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The Styles of Pop Art

Pop Art reacted to the phenomenon of depersonalization in mass society with styles which were equally impersonal, with pictures which had an equally objectivizing effect. The media had changed the relationship between individual subjectivity and mass consciousness, and Pop Art therefore also wished to redefine the role of individuality in art.

Pop Art conceptions of style stem from one of art’s central themes, namely its concern with its own medium: l’art pour l’art, the work of art as an object, the image, the act of painting, the painting itself, painting materials, packaging, art history, parody, abstraction, composition. Pop artists saw their work as anti-art, at least in relation to traditional notions of art.



Розглянуто на засіданні кафедри ФВС

Протокол № від 2016 р.

Завідувач кафедри _____ проф. К.Л. Сізова


З ДИСЦИПЛІНИ «Іноземна мова (англійська)»


напрям підготовки 6.020105 Документознавство та інформаційна діяльність, 6.020207 Дизайн, 6.030504 Економіка підприємства, 6.030507 Маркетинг, 6.030508 Фінанси і кредит, 6.030509 Облік і аудит




I. Вставте потрібний прийменник. Іноді він не потрібний.

1. She arrived... England two years ago.

2. My brother is coming to stay...... Monday.

3. What are you doing..... this evening?

4. I’ll see you..... 10.00.... the morning.

5. They spoke.... Jane a few days ago.

6. I am going..... home.

7. He lives..... a nice house..... Paris.

8. I listened... the news.... the radio.

9. We waited twenty minutes...... a bus yesterday.

10. I am looking..... my neighbour’s cat while she is on the holiday.


II. Відкрийте дужки і вставте потрібну часову форму (Past Simple, Present Perfect):

1. The lecture (not to begin) yet and the students are talking in the classroom.

2. She (to leave) the room a moment ago.

3. When you (to see) him last?

4. They (to be) in the Hermitage twice this week.

5. You (to be) to the Crimea?

6. Please, give me a pen. I (to lose) mine.

7. They (to be) abroad five years ago.

8. Where you (to spend) your summer holidays?

9. He (not to come) yet back.

10. At last I (to translate) this text; now I shall have a little rest.


Ш. Прочитайте і перекладіть текст.

The styles of Pop Art were the product of the artists’ development of technique and choice of subject matter. Their stylistic subjectivity and individuality, however, were neutralized by the anonymity of the environment to which their art responded. Pop Art followed various paths, some of them leading in opposite directions. The following were particularly significant: work whose forms and subject matter referred to the structures and methods of the mass media - by actually using mechanical techniques of reproduction, or industrial methods of manufacture; or paintings in which the reference to the media takes place primarily through an analysis of their content, and the formal reference is simulated by means of various painterly techniques. Both these methods exemplified the intellectual, objectivizing side of Pop Art.



Розглянуто на засіданні кафедри ФВС

Протокол № від 2016 р.

Завідувач кафедри _____ проф. К.Л. Сізова


З ДИСЦИПЛІНИ «Іноземна мова (англійська)»


напрям підготовки 6.020105 Документознавство та інформаційна діяльність, 6.020207 Дизайн, 6.030504 Економіка підприємства, 6.030507 Маркетинг, 6.030508 Фінанси і кредит, 6.030509 Облік і аудит



I. Вставте «for», «since», «in», «ago», «while», «during».

E.g. I haven’t seen you for weeks.

1. I have been a journalist..... two years.

2. They waited for you..... hours.

3. She graduated from the University three years......

4. They met each other.... June last year.

5. He has lived abroad.... 1990.

6. She retired...... 1995.

7. Please, don’t talk..... the film.

8. He broke his leg...... he was walking in the mountains.

9. I’ll be ready....... a couple of hours.

10. I haven’t heard from her..... the party.

II. Відкрийте дужки і вставте потрібну часову форму (Past Simple або Present Perfect):

1. They (to be) abroad five years ago.

2. He (not to come yet) back.

3. Where you (to spend) your holidays?

4. When you (to see) him last?

5. At last I (to translate) this article: now I shall have a little rest.

6. She (to leave) the room a moment ago.

7. Please, give me a pencil, I (to lose) mine.

8. You (to be) to the Crimea?

9. They (to be) to the Hermitage twice this week.

10. The lecture (not to begin) yet the students are talking in the classroom.

Ш. Прочитайте і перекладіть текст.

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