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Basics of Device fabrication
1.In general, the 1C begins as a slab of silicon only a few mils thick and 2 to 3 inches in diameter. The 2. During the process of forrning one 1C on the wafer the mask pattern is repeated so that literally hundreds 3. Many^ 1Сд are made on a P-type substrate. A key feature that needs to be recognised is this: if the mask 2) сократите предложения за счет маловажных подробностей, объедините несколько предложений в одно. Используйте следующие выражения: to introduce the idea, to explain, to consider, to contain information, to stress, to be reported. 13. Докажите правильность или ошибочность суждений. Где можно, дайте расширенный ответ. 1. The higher circuit cimplexity possible in ICs brought us to the 21-st century in the seventies. 2. The most significant difference between discrete components and integrated circuits is the factor 14. Составьте план текста, используя выражения; The article examines... It considers the problems. Details are given of... In conclusion the article stresses... 15. В групповой дискуссии обсудите значение появления ИС, их преимущества и основы их Perhaps the most significant single difference between discrete components and integrated circuits is the factor governing costs. As a general rule, in discrete circuit design the fewer the components used, the cheaper the circuit. This is usually not the case in integrated circuits, as cost is mainly dictated by the chip area required, and does not increase proportionally with the number of devices. This is because the devices in an 1C are formed simultaneously, that is, all transistors (say NPN) are formed in the same step, all the collectors are made together all the bases, etc. Therefore if an improvement in an IC's performance can be achieved through the use of an additional transistor, it can be incorporated with little or no increase in cost. (Since the area required for the additional device is extremely gmafl, the increase in cost is essentially due to any change in yield, i.e. the percentage of fabricated ICs that are usable, the yield is obviously governed by the complexity of the circuit). However in a discrete version, the same transistor might not be incorporated unless improvement in performance was significant enough to offset the accompanying increase in cost. Unite 1. Прочитайте и запомните следующие термины: board — доска, пульт, табло, щит, картон wiring — электропроводка, электрическая монтажная схема wire — п, проволока, провод v — монтировать провода socket — штепсельная розетка, гнездо, патрон, цоколь trace, п. — след v. — оставлять след, прослеживать, чертить, копировать 2. Прочитайте слова и переведите их, учитывая их интернациональную основу: 3. Определите по суффиксам, к каким частям речи относятся данные слова и переведите их: apply, 4. Прочитайте текст А и ответьте на вопросы.
1.What are the 3 requirements for the use of 1C? 2. What are the requirements for the proper circuit design? There are only three basic requirements for the proper use of ICs in any project. These are: proper circuit design, proper contraction and test procedures, and proper power supply choice. As with any rules, these three are more easily stated than followed. PROPER CIRCUIT DESIGN. This perhaps the hardest of the three, since it requires the most from us: 1.Know and understand the properties and limitations of as large a variety of ICs as possible. Be on the 2. Use the proper 1C for the purpose at hand. Don't try to make do with another circuit — in most cases it 5. Double and triple check the design to ascertain that it does exactly what is desired — no less and no more. This especially applies to digital circuits since they usually involve complex timing and it is not uncommon to overlook a given set of (signal) conditions which gives an erroneous output. 5. Прочитайте текст В со словарем.