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Task 12.Insert “to” where necessary.

1. The cargo is examined ___ ensure that the information stated in the documents is true to the fact.

2. Having used the proper method of customs valuation the officials assess the amount of duty ___ be paid.

3. After that the duties are levied and it can ___ be done on different terms.

4. Depending on the company’s previous record and reputation, payment of duty may ___ be deferred.

5. In some cases the Customs may ___ require ___ guarantee the payment.

6. Normally, the cargo is unloaded and stored at the warehouse, the vehicle is ___ enter a parking area.

7. ___ speed up the customs clearance customs officials exercise risk assessment.

8. I think I shall be able ___ use this new technology.

9. Let me ___ help you ___ process the documents.



Task 13. a) Put the verbs in brackets into the correct Active or Passive form.

Wu Hailong, China’s Ambassador to the European Union, speaking about China’s reforms of the last two decades to improve global trade facilitatation:

“We (to develop) __________ a new management concept to accelerate the reform of clearance supervision, and improve trade facilitation.On the basis of effective risk management, we (to introduce) __________ the system of “red and green channels” that (reduce) __________ clearance time for travelers and facilitated international business movement. Using targeted management, we

(to divide) __________ businesses into different categories. Steady efforts (to make) __________ to provide faster clearance services to businesses with good record. According to statistics, in 2011, the average waiting time for an export clearance (to be) __________ 1.5 hours. Just over 99% of goods (to be) __________ now released within 24 hours. The waiting time for an import clearance (to average) __________ 17.9 hours, and 64% of goods (to release) __________ within 24 hours. This improved efficiency (to save) __________ import and export companies nearly 80 billion Chinese Yuan (approximately 12.6 billion US dollars) in costs.”


Task 14. Complete the sentences using the words and expressions from the box.

examination; prohibited; customs tariff; violation; punishment; weight, quantity, value; restrictions; cleared and released; assessment; importing or exporting; commodity; Customs authorities; origin and quality;


1. If your business involves __________ or __________ of goods, you will come into contact with __________ __________.

2. All goods must be __________ and presented for __________.

3. Declaring a __________ involves giving the Customs authorities information which they need in order to determine the correct __________ __________.

4. This information, which includes _________, __________, __________ etc. forms the basis for __________ of customs duties and taxes.

5. Some goods, for example foodstuff, clothes or flowers may be subject to __________, such goods as narcotics are __________ entry by law.

6. __________ of the regulations can result in severe __________.

7. The goods will not be __________ and __________ until cargo declaration, invoice, licenses, certificates of __________ and __________ have been presented.


Task 15. Translate the words from Russian into English:

CBP officers изъяли an enormous партию of поддельные sunglasses. The merchandise violated законоторговоймарке.

The importer задекларировал the container’s shipment as sunglasses with a стоимость of about $30, 000; however, when officers досмотрели the shipment they обнаружили sunglasses with designer brands affixed to the shades. Import specialists collected образцы of the sunglasses and подтвердили that the shipment included confusingly similar but поддельные sunglasses. If the товар had been authentic products проданный by the владелецторговоймарки, the estimated розничнаяцена would be $2.3 million.

CBP officers are actively контролируютсоблюдение trade laws and защищают legitimate business and потребители from правонарушенийвобластиавторскогоправа. “When we находим such products, we seize the shipment and налагаемштраф.


Task 16. Read and translate the text.



Since February 2012, a scanner has been checking cargo transported by rail into the port of Rotterdam as trains travel at speeds up to 60 kilometres per hour. The train scan is the latest innovation in non-intrusive detection implemented by Netherlands Customs and is currently the most modern train scanning system in the world. Not only it is the fastest in comparison with conventional installations that only allow for train speeds up to 30 kilometres, it is also the best in term of image quality.

Being a fully automated scanning operation, no inspectors needed to be positioned on site. After the train passes through the scanner, an x-ray image analysis is performed at an Inspection Office in the heart of the Port, several kilometers away from the scanner’s location. In order to facilitate the analysis, the cargo manifest and container number are automatically linked to the relevant x-ray image.

Customs expect that approximately 200, 000 outgoing containers will pass through the train scan this year. With the collection of so many scanned images it should be possible to devise a solution that would automatically recognize anything unusual about a container’s content.



b) Make up 10 questions of all types to the text;

c) Give the gist of the story.


Task 17. a) Study the information in the table.

noun meaning synonym
GOODS things that are produced in order to be sold; movable property; BrE things that are carried by road, train, etc     freight
THINGS any material object  
MERCHANDISE goods that are being sold  
COMMODITIES useful things; products that are bought and sold  
CARGO(ES) the goods that are being carried in a ship or plane or other vehicle freight
EFFECTS the things that someone owns, property belongings
BELONGINGS the things you own, especially things that you can carry with you possessions
WARES manufactured goods; things that are for sale, usually not in a shop  
SHIPMENT a load of goods sent by sea, road, or air  
FREIGHT goods that are carried by ship, train, or aircraft  
ITEM a single article  
STOCK goods available for sale; goods kept by a trader or a shopkeeper  

b) Choose the right verb.

1. There is a 15% discount on all textile __________ until the end of the month.

2. The country’s most valuable __________ include oil and diamonds.

3. Shopkeepers complained about poor quality _________ and high prices.

4. There are several __________ in my baggage which don’t belong to me.

5. A __________ of urgent medical equipment is expected to arrive soon.

6. This aircraft is for passengers only, it doesn’t take any __________.

7. It says on the form that insurance covers all personal __________.

8. When they searched the baggage, they found only personal __________ in it.

9. The company must do more to promote their __________ overseas.

10. This railway line is used mainly by __________ trains.

c) Make five sentences using the words from the table.

Task 18. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English.

1. Я рассчитывал, что вы уже представили все необходимые сопроводительные документы.

2. Таможенник хотел, чтобы капитан показал ему судно.

3. Члены экипажа наблюдали, как таможенники досматривали их личные вещи.

4. Они надеялись, что незадекларированная валюта, обнаруженная во время досмотра, не будет изъята.

5. Водитель наблюдал, как товар разгружали в зоне таможенного досмотра.

6. Пассажир не слышал, как таможенники обсуждали результаты досмотра.

7. Я бы хотел, чтобы человек, ответственный за прибывающее транспортное средство, ответил на ряд вопросов.

8. Я не видел, как инспектор опечатал контейнер.

9. Вы позволите нам сойти на берег?

10. Таможенники заставили перевозчика заплатить штраф за нарушение правил.


Task 19. a) Make a written translation of the text and think about the title for it.

Commercial Invoice is the single document which describes the entire transaction from start to finish. It is also a primary shipping document used by Russian customs officials for merchandise control and valuation. It should clearly and accurately designate the exporter and the importer, including the importer’s license number. Besides, it should state the terms of payment, the total price of the merchandise, as well as other detailsessential for completion of the shipping transaction.

For shipments to Russia, the commercial invoice should also contain information on the Russian bank that will process the transaction payment. Whenever possible, the commercial invoice should be translated into Russian.

Each shipment should include a Certificate of Origin which is used to determine what duties will be levied on the imported goods. The Certificate of Origin should be worked out by the exporter and needs to be notarized by the exporter’s local Chamber of Commerce.

Task 20. Make a written translation of the text into English.

Какие преимущества получит бизнес в таможенном союзе

Если в настоящее время выпуск товаров в свободное обращение осуществляется только после полной уплаты косвенных налогов и при пересечении границы проводится таможенное оформление и таможенный контроль товаров, то в таможенном союзе участник внешнеэкономической деятельности имеет возможность сразу реализовать товар. Он также получает отсрочку по уплате косвенных налогов с момента ввоза до 20-го числа следующего месяца. Кроме того, при ввозе казахстанскими и белорусскими налогоплательщиками товаров из России не будут взиматься различные таможенные сборы. Таким образом, для добросовестных налогоплательщиков, соблюдающих нормы законодательства, таможенный союз создаёт режим наибольшего благоприятствования.

(журнал «Таможня»)

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