body in the form in which it is eaten. It must be specially processed by the body before it can be of any use. This special processing is known as digestion. It is brought about by the action on the food of certain substances called enzymes which are made by the body and mixed with the food during its passage through the body. The food we eat consists of protein, carbohydrate and fat. It also contains small quantities of vitamins and minerals. Proteins are found in meat, fish, eggs, milk and cheese. They are broken down into amino – acids during digestion. Protein is necessary for cell growth and repair. Carbohydrates are found in sweet and starchy foods such as sugar, flour and potatoes. They are broken down into glucose during digestion. Carbohydrates provide body cells with the energy required to perform their functions. Fats are found in meat, fish, dairy products and vegetable oils. The digestive process breaks them down to fatty acids. Fats provide energy and body fat, which is stored in a layer beneath the skin. It acts as a reserve source of energy when needed, and also as insulation which helps maintain body temperature in cold weather. The body required water for the production of blood, digestive juices, urine and sweat. Many foods contain a large quantity of water but it is still necessary to drink more than a liter of fluid daily.
NOTES 1. for life to continue – для поддержания жизни 2. in the form in which it is eaten – в том виде, котором мы ее потребляем 3. before it can be of any use – перед тем как ее использовать 4. to be broken down – расщепляться 5. to be stored in a layer beneath the skin – накапливаться в подкожном слое
EXERCISES EXERCISE 1. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний: 1. организму необходимо 2. быть специально переработанным 3. оно производится 4. по мере ее прохождения 5. небольшое количество 6. можно найти 7. для роста и восстановления клетки 8. обеспечивать энергией 9. для осуществления их функций 10. дополнительный источник энергии 11. желудочный сок 12. ежедневно
EXERCISE 2. Процитируйте предложения из текста со следующими словами и словосочетаниями: 1. to provide 2. utilized 3. to be of any use 4. to be known as 5. certain substances 6. vitamins and minerals 7. to be found 8. body cells 9. fatty acid 10. a layer 11. insulation 12. sweat
EXERCISE 3. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту 1. What does the body require for life? 2. Can food be utilized in the form in which it is eaten? 3. How is the processing of the food by the body called? 4. What are enzymes? 5. What does our food consist of? 6. Where are proteins found? 7. What are proteins necessary for? 8. What do carbohydrates provide body cells with? 9. Where is body fat stored? 10. How does body fat act? 11. How much water is it necessary to drink daily?
EXERCISE 4. Задайте вопросы к выделенным словам: 1. Saliva is always present in the mouth. 2. Hunger and the thought, smell, sight and taste of food all stimulate an increased flow of saliva from the glands. 3. Saliva glands only produce saliva. 4. They must not be confused with the glands, which produce hormones.
EXERCISE 5. Переведите на английский язык предложения: 1. Для его функционирования организму необходима энергия. 2. Пища должна быть специально переработана для потребления организмом. 3. Пищеварение осуществляется при помощи ферментов, вырабатываемых организмом. 4. Кроме белков, углеводов и жиров пища содержит витамины и минеральные вещества. 5. Белки необходимы для роста и восстановления клетки. 6. Углеводы превращаются в глюкозу в процессе пищеварения. 7. Жир является дополнительным источником энергии. 8. Многие продукты питания содержат в себе большое количество воды.
EXERCISE 6. Задайте по 10 вопросов по тексту”Digestion”. EXERCISE 7. Перескажите текст ”Digestion”. ACTIVE VOCABULARY Read and learn the following words and word combinations: 1. harmless безвредный 2. dangerous опасный 3. subdivide подразделять 4. shape очертание, форма 5. decayed teeth гнилые (испорченные) зубы 6. chain цепь 7. cluster гроздь 8. strain штамм 9. gumboil флюс 10. acute острый 11.. gingivitis воспаление десен 12. exist существовать 13. survive выживать 14. resistant резистентный, устойчивый