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Pop Art in the Continent

In England and America, Pop Art had been articulated with great vitality by a whole generation; fine art, music, literature and popular and mass culture had become intermeshed. Elvis Presley and the Rolling Stones, the beatniks and the hippies had started a «cultural revolution». The European mainland stretched out its cultural antennae as far as possible to pick up these new signals.

European Pop Art tended to be a heterogeneous and intractable affair. Its iconographical aspects, its formal techniques and, more especially, the quality of the latter, varied quite considerably. As a result, the struggle of the artists to impose their own originality upon the (art-)historical traditions within which they were working also varied in intensity. By the end of the sixties, pluralism in Europe had led to a fashionable Pop internationalism whose reflections of commonplace subject matter and styles had degenerated into formalistic attitudinizing.


Розглянуто на засіданні кафедри ФВС

Протокол № від 2016 р.

Завідувач кафедри _____ проф. К.Л. Сізова


З ДИСЦИПЛІНИ «Іноземна мова (англійська)»


напрям підготовки 6.020105 Документознавство та інформаційна діяльність, 6.020207 Дизайн, 6.030504 Економіка підприємства, 6.030507 Маркетинг, 6.030508 Фінанси і кредит, 6.030509 Облік і аудит




I. Виберіть синонiм:

1. to look for; to need; to recognize; to save; to buy; to be worth; to store; to consider;

degree; purpose.

2. to regard; to research; to cost; to accumulate; to reserve; to acknowledge; to want; level; aim; to purchase.


II. Виберіть вірну часову форму (Present Simple, Past Continuous):

1. I (finished; was finishing) my shopping and (went; was going) home.

2. We (decided; were deciding) to have a cup of coffee.

3. I (met; was meeting) a friend of mine while I (did; was doing) the shopping.

4. We (left; were leaving) the cafe and (said; were saying) good bye.

5. I (paid; was paying) for my things when I (heard; was hearing) someone call my name.

6. While the waiter (picked; was picking) up the broken plates, he (cut; was cutting) his finger.

7. I (turned; was turning) round and (saw; was seeing) Paula.

8. We all (got; were getting) a terrible shock.

9. While we (had; were having) a drink, a waiter (dropped; was dropping) a pile of plates.

10. She (wore; was wearing) a bright red coat.


ІІІ. Прочитайте і перекладіть текст:

Nouveau Realism brought together artists of quite different backgrounds and direction. The theoretical foundations of this movement were formulated by the Frenchman Pierre Restany. During the New Realists exhibition in New York in 1962 Restany grouped European and American artists along with the Italians Enrico Baj and Gianfranco Baruchelo, the Swede Oyvind Fahlstrom and the English Peter Blake and

Peter Phillips under the term «popartistes». Nouveau Realisme can therefore be seen as a parallel development of Pop Art in Europe in as far as it also included popular culture, junk, technology, the world of advertising and consumer goods and the notion of the object in its general concept of art. In the Continent, Pop Art may be understood as a synonym for certain phenomena of the sixties, but not as a period style.

Continental Pop Artists: Arman, Christo, Raymond Hains, Richard Lindner, Gerhard Richter, Wolf Vostell.



Розглянуто на засіданні кафедри ФВС

Протокол № від 2016 р.

Завідувач кафедри _____ проф. К.Л. Сізова


З ДИСЦИПЛІНИ «Іноземна мова (англійська)»


напрям підготовки 6.020105 Документознавство та інформаційна діяльність, 6.020207 Дизайн, 6.030504 Економіка підприємства, 6.030507 Маркетинг, 6.030508 Фінанси і кредит, 6.030509 Облік і аудит




І. Доповніть речення, використовуючи «for», «since», «on», «ago», «while», «during»:

E.g. I haven’t seen him for ages.

1. He has lived abroad... 1997.

2. I’ll be ready... a couple of hours.

3. She retired... 1995.

4. Please, don’t talk.... the film.

5. I haven’t heard from her... the party.

6. They met each other... July last year.

7. I have been a journalist..... five years.

8. He broke his leg... he was walking in the mountains.

9. They waited for you... hours.

10. She graduated from the University five years....

II. Виберіть вірну часову форму (Present Simple, Past Continuous):

1. They... (listen; are listening) to the radio in the morning.

2. He... (leaves; is leaving) for New York tonight.

3. They... (have; are having) a party next Sunday. Would you like to come?

4. She is sorry; she... (doesn’t speak; isn’t speaking) French.

5. His mother... (teaches; is teaching) German at the University.

6. They... (do; are doing) a lot of exercises at home.

7. Listen! They... (speak; are speaking) good English.

8. It often... (snows; is snowing) in November.

9. This engineer... (works; is working) at our office.

10. Mike always... (plays; is playing) tennis on Saturday.

III. Прочитайте і перкладіть текст.

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