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Transmission and Routing.

Email systems are moving beyond simple text messaging to become the primary transport mechanism for electronic documents and forms. (Butler-Cox Foundation 1991) Object independence allows transmission of compound documents consisting of a variety of objects (text, graphic, image, audio, video). Other functionality required for business transport of electronic documents includes:

  1. authorization - assuring that the correct user is accessing the workstation and documents
  2. authentication - assuring that the " digital signature" of the user is valid
  3. encryption - coding and decoding documents for security
  4. filtering - automatically routing messages or documents according to their content

Other relevant technologies for routing include workflow management software, access control mechanisms, and intelligent documents. Documents which are " intelligent" or " smart" contain mechanisms to sense who should receive them and in what form. The document literally sends and displays itself to accomplish its purpose. " Active documents" by Interleaf is an example. (Weinberger 1991) (Michalski 1991) (Beal 1991)



Розглянуто на засіданні кафедри ФВС

Протокол № від 2016 р.

Завідувач кафедри _____ проф. К.Л. Сізова


З ДИСЦИПЛІНИ «Іноземна мова (англійська)»


напрям підготовки 6.020105 Документознавство та інформаційна діяльність, 6.020207 Дизайн, 6.030504 Економіка підприємства, 6.030507 Маркетинг, 6.030508 Фінанси і кредит, 6.030509 Облік і аудит




I. Вставте необхідний прийменник. Але в деяких місцях він не потрібний.

1. I listened...... the news..... the radio.

2. I’ll see you.... 9.00...... the morning.

3. He lives....... a nice house....... Paris.

4. I am looking...... my neighbour’s cat while she is on holiday.

5. They waited twenty minutes........ a bus yesterday.

6. What are you doing....... this evening?

7. She arrived........ England two years ago.

8. I am going...... home.

9. I spoke...... Mary a few days ago.

10. My sister is coming to stay...... Sunday.


II. Виберіть вірну часову форму (Past Simple, Past Continuous):

1. I (met; was meeting) a friend while I (did; was doing) the shopping.

2. I (paid; was paying) for my things when I (heard; was hearing) someone call my name.

3. I (turned; was turning) round and (saw; was seeing) Paula.

4. She (wore; was wearing) a bright red coat.

5. We (decided; were deciding) to have a cup of coffee.

6. While we (had; were having) a drink, a waiter (dropped; was dropping) a pile of plates.

7. We all (got; were getting) a terrible shock.

8. While the waiter (picked; was picking) up the broken plates he (cut; was cutting) his finger.

9. We (left; were leaving) the cafe and (said; were saying) goodbye.

10. I (finished; was finishing) my shopping and (went; was going) home.


III. Прочитайте і перекладіть текст:

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