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English 8”, Ò.Ä.Êóçíåöîâà, Ï.Ã.Êîçëîâ, èçä. «Ìåêòåï», ã.Àëìàòû, 2012

Week Dates ¹ of lessons Themes Skills Home task
Vocabulary Grammar
Kazakhstan is my Motherland (9 hours)
      Diagnostic Test To define students’ level of know of English Word formation, types of sentences (imperative, interrogative, negative) and questions (general, special, tag-question, alternative question) Revision of learnt material of the 7th grade
  Kazakhstan is my motherland (population, towns and cities). Vocabulary (country, homeland, city, hills, valleys, etc.) and pronunciation Present / Past Simple, construction there is/ there are To write 10 sentence on the theme ‘My motherland’
      Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. Reading and speaking, Present Simple and Present Continuous tenses To ask 5 questions to the text
  Sightseeing in Kazakhstan. Sightseeing, glacial, heavenly, mountains, monuments, park, etc. Present Perfect Continuous tenses To make the project “ Sightseeing in Kazakhstan”(slide show presentation)
      Geographical position of Kazakhstan (climate, landscape, rivers, waterways, hills, mountains, plains,) Vocabulary (climate, landscape, population, rivers, waterways, etc.) and pronunciation   Past Simple tense To write a topic “ Geographical position of Kazakhstan”(15 sentences with the words from new vocabulary)
  Ecological problems of Kazakhstan (water/air/land pollution) Vocabulary (pollution, to threaten, oxygen, soil, oil, tankers, etc.) and pronunciation   Past Continuous tense To find information about ecological problems of our city
      Ecological problems of English speaking countries Vocabulary (pollution, to threaten, oxygen, soil, oil, tankers, etc.)   Adjectives Prepositions of place To write an Essay on theme “Environmental protection”
    Control test Vocabulary “ Kazakhstan is my Motherland Present/Past Simple, Present/Past Continuous, Present Perfect tenses, “there is/there are” construction, word formation To revise grammar and vocabulary learnt to prepare for corrections
      Corrections Vocabulary “ Kazakhstan is my Motherland Present/Past Simple, Present/Past Continuous, Present Perfect tenses, “there is/there are” construction, word formation To do corrections
New technology (9 hours)
      Mass Media in our life. Vocabulary (mass media, spectators, readers, newspaper, channels, etc.) and pronunciation Present/Past/Future Simple tenses Adjectives Adverbs To learn the new words by heart, to compile 10 sentences
      Radio and TV in my life. Radio, channels, to turn on/off, switch on/off Present/Past/Future Simple tenses   Ex.IV on p.137
  Adverts. Watching TV. Advertisement, newspaper, to express their opinion about advantages and disadvantages of TV Modal verb would/should+ Perfect Infinitive Ex.II, III on p.139 Ex IV (2) on p.141
      Television and children. to develop dialogical speech Questions (Past, Present Simple tenses) Ex III on p.142
    The Internet services. Computer. What is hardware and software. Bill Gates and computer. Network, social network, facebook, internet page, browser, admin, user, delay, Hardware, software, mouse, monitor, processor, printer, scanner, keyboard etc. Compound nouns   Ex V (2) on p.146 Ex II (1, 2) on p. 149-150
      Mobile phone. The Internet. Cell-phone, mobile phone, internet service, banking, etc. Present / Past Simple tense Ex IV on p. 151
  Mass Media in Kazakhstan. Mass Media. The Media in my life. To speak about favourite TV programmes in small groups Degrees of comparison of adjectives Ex II, V (2) on p.154
      Control test Vocabulary “ New technology Present/Past/Future Simple tenses Adjectives Adverbs Degrees of comparison of adjectives To revise grammar and vocabulary learnt to prepare for corrections
  Corrections Vocabulary“ New technology Present/Past/Future Simple tenses Adjectives Adverbs Degrees of comparison of adjectives To do corrections
Education in Kazakhstan, the USA and the UK (14 hours)
      Schools we get knowledge in. Educational system, junior, primary, high, infant, college, etc.   articles and prepositions Ex.V on p.106
  Schools in Kazakhstan. Secondary, high, college, university, institution, etc. revision of Present Simple Ex III, V on p.107-108
      Secondary education. Reading and interpretation   Conditional sentences Ex IV, VI on p. 110-111
  Schools in our country. Reading and interpretation Zero Conditionals Ex II, VI on p. 112-113
      Schools in Great Britain. School uniform, suit, hat, skirt, blazer, jacket, etc. First Conditionals Project work
  Comparing the systems of education in GB and Kazakhstan. Advantages, disadvantages, pros and cons, etc.   Second Conditionals Ex IV on p. 119
      My school day. Speaking (dialogue speech) adverbs Ex II on p. 121
  Speaking about schools. Speaking (monologue speech) Present tenses Ex III, VII on p. 124-125
      A day at school. Go to school, make one’s bed, have breakfast, break, bell gone, classmates, courses, coach, trainer, etc. Present tenses Essay on theme “My day at school”
  Educational system of the USA. Comprehensive, private, boarding school Degrees of comparison adjectives and adverbs Ex III on p. 129
      Schools of future. Reading and speaking   “to be going to…” Ex IV on p. 131, to make a project in groups
  Project work “The school of my dream” Writing and speaking Future Simple To revise grammar
      Control work on p. 132 Vocabulary “ Education in Kazakhstan, the USA and the UK” Present tenses, Degrees of comparison adjectives and adverbs, Future Simple, “to be going to…”   To revise grammar and vocabulary learnt to prepare for corrections
  Corrections Vocabulary “ Education in Kazakhstan, the USA and the UK” Present tenses, Degrees of comparison adjectives and adverbs, Future Simple, “to be going to…”   To do corrections
The flora and fauna (18 hours)
      Wild life of Kazakhstan. Wildlife, animals, plants, the Red Book, sea, ocean, rivers, fish, etc.   adjectives To compile 10 sentences with new words from active vocabulary on theme “wildlife”
  Typical Kazakhstan animals. Reading, speaking Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs Essay about favourite pets and animals
      Typical Kazakhstan plants. Vocabulary (flora, green, forestgreenpeace) and pronunciation Degrees of comparison of adjectives and adverbs To make slide show on the theme “Typical Kazakhstan plants”
  Project work “Wildlife of Kazakhstan” Vocabulary (flora, green, forest, greenpeace Numbers To compile dialogues “Environmental protection” (1 student is a journalist, 2 student is a ministry of ecology)
      Wildlife of the USA and the UK. Mountains, hills, valleys, forests, dying, statistics, etc. Prepositions of place To read the text and get new information about wildlife of the USA and the UK, and find similarities/ differences
  Our planet – the Earth. Vocabulary (solar system, planets, the Earth, continents, ocean, etc.) and pronunciation   Prepositions of place To learn the new words and compile 10 sentences
      Environmental protection. Reading and speaking   Complex object Get ready for discussion of the text (to make 5 questions) to make 5 “True” sentences, 5 “False” sentences
  Nuclear wastes threaten our world. Nuclear, weapon, gun, war, wastes, pollutants, harm, diseases, environmental protection Past Simple To make slide show (Semey)
      The flora and fauna of Kazakhstan. Vocabulary (flora, fauna, wildlife, etc.) and pronunciation   Articles To make a project work “Flora and fauna of my motherland”
  The flora and fauna of the USA and the UK. Listening and speaking Definite and indefinite articles To make a presentation: group A “Flora and fauna of the USA”, group B “Flora and fauna of the UK”.
      The attitudes to animals and plants in Kazakhstan and English speaking countries (the USA and the UK). Speaking and interpretation   Indefinite pronouns To prepare the new information on the theme “The animals and plants from the Red Book”
  Save the nature. (Help our animals) Listening and speaking Articles, “there is/there are”, to revise types of the sentences (imperative, negative) Essay “Saving nature”
      Save the nature 2. (Let’s save our forest) Listening, reading and speaking Modal verbs Make up the plan “Saving our nature”
  Save the nature 3. (Our seas and rivers are in danger) Reading and speaking   Construction “there is/there are” To make slide – show (The Aral sea)
      Geography of the USA. Economical position of the USA and the UK. mountains, hills, valleys, plains, rivers and waterways, etc. Articles, “there is/there are” Topic “What not to do…”
  Project work “Let’s think of the future”. Speaking and listening Present/Future Simple tenses To get ready for the control work
      Control work. Vocabulary “ The flora and fauna Articles, “there is/there are”, Present/Future Simple tenses, Construction “there is/there are”, Modal verbs To revise grammar and vocabulary learnt to prepare for corrections
  Corrections Vocabulary “ The flora and fauna Articles, “there is/there are”, Present/Future Simple tenses, Construction “there is/there are”, Modal verbs To do corrections
The outstanding people of Kazakhstan and English speaking countries, their influence on world culture (18 hours)
      English speaking countries (the U SA and the UK, etc.) Vocabulary (state, monarchy, presidential, parliament, congress, peers, speakers, parties, etc.) and pronunciation   “There is/there are” To answer the questions about the text
  Social and political structure of the USA and the UK. Vocabulary (state, monarchy, presidential, parliament, congress, peers, speakers, parties, etc.) Compound adjectives and nouns To make diagram (to show differences and similarities of the social and political structure of Kazakhstan and the USA (1 group)/the UK (2 group)
      The outstanding political leaders of Kazakhstan Leader, queen, king, president, ambassador, ministry, etc.   Compound adjectives and nouns To compile 10 sentences; to make 5 questions
  The outstanding political leaders of English speaking countries (the USA and the UK). Leader, queen, king, president, ambassador, ministry, etc.   Compound adjectives and nouns To make project work: 1 group - “The Royal Family”; 2 group – “Outstanding political leaders of the USA”
      Traditions and customs of Kazakhstan and English speaking countries (holidays, ceremonies, celebrations). Speaking and listening   Adjectives To make slide shows “Traditions and customs …”
  The importance of literature in our life. Literature, poet, poem, novel, writer, etc. Present Simple monologue speech Topic by heart
      Outstanding writers and poets of Kazakhstan. Reading and speaking Past tenses Slide – shows “My favorite poet/writer ”
  Outstanding writers and poets of the USA and the UK. Listening and speaking   Past tenses To make presentation “ Outstanding writers and poets of the USA and the UK.”
      Legends, fables and tales of Kazakh people. Legend, fable, fairy-tales, hero, etc.   Reported speech To dramatize one of the famous Kazakh /English tales
  Abai, a great Kazakh poet. Reading and speaking   Past tenses To learn by heart one of Abai’s poems
      William Shakespeare. Sonnets, globe, century, etc.   Past tenses Good reading of one of the sonnets of W.Shakespeare
  Project work “Shakespeare’s world”. Writing and speaking Past tenses To write Essay on the theme “Who is Shakespeare? ”
      Mark Twain “The adventures of Tom Sawyer” Listening and speaking   Past tenses Act out one of the scenes from the book
  Charles Dickens. masterpieces,   Past tense Topic by heart
      Video lesson “Meeting with the characters of Charles Dickens” Writing and speaking   Revision of Present tenses Summary
  Project work “My favorite poet or writer”. Writing and speaking Revision of Past tenses To write Essay on the theme “My favorite book”
      Control test. Vocabulary “ The outstanding people of Kazakhstan and English speaking countries, their influence on world culture Reported speech, Past tense, Adjectives, Compound adjectives and nouns To revise grammar and vocabulary learnt to prepare for corrections
  Corrections Vocabulary “ The outstanding people of Kazakhstan and English speaking countries, their influence on world culture Reported speech, Past tense, Adjectives, Compound adjectives and nouns To do corrections



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