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Text В Advantages of ICs

Unit I Preliminary exercises

1. Прочитайте следующие слова и запомните их значение
literally — буквально

advent, n — зд, появление

to transfer -передавать

to utilize — использовать

to consume — потреблять, расходовать

to occur — происходить, случаться,

to forego — предшествовать

portable, adj. — переносной

evident — очевидный, явный

2. Прочитайте и переведите следующие слова в словосочетания;

advent of vacuum tubes, wide-spread use of, solid state devices, miniature portable transistors, reduced size, high-speed computers

3. Определите по суффиксам, к каким частям речи относятся следующие слова и переведите их.
reliable, reliability, consume, consumer, consumption, possible, possibility, function, functional, individual,

individuality, significant, significance, available, availability

4. Прочитайте текст А и ответьте Via вопрос:

What are the " revolutionary" developments that changed the course of history in the field of electronics?

Text A

1.In the field of electronics, there have been a number of " revolutionary" developments that have in some
cases literally changed the course of history. The age of electronics started insus/piciously enough with the gdvent
of vacuum tubes, " revolution" came in the fifties with the advent and widespread use of the first solid-state
device — the transistor, In fact, the word transistor (compressing the words — tranfer resistor) took on
anothermeaning when people started calling their new miniature portable radios transistors. x

2. The second " revolution" was the integrated circuit (1C), first produced and utilized in the early sixties. Just
as transis-ors offered reduced size, lower power consumption and higher reliability than their predecessors the
vacuum tubes, so the ICs offered reduced size and improved reliability. Just as transistors became common in
everyday lif-f, making high-speed computers possible, the 1C has taken transistors one step funher, the higher
circuit complexity possible in ICs brought as to the 21-st century in the seventies.

3. However the third major " revolution" cannot be pinpointed to a precise moment in history. This " revolution"
has occurred over a long period, pf time, and will probably continue^r many years. It is pernaps the most
important one in terms of its significance for the average person, as well as for those in the field of electronics.
This revolution is one of cosU, For unless transistors and integrated circuits can be manufactured cheaply
enough, their significance is пи to aJJ except the curious rich. In fact, not only has the manufacturing cost of
transistors and especially ICs been reduced. But also the quality of the products has improved as well.

, 4, Thjs is truly significant, since a low enough cost for the 1C means that the finished product, be it a digital wrietwatch, a pocket computer or a lifesaving'fjacemaker, can be made inexpensively enough to be within the reach of almost all consumers.

5. Найдите в тексте эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний: уменьшенный размер; более высокая
надежность; определенный момент в истории', быть доступным всем; ряд изменений; широкое

6. Прочитайте текст В и ответьте на вопрос:
What are the advantages of 1C?

Text В Advantages of ICs

1.An integrated circuit is a single functional block which contains many individual devices (transistors,
resistors, capacitors, etc.), The first and perhaps most obvious advantage of ICs is theirsize. Thf working part of
a transistor is quite small but since people are to use it, it is packaged with leads attached; thus the size is of
necessity relatively large. In an 1C, many interconnecctions between transistors and other components have been
made internally, with only those terminals that are necessary being rnade available externally. ^

2. Another obvious advantage, closelyjelated to size, is the drastically lower weight ol ICs when compared
to discrete versions. This is especially evident in large systems (like computers and airborne electronics), where
decreased buffe and weight are extremely important. /?

Integrated circuits also offer higher reliability, simply because any given function can be implemented with fewer components.

3. Probably one of the most important advantages of ICs is the high leveLof circuit complexity made
available in a small package. Because of this feature, the user of ICs can contemplate and relatively easily
implement complex systems.

4. The high complexity offered on a single chip has other advantages — it opens up to the user a much
wider range of projects and products that can be made operational with a much smaller investment of money and
manpower. In addition, the power of ICs may be reflected in the improved ope/atjon of a given system.

For example, in many applications a regulated power supply is not essential, but woj^ld irnprpye system performance. Therefore, if we had to design a ypltage regulator using discrete devices the eiecrsion would be to forego the regulator in the given system. However since available 1C voltage regulators are low cost and easy to use, we would probably Decide Jo, include the regulator and thus.etlrvance the system's performance. Another example of this kind of impact'by ICs is fn Tyr receivers. With essentially no increase in cost, TV manufacturers haye> incorporated additional (r^nessential) features like automatic fine tuning, automatic hue (color), etc., through trie use of ICs.

7. Прочитайте и переведите данные термины:
a slab of silicon

p-type substrate terminal characteristics terminal characteristics multile collector transistor multiple emitter transistor lateral PNP transistor

8. Прочитайте и переведите текст С.

Text С

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