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Vocabulary and Grammar. Task 10.a) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Active or Passive form.

Task 10. a) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Active or Passive form.

Customs officials at Moscow airport (to arrest) a Colombian man accused of smuggling a record amount of cocaine inside his stomach. The man

(to transport) over 1 kilo of cocaine to Hong Kong via Russia. The Colombian (to approach) a customs officer and (to tell) him that he (not to feel) well and

(to ask) for medical help. The officer (to suspect) drug smuggling. The Colombian (to take) to a hospital where an X-ray (to show) that his stomach (to pack) with special containers filled with cocaine. It turned out that the man (to try) to transport 1148 grams of the drug in 86 containers. If sold, it could bring him over $1, 000, 000. To note, usually, stomach drug smugglers (not to swallow) more than 600 grams.

This way of transporting (to consider) to be especially dangerous as it can kill a smuggler if stomach acids (to destroy) the drug containers’ covers.

If found guilty, the man might face up to 20 years in a Russian prison.He (to claim), however, that he (to force) to smuggle drugs by the mafia, who (to promise) to kill his family if he (not to agree) to participate.


b) Say what was so special about that seizure.


Task 11. a) Study the information in the table.

noun meaning
AIM something that you hope to achieve by doing something
PURPOSE something that you mean to do, get, be (plan, design, intention)
TARGET a person or thing that people attack or criticize
GOAL object of efforts or ambition; something that you hope to achieve in the future

b) Choose the right verb.

1. His ultimate __________ was to set up his own business.

2. The main __________ of the course is to improve your writing.

3. The __________ of this meeting is to elect a chairperson.

4. This van is used for different __________.

5. The new law will be the __________ of bitter criticism.

6. The __________ of the convention is to facilitate trade.

7. They achieved their __________ of increasing imports.

8. Protection of endangered species is the primary __________ of this convention.

9. These reference books can be used for teaching __________.

10. Military buildings are an obvious __________ for terrorists.

11. What is your __________ in life?

12. Young people are the __________ of drug dealers.


Task 12. a) Fill in the blanks with the proper article, if necessary.

(from “Airport” by A.Hailey)

Asking to see _____ contents of _____ woman’s handbag was _____ rarity; like _____man’s pockets, _____ handbag was considered personal and almost never looked into. But when _____ individual chose to be difficult, _____ customs men could be difficult too.

Harry Standish inspected _____ lipstick and _____ gold compact. When he probed _____ powder in _____ compact, he extracted _____diamond and _____ ruby ring. There was _____ tube of hand lotion, partially used. Unrolling _____ tube, he could see that _____ bottom had been opened. When he pressed _____ tube, there was something inside. Such _____ old tricks! He had seen them all many times.


b) Say what you can remember about:

- the way a customs officer searched the bag;

- the places of concealment;

- the results of the search.


Task 13. a) Read and translate the text.


Every country is aware that its territorial integrity and national existence to much extent rests on its ability to police its land and sea borders, and to control its air space. That is why in the developed world, most major international airports have technology for verifying identification, checking for criminal records, and inspecting passengers’ luggage and commercial cargo to prevent contraband and dangerous goods from entering the country.

The use of contraband detection technology enables customs officers to conduct effective, non-intrusive inspections, and allows them to focus on high-risk individuals and goods.

- X-ray systems, including baggage, mobile and roll-in cargo systems;

- Mobile Vehicle and Cargo Inspection Systems (VACIS, gamma-ray systems), used to scan marine containers, rail cars, or trucks;

- Biometric scanning technology, used to scan either fingerprints or iris for comparison to criminal record;

- spectrometry technology systems, used for identifying trace amounts of narcotics residue;

- Remote Operated Vehicles (ROV) for under-vessel detection;

- (submersible) pole cameras, used at marine ports and major commercial border crossings to inspect ships, containers and tractor trailers;

- miniature pole cameras, used at major international airports to inspect aircrafts;

- specimen isolation toilets, used for recovery of banned substances at airports, ship terminals and border crossings;

- density meters, used to determine the density of a surface or object, which help to discover hidden walls or contraband concealed in car tires;

- flexible fibrescopes, used to view areas that are inaccessible by the naked eye due to obstructions;

- laser range finders, used to measure the inside of commercial containers;

- mirror kits, used to inspect the undercarriage of vehicles and other hard to reach areas.

These are the latest of innovative state-of-the art technologies and they will be continually refined and upgraded.

b) Make a glossary.

c) Say which devices are used to search:

- individuals;

- luggage;

- cargo;

- vehicles;

- vessels;

- containers


Task 14. Complete the text with the words formed from the following verbs.

seizures smuggling treatment complaints searches appointed personal


As more people travelled abroad, there was more (1) __________ of goods for (2) __________use, especially small but high-value things. Tobacco, spirits, watches, silk lace and other things were occasionally (3) __________ on a person or in the baggage of some passengers. The (4) __________ of goods about the person led to body (5) _________ exercised by customs officers.

As early as 1752 the Customs Commissioners in the US received

(6) __________ from a woman traveler about rude indecent (7) __________ by the officers at Harwich Customs House.

However, despite such problems women-searchers were not (8) ________ to work for the Customs on a permanent basis until 1948.

Task 15. Add as many words as you can to each category:


Money dollar,
Documents passport,
Drugs heroin,
Valuables diamond,
Customs violations smuggling,
Contraband detection equipment X-ray machine,


Task 16. Put these questions into reported speech.

Model: “Where do you work? ” – They asked me where I worked.”

1. ”What is there inside this bag? ”

2. “How long are you planning to stay in this country? ”

3. “Why did you try to misrepresent this article? ”

4. “Have you declared all your currency? ”

5. “Will you write in block letters? ”

6. “Do you know the allowance for the goods being brought into this country? ”

7. “Did you pack your things yourself? ”

8. “Are you carrying any items for other people? ”

9. “Where did you buy these souvenirs? ”

10. “How much does your ring cost? ”


Task 17. Make a written translation of the text and think about the title for it.


Some countries introduce a drug information hotline. For example, in all parts of Finland it is possible to dial the number 9800 4600 at the price of a local call. The call is automatically connected with the central unit which is in charge for receiving such calls. Tip calls can be made at any time of the day and night.

All received drug information calls are classified on the basis of their contents. If necessary, the provided information is checked before communicating it to the border Customs office involved for eventual measures. The Enforcement Board analyzes received calls and works out the intercepting operation.

One essential feature of the drugs information hotline is that the person providing information can remain anonymous. If the person gives his personal details, they are always kept secret.

Tips which belong to the competence of the police or other authorities are transmitted to the appropriate agency.


Task 18. Make a written translation of the texts into English.

a) Те ещё фрукты

26 июня – Международный день борьбы с наркоманией. Накануне таможенники аэропорта Домодедово подвели итоги работы. За прошлый год было пресечено около 100 попыток провоза контрабанды, из незаконного оборота изъято более 134 килограммов героина, марихуаны и гашиша. Плюс 2100 ампул и 73200 таблеток сильнодействующего вещества химического происхождения.

Способы перевозки наркотических веществ могут быть очень изощрёнными. Например, гражданин Таджикистана пытался провести героин в банках с вареньем. Не удалось. Как не удалось безнаказанно пройти мимо таможенников ещё одному наркокурьеру, обутому в кроссовки со стельками, заполненными гашишем. Наркотики в книжных переплётах, в ореховой скорлупе, в гофрированной упаковке…

Есть случаи использования в качестве перевозчиков женщин с малолетними детьми и несовершеннолетних граждан.

Сейчас прорабатывается вопрос о создании отдельной зоны таможенного контроля, участка или канала для тех пассажиров, которые прибывают из регионов, где производятся наркотики.



b) Контрабандисты доводят обезьян до слёз

Два детёныша шимпанзе и четыре попугая изъяты на днях таможенниками «Шереметьево» совместно с сотрудниками международной экологической организации СИТЕС у гражданина Камеруна Йоми Аги, прибывшего в Москву рейсом из Браззавиля (Конго).

Во время таможенного досмотра у контрабандиста изъяли довольно большой ящик, в котором, по словам камерунца, находились четыре попугая. Разрешения на провоз птиц в Россию гражданин Камеруна не имел. Однако таможенников насторожил вес ящика.

Каково же было удивление сотрудников СИТЕС, когда внутри, кроме попугаев, двое из которых уже погибли, они увидели двух маленьких детёнышей шимпанзе. Их передние и задние лапки были так стиснуты в коробке, что это исключало возможность малейшего телодвижения. Когда их вытащили из ящика, одна из обезьянок заплакала (как оказалось, у неё сильно болел живот), а вторая стала заливаться счастливым смехом.

Обезьянок тут же помыли и накормили. Сейчас животные чувствуют себя хорошо. Вероятно, их везли для продажи (цена одной такой обезьяны на чёрном рынке доходит до 8 тысяч долларов).



Task 19. a) Read the text and translate the words in Italics into English.

Таможенники have the important обязанность to search people прибывающие in the United States чтобыпредотвратить illegal substances and оружие from being carried черезграницы. To perform their duty, now they have extraordinary власть to carry out досмотры. Чтобызащитить the innocent, the system of laws has always included checks. But the bill that was recently passed by the Congress and подписан by the U.S. President, содержит troubling положения that essentially отменяют any protection against unconstitutional searches by customs officials and expands their immunity.

A federal отчёт found that while black female U.S. граждане were nine times more likely than their white counterparts to be subject to searches by the Customs Service, they were less than half as likely to be found carrying contraband. Customs Service started приниматьмеры to address the problem of racial profiling. ит

b) Discuss the following:

1. Do you think customs officials welcomed the bill? Why?

2. How can you comment on the new piece of legislation from the point of view of passengers?

3. Are all the passengers entering or leaving Russia treated equally while passing through customs control?


Task 20. Get ready to speak on the topic. Use the vocabulary of the unit.

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