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III term.

    Unit four. Healthy life.
I       Step one. Keep warm! Describing feelings. Giving advice. When I’m ill… When I’m cold… Angry, tired, unhappy, bored, ill.
      Step two. Health problems. Talking about health. Present Continuous Tense. headache, sore throat, liquid, cough, fever, burn.
II       Present Continuous Tense. Comparing the Present Simple and Present Continuous Tense. I speak-I am speaking Everyday English.
      Step three. Pollution is bad for health! Talking about pollution. Negative Imperatives. Pollution, the environment.
    The Earth is in danger!   Talking about problems of pollution. Let’s keep the environment! Land pollution, water pollution and air pollution. Pollutant, pollute, pollution,
III       Step four. Does weather affect our health? Talking about weather. What’s the weather like? It’s rainy, too hot. Seasons, foggy, cloudy, changeable.
  Word building.   Talking about the weather in your place. Suffixes of noun, verb and adjectives.  
      Step five. Travelling for health. Talking about journey/weather. Very hot/very cold. Reach, journey, ferry.
  Adjectives and adverbs.   Revising the grammar rule.    
    Test yourself.   Revision the tenses.  
IV       Unit five. English Speaking Countries: the United States of America (the USA). Teenagers in the USA.      
  Step one. Invitation. Inviting friends. Were you at the party yesterday? Invite, invitation, boring, lovely, delicious, enjoy.
      Step two. Talking about time. Talking about time. It was raining yesterday at 2 o’clock. Omar was playing at 3 o’clock yesterday. They were having lunch at 4 o’clock yesterday. Teenagers’, can, have part time job, independent, parents’ home, motorbike, drive a car, finish school, start a job.
V       Teenagers in the USA and Great Britain. Comparing the teenagers in USA and Kazakhstan. At what age did you vote?  
      Step three. Home gardening in the USA. American home gardening. I was pruning dead branches. Plant trees, gardening, garden, gardener, prune, dead branches, whitewash, water flowers, enjoy working in the garden, gate, two of us, none of us, a patch of land, grow.
  Step four. American teenagers’ day.   Jane is going …. Jane is going to cook a meal. What are you going to do at 5 o’clock? Cook a meal, ride a bike, play computer games, next week, next month, next year.
VI       A day in my life.      
      Step five. Teenagers’ plans of future. Teenagers’ plans of future. Why are you going to Spain? I’m going to Spain to see a bullfight. How are you going …? Write a story, make a plan, winner, trip, lucky, watch a bullfight, by plane(train, bus)
  Test yourself.      
VII       Unit six. English Speaking Countries: The USA.      
      Step one. I want to visit Washington D.C. Speaking about the countries one has visited or wants to visit. Present Perfect Positive. I have been to France. Place names, countries, holiday activities.
VIII       Step two. Which country would you like to visit? Which country would you like to visit? Have you ever been to …? I have never been …. The names of the countries.
        Step three. I want to see the Statue of Liberty. I want to see the Statue of Liberty I haven’t been to China yet. Statue of Liberty, helicopter show, climb, Chinatown.  
        Step four. Famous people and holidays of the United States of America. Famous people and holidays of the United States of America. Revision of the Present Perfect Tense. Words which are connected with famous people and holidays.  
        Step five. Post test. Drama: Cops and Robbers.      
Week L. Date The theme of the lesson Vocabulary Grammar Home task
  English Speaking Countries (18 hours)
I     New York Lucky, favourite, fantastic, noisy, crowded Suffixes of adverbs p.27 ex 3 write true or false
    Special people Person, personality, kind, queen This is/ these are p.77 ex 2 complete the sentences
II     Margaret Thatcher, the Beatles Prime minister, grocer, politics, political, Liverpull, successful, group, records, famous Past Simple p.79-80 ex 7, 16 complete questions, speak
    Cambridge and its environment Environment, Cambridge, ancient, old city, flat (adj), especially Numerals ordinal/quantitative p.89 ex 4 3 write true or false
III     Gardening in England Plant, water (v), whitewash, prune Past Continuous p.115 ex 5 read the text
    Project work “English is the international language ” Vocabulary on the topic “English Speaking Countries” Grammar from lessons 55-59 To write an essey
IV     Test yourself Vocabulary on the topic “English Speaking Countries” Grammar from lessons 55 To prepare for the corrections
    Corrections Vocabulary on the topic “English Speaking Countries” Grammar from lessons 55 Corrections
V     Celebrating holidays Decorate, chimney, celebrate, neighbor, costume, guest Make up Look for p.118 ex 2 read
    Thanksgiving Day, Bonfire Night Knock, trick, firework, turkey, pie, guy, stick, straw, light Numbers p.119 ex 3a, b p.121 ex 6 T. or F.
VI     Describing places Germany, the USA, Italy, the UK, Spain, Ireland, Scotland Positive and negative sentences p.150 ex 3 interview p. 164 ex 2 dialogue
    Buckingham Palace Palace, Royal Family, The Queen, king Comparative and Superlative Adjectives   p.172 ex 4 read the text
VII     Buckley House Convenient, inform, reserve, lonely, hostel, excellent Comparative and Superlative Adjectives p.168 ex 7 read the text
    Project work “All over the world” Vocabulary on the topic “English Speaking Countries” Grammar from lessons 61-65 Word to repeat
VIII     Test yourself Vocabulary on the topic “English Speaking Countries” Grammar from lessons 61-65 To prepare for the correction s
    Corrections Vocabulary on the topic “English Speaking Countries” Grammar from lessons 61-65 Corrections



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