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Topic: values of education

Education is an essential human virtue, a necessity of society, basis of good life and sign of freedom. Education is important for integration of separate entities. This article talks about the Importance of education in our life.

If you are in your academic career, then you might be hearing the words like ‘ Education is Must ‘, ‘There is no Life without Education’ etc., right? So, why all such words come from people around you? What is the importance of education in our life? Forget about it for a while! First, do you know what education really is?

“The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university: “a new system of public education”.

Well, the education is not limited to schools or colleges only, nor it is limited to age. The things happening in the practical life also educate us. Anyways, coming to the question in hand, read out the importance of education in our life below.

Man is nothing but an animal. It is the education that teaches him many things, teaches the manners, rules and regulations of life etc. All these things result in converting man from an animal to well-mannered citizen.

Nothing in the life can be achieved if we don’t have belief on ourselves. Education is what brings self-confidence in us. We get the confidence of doing the things on our own. Our self-confidence then helps us in passing all the difficulties that come on way to our aim. Education also makes us better in communication with others.

An educated person lives a happy life always. He/she has a bright future that on one can pull from them. Education wakes the hidden talent and skills of any person. This hidden talent and skills give us employment and a completely secure future. It is the education that helps us in achieving new heights in our life.

An educated person tries to understand each and every thing on its own rather than blindly following anyone else. This results in spreading awareness everywhere. An educated person does not only reject the misconceptions him/herself, but also explains the real logic behind any happening, to others. Thus education clears out the darkness with the intense light of knowledge.

People of any particular country can live happily only if the country has all the resources, or simply say, country is rich in every aspect. Educated persons know pretty well that what is wrong and what is right. They do not need to follow the words of third person. Educated persons are well aware from their country’s rules and laws. They know pretty well about their duties and fundamental rights. They know the value of paying taxes, and thus pay their taxes on time. All these qualities of educated persons help them play a vital role in the progress of their country.

So, this was the list of some benefits of education in our life. If there is no education, then there is no life. All those of you who are reading in good schools and colleges are indeed very lucky. You all have the golden chance to own the ornament-like study, and to get yourself counted in the list of educated people.



Many young people today get addicted to drugs – they become dependant on various types of mind-altering or stimulating medicines or illegal ones. Addiction often comes hand-in-hand with narcotic effects, whether they are strong or light. It is only a question of time when you get addicted. You gradually become destroyed on all the levels of your health. And this is sad.

It turns out to be sadder when you come to know that typical age range of drug addicts is from 15 to 30 years. People of this age represent the main working group in a country, they are both core and roots of a society. The addiction is also wide-spread geographically – you can find people having problems with drugs everywhere, not only in low-life countries, but in well-developed ones too.

First of all, young people are especially vulnerable to different sorts of illegal things. Usually it all starts in schools. Children from problematic backgrounds often go into alcohol and then into drugs. First comes the psychological addiction and then physical – 'you want' and 'you need'. They destroy you and then destroy you harder as you get more tolerant to substances.

The biggest group of addicts are students as they get off their families and there is no one over them to control. Plus, the spirit of freedom often blinds them and then they cannot get rid of their addiction. The life of addicts becomes spoiled in all spheres – social, as they need to communicate with other addicts, they lose their contacts with families and friends; economical – as they spend all their money on drugs (which are usually very expensive), addicts start to earn their money illegally (running rackets, prostitution, etc.) – all these problems are incidental if to compare them to health problems – drugs are primary dangerous to people health.

Opiates like heroin are the most murderous drugs – they waste away your physical resources and suppress your heart's work. Heroin is even more dangerous as the form of injections is the most appropriate for achieving the narcotic effect. Here comes the AIDS. This disease is often called epidemy of our century as there is no treatment and effects are hard to resist and it is lethal.

So, as everyone can see, drugs plague our life and life of youth, specifically. It can easily appear to somebody that addiction is an one-way ticket for drug-user, but it is not like that. With proper help and strong will one can fully overcome drugs. I think the problem of drug addiction among young people is a top problem of a government willing to develop.


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