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Ïî ÓÌÊ «English 11» Ò.Àÿïîâîé, Ç.Àáèëüäàåâîé, Æ. Òóòáàåâîé èçäàòåëüñòâà «Ìåêòåï», 2011


Week Date ¹ Theme Grammar Vocabulary Home task
1 term
Inventions (9 hours)
I     Computer mouse Diagnostic test Articles a/ an/ the Ballpoint pen, microwave oven, invent, device, Ex.13 p.145 Ex.3 p.141
    From history of computer mouse Reported speech   instructions, remote control, harm Ex. 15 p.146 Ex.8 p.143  
II     Innovations As… like Soar, aerostat, aeronaut, float balloonist, discovery Working with new words: cameras, inventions Ex. 14 p. 149 Ex.9 p.148  
    Television Subjunctive II /Sentences with wish and if only Channel, broadcast, news, local, daily, reporter, transmit, mobile phones, invention, programme Ex. 1 p. 199 Ex.3 p.153
III     Keeping in touch with new technologies Wish … if only…     The Moon, the Earth, Solar system, the Sun, orbit. Ex. 5p. 200 Ex 4p159
    Keeping in contact Wish …the past Wish.. would space, moonlit, moonbeam Ex 9p160 (Project work)
      Sending cards Phrasal verbs, idioms Think of, go up, do with, put on, take off, make up, get off, come back, get along. High technology, production, commercialization, travel agent, route, travel agency, journey, flourish Ex 12p167 Ex 5 p164
      Carlson’s invention   Print, invent, copy, original, complex. Replace, guess, basic, pattern. Ex24p173 Prepare a project: “ Famous inventors”
V     Famous inventors (project work)   Review Unit 1
  Scientific and technical progress (9 hours)
VI     Role of Techniques in Modern Life Countable and uncountable nouns Huge, network, to span, surrounding, data, to serve, to provide. Find 5 countable technical words, 5 uncountable technical words.
  Science Technical progress Phrasal verbs: pick up, get into, work out, To surf, browser, to deploy, interface, dial-up w/d 5 s/s with phrasal words
VII     Gadgets     Abbreviations   Reliable.security, available, message, packet switching, tremendous, user. Speak about your favourites gadget
    Internet and modern life Infinitive, phrasal verbs: get on with, point out, to log on To captivate,, to last overload, voice message, Web TV, to handle, Fiber optic cables, satellite dish Prepare a dialogue about the future of the internet
VIII     TV channels Gerund Moving pictures, commercial stations, operating cost, to broadcast, viewer Write an essay “ TV in our life”
    The future of telecommunication. Satellites and telecommunications Future Perfect, Future Continuous, Telecommunication, to deny, cell phone, growth, revolutionary, source, transmission.Increasingly, enable, appropriate, to transmit, impack, to depend on Ex 5p 186 Find the information about TV satellites.
IX     Test on Unit 1 P214-217 Future Perfect, Future Continuous Infinitive, phrasal verbs: get on with, point out, to log on Gerund, etc. Vocabulary on the topics “Inventions.Science Technical Progress” To revise material Units 1to prepare for corrections.
    Analysis of mistakes made. Corrections   To do corrections
Article with Satellites Vocabulary on the topics “Inventions.Science Technical Progress”
I     Ecology. The Aral Sea disaster The Youth Eco-Parliament   Word formation (-ment, -tion, -ance, -ant, -age) Complex object Irrigate, focus, improve, potable, sustain, benefit, implement, contaminate, defile, beneficent Ex.11 p.82 Ex. 6p.79
    Global and Regional Ecological Problems First Conditional Preserve, integrate, harmful, harmless, emission, marine, discharge, releases, evaporate Ex.15 p.91 Ex.3 p.91
II     Air Pollution   Second Conditional Deplete, fossil, substantial, avoid, kerb, inhale, purify, humidity, negotiate, absorb Ex.1 p.93 Ex.5p.93
    Land Pollution   Third conditional Fertilizer, conserve, cope (with), dispose, erope, evade, pottery Ex 10p99 Ex 3p97  
III     Water Pollution Modal verbs should, shouldn’t Dump, incorporate, require, oblige, detect, slick, toxic, ban, identify Ex 5 p.103 Ex 6 p.104
    International Ecological Organizations Types of conditionals Estimate, gross, tackle, implication, research Ex 9p88 Ex 19 p85
IV     The ways of Solution Ecological Problems   Write an essay using new words dizzy, fog, acid rains, Ex 3p 103 Project work on theme “ The environment where I live”
V     Geography and Climate of Australia Present and Past Passive voice   Surface, to include, stretch, border, to prevail. to be situated Write 10 s/s with new words
    Population and Cities of Australia Phrasal words: make for, slow down. Overpopulated, to count, density, inhabitant Make up 5 questions o about cities of Australia.
VI     Industry and agriculture of Australia Phrasal words: carry, be able to, Manufacturing industry, mineral resources, develop, production, limit, Project work on theme:: Industry of Australia”
    Political system of Australia Construction: had better To establish, judicial, to carry out, voter, to tend, to represent, governor, executive, legislative Make up 5 s/s on new political words
VI     Geography of New Zealand Phrasal verbs: speed up, set off, take off Advantage, equal, to extend, precious, to comprise Speak about geographical position of New Zealand.
  People and cities of New Zealand. Fauna and flora of Australia and New Zealand   Practicing Phrasal verbs Reported Speech Questions To settle, sharp, increase, emigrate, establish, to join. Speak about the main cities of New Zealand
VII     Test on Unit 2 P 224-227 Phrasal verbs: speed up, set off, take off Practicing Phrasal verbs Reported Speech Questions Vocabulary on the topic “The Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand” To revise material of Unit 2to prepare for corrections.
  Analysis of mistakes made. Corrections Practicing Phrasal verbs Reported Speech Questions To do corrections
Practicing Reported Questions Vocabulary on the topic “The Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand”
I     The political system of Great Britain Word formation – tion ant, ment Influence(n, v), elect, legislate, executive, treasure, preside, allocate Ex 7p113, ex 4p 110  
    The Queen, the Head of the UK Prefixes   Ex5p11-112
II     The Constitution of the USA Word formation. Conversion: increase- to increase Judicial, propose, amend, legislator, Ex 4p116,  
    The American system of government   enforce, dispose, inauguration Ex 10p 119
III     The constitution of the republic of Kazakhstan Modal verb shall Secular, legal, unitary, illegal, anthem, Ex 4p 122-123
    The president of the republic of Kazakhstan Mark the stress Guarantee, guarantor, sovereign, entrust, article. Ex 8 p126
IV     The president’s duties   eligible, swear, oath, stipulate Ex 21p 129-131
  The system of government in Kazakhstan.. Grammar revision (conditionals) Inforce, draft, delay, alter, the Royal assent, amend a Bill, refuse a Bill, constituency, nominate, reject a Bill Ex 12p127
V     Making Laws Present Indefinite: Passive Voice Entitle, put up, stand, employee, convention Ex2 p 131
    Law making process in Britain If clause   Ex 4 p.132 Ex. 10 p.133
VI     The electoral system in Kazakhstan   Election, electoral, quality, vote Ex 9 p.137
    Project work: The electoral system in Kazakhstan   Stand, convention, entitle. Write an essay about the electoral system in Great Britain
VII     My generation Present Tenses(Simple and Continues) Hippy, pretty,, raver, punk, yuppy, humiliate, spiked, selfish, shallow, obsess, satisfy, embarrass, irritate, impatient, annoy Ex 3p10-11
    Time off Past tenses Leisure, a coach potato, spare, manage, variety, Ex6p 15
VIII     Computer Addicts Present Perfect(Simple, Continuous) Addictive, addict, hook on, junkie, technophobia Ex 16p24, ex 4p26
    Young inventors Future tenses(Simple, Continuous) Invention, inventor, blind, improvement, contribute Ex 11p35, 36 Ex 2p.32-33
IX     Youth organizations in Great Britain Future Perfect Housing, life expectancy, famine, e-mail, hacker, Ex 10p 35 Ex8p 35
    Youth organization in the United States of America. Youth organizations in Kazakhstan Word formation suffixes –ist, -ism decade, numerous, Munutemen, racial equality, peaceful co- existence, to support, numerous, fundamental policy Form the words using suffixes –ist, -ism
X     Revision test on Unit 3 Conditionals, Verbal Constructions Vocabulary on the topics “Political Systems. Modern Youth” To revise material learnt to prepare for corrections.
    Analysis of mistakes made. Corrections   To do corrections. To prepare reports about Youth Life in Kazakhstan
Verbal Constructions Conditionals, Vocabulary on the topics “Political Systems. Modern Youth”
I     Medical wonders The use of articles with names of diseases Available, relieve, cure, stitch, spread, inject, prevention, bruise Ex7p49
    Health Care and Epidemics The use of articles with names of diseases Epidemics, infect, contagious, treatment, intense Ex 10p 50 Ex 16 p51
II     At the dentist’s Zero, first conditional, second conditional. Terrified, petrified, syringe, disinfection, insomnia, acupuncturist, grip, spit, herbalist. Ex 12, 13p 54-55
    First Aid Third Conditional Aid, loose, avoid, reassure, injure, vomit, suck, artificial fracture Ex 10p 58-59
III     Traditional and alternative medicine Structures: wish, if only Age-old theories, surgery, prevent, diagnose, improve, the cause of ailment. w/d the benefits of traditional and alternative medicine
    Symptoms of disease and their treatment As and like As if/ as through+ subjunctive Phenomenon, anxiety, fatigue, pain, initial test, initial treatment. Make up 5 s/s with new words
IV     Modern technologies in medicine Consolidation work on wish, if only. Medical Device Innovation Consortium, nonprofit organization, streamline, a handheld tool, multispectral analyses. Speak about modern medicine technologies in KZ
      Healthy way of life Revision of the grammar Wish, if only     Daily regime, presuppose, well- balanced diet, keeping fit, mentally, natural health remedies Explain the meaning of the saying” Body is the very first exam for a human”
V     Different Types of sports Revision of zero, first conditionals Parachuting, mountaineering, wind- surfing, trampolining, gliding, motor racing. Ex 9 p63
    Is sport exciting or dangerous? Revision of second and third conditionals Scuba- diving, obvious, due, score, Ex 14p65
VI     TV Sports fans Mixed conditionals Fan, bittersweet, a bad loss, superficial perks, photo bombs, a prime time game Ex 21p66
  The world of chess Revision of all conditionals Confident, tend, profound, sensible, enable, defeat, sensitive. Project work “Welcome to 2060 Olympic games”
VII     Children in sport Revision of reported speech Lawn, pressure, shadow of doubt, Ex 4p77
    Role of sport in Men’s life. Physiotherapy sport Project work on theme “ Physical training sport in our life” Revision of verb tenses Physical training, results, compulsory. Write an essay “ Sport in my life”
VIII     Revision test Conditionals, Verbal Constructions, Modal Verbs Tenses, Reported Speech, Verb Tenses Vocabulary on the topics “Medicine. Sport in Our Life.” To revise material learnt to prepare for corrections.
    Analysis of mistakes made. Corrections Conditionals, Verbal Constructions, Modal Verbs Tenses, Reported Speech, Verb Tenses Vocabulary on the topics “Medicine. Sport in Our Life.” To do corrections



Week Date Lesson Theme Vocabulary Grammar Hometask
I     Diagnostic test      
    Health Parts of the body Present Simple Ex. 9.10.
II     Home Remedy Names of illnesses Present Simple Ex. 3.
    At the doctor‘s Dentist, symptoms, sore throat Present Simple Ex. 11-13.
III     Treating a patient Treatment, diagnosis, prescription Past Simple Adverbs of frequency Ex. 4.5
    Health problems Cholesterol, vitamins, protein. Past Simple, Adverbs of frequency Ex. 11-13.
IV     Health farm Overweight, diet, results. Expressions of quantity: some, any, much, many, a little, a few Ex. 4, 5  
    What should you do to keep fit? Cereal, fruit, vegetables. Expressions of quantity: some, any, much, many, a little, a few Ex. 12-14.  
V     Food and fitness Healthy food, exercises, fresh. Modal verbs: have to, should, must Ex. 15.16  
“ Eating“ (9 hours)
    Eating. Meals Food.Drinks.Fruit.Vegetables Countable and uncountable nouns: much, many Ex. 12
VI     Visiting Cafes and Restaurants Menu Food words Adverbs of frequency Ex.15, 16.  
    Serving Dishes Food words Is/Are there any…   Ex.8.  
VII     Recipes of different dishes Ingredients.Dishes.Recipes.Snacks Reflexive Pronouns Ex. 9-11.  
    My favourite recipes Dishes Food words There is some… There aren’t any… Are there any… Pronouns Ex.4(b, c)  
VIII     Project work on the theme Dishes Food words Are there any…   Ex.8.  
    Table manners Help yourself! Revision of the Grammar Numbers Ex.15, 16.  
IX     Test Vocabulary on topics Present Simple, Modal Verbs To revise material learnt to prepare for corrections
    Corrections Vocabulary on topics Present Simple, Modal Verbs To do corrections

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