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Principles of Manufacture

1.A hybrid microcircuit consists of film passive elements deposited on a glass or ceramic substrate and
active elements such as discrete semiconductor devices mounted on the same substrate. Hybrid 1C technology
thus takes advantage of both film and monolithic 1C technology.

2. A multichip hybrid circuit contains Ni-Cr alloy resistors, gold wires, and discrete transistors and diodes.
For such a circuit to be made it is first necesrary to use special screens, or masks, with windows to form the
desired film connection pattern on the substrate.

3. The formation of a film passive circuitry on the substrate, involves a few steps. First, stripes of silver,
aluminum, or gold are grown by evaporation, or deposited by any other method through the windows in a mask.
Next, another mask is used to deposit resistors in the form of film stripes of tantalum, chrominum or epecal
alloys. Changing both the material for film deposition and the thickness of the film gives various values of the
resistors. A capacitor is made by depositing a metal layer through a special mask, then an oxide layer through
another mask, and finally, a second metal layer on the top of the oxide.

4. After the passive circuitry is complete, active devices such as transistors and diodes are mounted and
bonded to the substrate. Discrete components mast be comparable in size to thin-film elements, therefore hybrid
circuits use either active devices of adequately decreased dimentions or unpackaged (uncased) devices. Contact
between active parts and passive elements can be made by one of the known methods such as
thermocompression, ultrasonic and laser welding; the aim is to bond the lead wires of the active elements to
contact lands on the substrate. Hybrid circuits come in a variety of design versions, the planar type being most
popular. Assembled circuits are protected against external influences by encapsulating them into metallic or
ceramic cases with lead-out pins.

5. A multi-chip hybrid circuit includes a few unpackaged semiconductor ICs as active components, each
arranged on an individual chip.

6. What distinguishes film hybrid technology is its high fiexibility; namely, it affords a wide choice of materials
and techniques for the fabrication of film elements and makes available comparatively easy approaches both to
design and produce most circcuits in the hybrid version. Both thin-film hybrid technologies enjoy use today for the
fabrication of passive elements. Thick films. range from tens to hundreds of micrometers in thickness; thin films
are usually a few micrometers thick. As regards the ability to conduct and the field of application, films can be
broken down into conducting, resistive, and dielectric types. Film microcircuits proper find very rare uses and
serve only as resistance or resistance-capacitance ICs. They usually perform the function of passive elements in
hybrid ICs.

7. The process of manufacturing hybrid ICs includes several basic stages: preparation of substrates and
photomasks, deposition of film passive elements and interconnections, trimming of resistors, attachment of
uncased active elements on the substrate, encapsulation, and testing.

Words to be learnt:

1.to take advantage of— воспользоваться

2.to bond to — связывать, оцеплять

3.to distinguish — различать, проводить различие

4.approach — подход

5.to range — классифицировать

6.to break down into — зд. подразделять на...

7.to serve — годиться, удовлетворить


III. Переведите следующие словосочетания на английский язык:

дискретные полупроводниковые приборы; стеклянная или керамическая подложка; резисторы с нихромовым сплавом, золотые проводники, образовывать необходимые пленочные шаблоны на подложке; уменьшенные размеры; компоненты, испольуемые без корпуса; соединять проволочные вывод с контактной площадкой на подложке; различные варианты конструктивного использования; металлические и керамические корпуса с металлическими выводами; бескорпусные полупроводниковые ИС; высокая гибкость; проводящие резистовые и диэлектрические виды пленок.

IV. Закончите предложения, ориентируясь на текст, и переведите их:

1.A hybrid microcircuit consists of...

2. A multichip hybrid circuit contains...

3.............. gives various values of the resistors.

4. Discrete components must be compared in size to... therefore....

5. Assembled circuits are protected against... by....

6. A multichip hybrid circuit includes....

7. Thick film ranges from..., thin films are....

V. Переводите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление герундия в предложениях:

1.In addition to creating insulating areas oxidation offers a practical method for growing silicon oxides at low

2. Changing both the material for film depositions and the thickness of the films gives various values of the

3. After completing the passive circuitry active elements such as transistors and diodes are mounted and
bonded to the substrate.

4. She computer achieves a higher productivity merely by having more circuits working at a time.

5. A capacitor is made by depositing a metal layer through a special mask.

6. Assembled circuits are protected against external influences by encapsulating them into metallic or
ceramic cases with lead-out pins.

7. Both thin-film and thick-film hybrid technologies are used today for fabricating passive elements.

8. Distributing materials and techniques for the fabrication of film elements makes available comparatively
easy approaches to design and produce most circuits in the hybrid version.

VI. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1.What does a hybrid microcircuit consist of?

2. What are the formation steps-for manufacturing a film passive circuitry?

3. What active elements are used for manufacturing hybrid microcircuits?

4. What are the advantages of film hybrid technology?

5. What types of films do you know?

6. What does the process of manufacturing ICs include?

VII. Переведите микротекст.

Самостоятельно пленочные микросхемы применяются очень редко в качестве резисторных или резисторноемких ИС. Обычно они используются как основа гибридных ИС.

Процесс изготовления гибридных ИС состоит из следующих основных этапов: изготовление подложки, фотошаблонов и пленочной пассивной части ИС, подгонки регистров, монтаж бескорпусных элементов и герметизация, контроль.

VIII. Составьте план текста на английском языке.

Кратко изложите в соответствии с планом содержания текста. Используйте следующие выражения:

1.This text is about...

2. This is....

3. The first paragraph introduces... the second advances the idea of....

4. In conclusion... is given.

IX. Прочитайте текст В за 10 минут и ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1) Из каких элементов состоят тонкопленочные ИС?

2) Чем отличаются тонкопленочные резисторы от полупроводниковых?

3) Перечислите основные процессы производства тонкопленочных схем.

Thin-film Hybrid ICs A thin-film 1C includea each passive elements deposited on an insulating substrate as resistors, capacitors, metallic conductors, and bonding pads. It should be noted that thin-film resistors and capacitors are made to much closer tolerances than semiconductor counterparts and excell the latter in a number of parameters, the temperature coefficient including. Thin-film passive elements are superior to semiconductor elements in frequency properties, so the use of the former in high-frequency and microwave devices offers substantial advantages. Thin-film ICs are cheaper than monolithic microcircuits, but are larger. A typical process for the manufacture of a thin-film circuit comprising resistors and capacitors with appropriate interconnections consists of the following stages: — deposition on the substrate of a tantalum layer and its thermal oxidation to transform it into an oxide that protects the substrate against etchants used in subsequent operations;

- deposition of the second tantalum layer and its subsequent etching to form tower capacitor plates;

- oxidation of tantalum to form a dielectric for capacitors; — deposition of one more tantalum layer to
produce upper capacitor plates and resistors;

- growth of an alumonum layer on top of the tantalum layer; — etching of aluminum to obtain the desired
connection pattern with contact pads;

- etching of the resistive layer of tantalum oxide to form resistors.

Text C.

X. Прочитайте текст С и передайте содержание текста по-английски.

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