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Descriptive Psychology W. Dilthey (1833-1911) and E. Spranger (1882-1963)

The human psyche can not be studied by experimental methods, and can only be understood. The main thing in person - is its value orientation that allows a subject to come in cognition. E. Spranger identified 6 types of knowledge of the world 6 " forms of life" and corresponding them types of people.

1. Theoretical man - who extends to knowledge of the laws of the world, human relations. Regardless of profession, for her main understanding is what happens around. Life for her is presented as a " fan problems"

2. Economic man - who seeks benefits in cognition. Thinking has a pragmatic focus on creating useful knowledge from natural sciences and engineering.

3. Aesthetic man – who perceives the environment as harmonious and disharmonious, trying to understand the world through aesthetic experience as shape, color, rhythm (not only professional artists, musicians, etc.).

4. Social man – who tries to find himself in another man and to live for others. Extends to embracing love, love for humanity. In this love the boundaries of her personality are dissolved.

5. Political man - extends to purely administrative power, such power that meets the highest spiritual requirements, based on the true spiritual values ​ ​ and on this basis determines the motives and actions of others.

6. Religious person - 6 type of a person, value orientation which is to find the meaning of life, the beginning of all beginnings, the supreme spiritual values ​ ​ God. He can not belong to any of the churches, not to perform ceremonies.

In this classification E. Spranger showed that people differ not only temperament, constitution, behavior, first of all values ​ ​ of their spiritual orientation. This creates a spiritual personality of the individual, its spiritual essence.


2. 3 behavioral approach, or theory of learning.

This theory is a response to the ideas of the theory of psychoanalysis, as well as a consequence of the development of psychology as a science. Pavlov, D. Watson, Skinner were its representatives. The basic idea of ​ ​ the approach is that a continuous influence of the social environment plays important role in formation of human behavior. In their view, social and especially sexual roles of people, most of their forms of social behavior are formed as a result of observation of social models such as parents, teachers, friends, emotionally sensitive people.

Personality, according to the theory of learning – is the result of the interaction of the individual with the environment that he wants to learn to identify situations in which his behavior is appropriate and complies with social norms, and where is not.

Thus, behavioral aspect is in the base of the theory of learning. It explains how you can change people's behavior depending on the actions in specific situations. One of the main elements of this theory is the concept of changing human behavior with conditioned reflexes.

In management those managers win, who apply this theory in practice, preventing unwanted and encouraging desired behavior. In a professional environment, there are many factors that are controlled by the head and can have both positive and negative effects: 1) salary, 2) the employee's desire to keep a job, 3) the prestige and status, 4) feedback.

2.4 Cognitive Approach

A man – is a passive creature which is under the control of the environment. The nature of her reactions on situations that occur most often determined by the cognitive interpretation, which he makes personally (Rotter, 1966). Specificity of human perception of their own behavior and its consequences is largely dependent on the characteristics of her personality. They found that some people the reason of creation of their image see in internal factors () other – in external circumstances.

From here this division of people by Rotter " oriented internal" and " external-oriented. " The first sure that in any moment they can affect on the environment and always take responsibility for what happened to them. This active, dynamic people who can analyze problems and responsible for their actions, identify strengths and weaknesses situations that ensued.

For failure - reproached himself - heads-internals.

Other people believe in the existence of external control, in fact, emerged as their image, lifestyle, other people blame. It is more passive and less workable personality that easily explain their lack of ability failure - externalities.

This approach underlies in the division of leaders by the internals and externalities.

Value theory: it allows to take into account the complexity of the interrelation between a man and situations that arise. Disadvantages: does not explain why people tend to see the reasons for their behavior in itself, the other - in other people. On this question, give an answer other theories of personality.

2. 5 Theory of Growth (Maslow, Carl Rogers). Its main contents: a man committed to excellence of their creativity, self-expression.

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