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'Torkindeu' — from the word 'torkin', the bride's relatives. Torkindeu is an inalienable right of a young wife to visit her relatives within the year after the wedding. A visit of a married daughter is called 'torkindeu'. Her relatives accept her as an honored guest, cook the feast food, give her presents. A visit of a son-in-law to his wife's family is 'kaiyndap. A visit of daughters' children — 'nagashyp barady'.
New Year
| 1.
Each one of you are precious to me! I am so blessed to have you in my life and I love each one of you! Wishing you a beautiful Christmas & a Happy New Year!
Bells ring and the birds sing, May you get all the joy that Christmas brings! Wishing you & your family a very Happy Christmas & a wonderful New Year. Дорогие друзья!
| Wedding
On this special day of your wedding wishing you happiness and love like the unending circle of your wedding ring.
You two are perfect together! Wishing you love and happiness on your special day!
Congratulations on the start of something beautiful! Much love, health and happiness to you both on this happy occasion.
To find true love and to share one dream is a blessing. May you have many happy years together!
| Birthday
May the happiest day of the year bring you what you care for the most. May the most joyous day in the year bring you unlimited hope. May the most fun day in the year convert your foes into friends. I bet no one has given you as wonderful a Birthday wish as this one. Happy Birthday! May you have many happy years to come.
Believe in God I believe in miracles I believe in angels Only because I have you Thanks for being the miracle of my life Happy Birthday my angel!
Your Birthday means a lot to me because it is God's way of showering blessings on me. He knew I would need a companion to sail me through life and so he made you! Have a great Birthday today.
One more year of your life has gone by and I am lucky to have been a part of it. You have been a wonderful boss, friend, colleague, supporter and guide. Wishing you a wonderful Birthday. Have a eventful year ahead.
It's been a fantastic year To work with a boss so dear For you days luck, fortune, wealth and health are near And finally I speak to you without any fear You're the best boss I've ever had until today Here's a toast to wishing you a great Happy Birthday Wishing you a roller coaster year ahead Boss!
Birthdays are a time to say,
We hope you have the greatest day,
Laugh, smile and celebrate with friends
May the magical days show no ends!
Happy Birthday!
| | Anniversary
| | 13.
Today on this beautiful day, I wish to greet you with a sweet message. You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream, but at times you might be too young to achieve it. Happy anniversary!
| | Samples of condolence
| |
I am deeply saddened to hear about the sudden demise of ________. I had the honor to know him and had the greatest respect for him. I know it is a I was very sad to hear about the death of ________. He was a kind and gentle person. I will great loss for you in particular. I had spent some memorable time playing golf with him and will truly miss him. Please pass on my sincere condolences to your family members.
I would like to express my sincere condolences on the passing of your ________. Although I did not know him well, I know that he was a respected member in the community and his own profession. You and your family are in my prayers.
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A dog shows affection even to a poor family.
| 2.
Govern a family as you would cook a small fish -- very gently. –
| 3.
It is easy to govern a kingdom but difficult to rule one's family.
| 4.
A bad workman quarrels with its tools.
| 5.
A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
| 6.
A cat in glove catches no mice.
| 7.
A drowning man will catch a straw.
| 8.
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched
| 9.
Brevity is the soul of wit
| 10.
| Don't halloo till you are out of the wood
| 11.
Every cloud has silver lining
| 12.
| It is no use crying over split milk.
| 13.
Forewarned is forearmed
| 14.
Make hay while the sun shines
| 15.
Don’t cross a bridge before you come to it.
| |
A mind enclosed in language is in prison.
Разум, ограниченный языком, находится в заточении.
Симона Вейль
| 2.
Success doesn't come to you…you go to it.
Успех сам не приходит к Вам... Вы идете к нему.
Marva Collins
Марва Коллинз
| 3.
Formal education will make you a living. Self-education will make you a fortune.
C дипломом можно заработать на жизнь. Самообразование сделает Вам состояние.
Jim Rohn
Джим Рон
| 4.
Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
Кто не может изменить свои воззрения, не может изменить ничего.
Bernard Shaw
Бернард Шоу
| 5.
If anything is worth trying at all, it’s worth trying at least 10 times.
Если что-то вообще стоит пробовать, это стоит попробовать не меньше 10 раз.
Art Linkletter
Арт Линклеттер
| 6.
| Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.
Две вещи бесконечны: вселенная и человеческая глупость; и я еще не уверен насчет вселенной.
Albert Einstein
Альберт Эйнштейн
| 7.
Being entirely honest with oneself is a good exercise.
Быть до конца честным с самим собой - непростая задача.
Sigmund Freud
Зигмунд Фрейд
| 8.
The possession of unlimited power will make a despot of almost any man. There is a possible Nero in the gentlest human creature that walks.
Обладая неограниченной властью, практически любой человек становится тираном. Нерон может скрываться даже в добрейшем из живущих человеческих существ.
Thomas Bailey
Томас Бэйли
| 9.
Every English poet should master the rules of grammar before he attempts to bend or break them.
Каждый английский поэт должен овладеть правилами грамматики, прежде чем пытаться изменить или нарушить их.
Robert Graves
Роберт Грейвс
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| 10.
The great Breakthrough in your life comes when you realize it that you can learn anything you need to learn to accomplish any goal that you set for yourself.This means there are no limits on what you can be, have or do.
Величайший прорыв в жизни наступает тогда, когда понимаешь, что способен выучить все, что нужно для достижения любой поставленной цели. Это значит - нет предела тому, кем ты можешь стать, что иметь и делать.
Brian Tracy
Брайан Трэйси
| 11.
To limit the press is to insult a nation; to prohibit reading of certain books is to declare the inhabitants to be either fools or slaves.
Ограничить прессу - значит оскорбить нацию; запретить чтение определенных книг - значит провозгласить народ либо дураками, либо рабами.
Claude-Adrian Helvetius
Клод Адриан Гельвеций
| 12.
Every solution breeds new problems.
Каждое решение порождает новые проблемы.
Murphy's law
Закон Мерфи
| 13.
Everything takes longer than you think.
Любое дело занимает больше времени, чем вы предполагаете.
Murphy's law
Закон Мерфи
| 14.
Every portrait that is painted with feeling is a portrait of the artist, not of the sitter.
Портрет, написанный с чувством - портрет художника, а не натурщика.
Oscar Wilde
Оскар Уайлд
| 15.
Genius is born--not paid.
Гениями рождаются, а не становятся за деньги.
Oscar Wilde
Оскар Уайлд
| hurry through
| to make something happen more quickly than it would have done
| 2.
| come up
| if a problem comes up, it happens and needs to be dealt with immediately
| 3.
| think up
| to invent or imagine sth
| 4.
| go through
| to experience sth difficult or unpleasant
| 5.
| close down
| a situation in which a shop, company etc. permamently stops doing business
| 6.
| run out of
| if something runs out, you don’t have any more of it left
| 7.
| ask around
| to ask several people for information or advice
| 8.
| back up
| to make a car backwards, reverse
| 9.
| break into
| to enter a building by force
| 10.
| bring up
| start talking about a subject
| 11.
| call off
| to decide that sth that has been arranged will not now happen (cancel)
| 12.
| call on
| ask for an answer or opinion
| 13.
| call on
| visit someone
| 14.
| don’t care for
| to dislike someone or something
| 15.
| check out
| to look at sb/sth and judge them
| 16.
| chip in
| contribute
| 17.
| clean up
| to make a place completely clean and tidy
| 18.
| came across
| to find sth by chance
| 19.
| come apart
| if an object comes apart, it separates into pieces, either because it has been made that way or because it is very old or in very bad condition
| 20.
| counting on
| to depend on someone to do what you want or expect them to do for you
| 21.
| cut back
| to reduce the amount of sth that you use
| 22.
| cut in
| to interrupt somebody
| 23.
| cut off
| to stop having a close or friendly relationship with someone
| 24.
| do over
| Br.Eng.- beat up, ransack
to illegally enter someone’s house, steal things from it
| 25.
| do over
| Amer.Eng. - do again
| 26.
| came down
| to become ill with a particular disease, usually one that is not serious
| 27.
| do away
| to get rif of something
| 28.
| drop back
| to move into a lower position in a race or competition
| 29.
| drop out
| to stop taking part in an activity beforw it has finished
| 30.
| suffer from
| to have a particular illness or physical
| a cold fish
| an unemotional and unfriendly person
a person that doesn’t show symphathy or fear
| keep an eye on
| watch carefully, continue paying attention to
| a heart of gold
| to be a very kind person
| as hard as nails
| distant, unfriendly
| a pain in the neck
| annoying, difficult
| dressed to kill
| wearing very attractive closes that will make people notice you
| fit like a glove
| be the right size and well suited
| to pull his socks up
| used when you are telling someone that they are not doing a job well enough and they must do better
| over the moon
| to be absolutely happy
| black sheep of the family
| a member of a family or other group who is considered undesirable or disreputable
| to the four corner of the globe
| all parts of the Earth
| to be in smb. shoes
| put oneself in (someone else's place)
| have not got a clue
| not know or understand sth.
| down in the dumps
| unhappy
| sick and tired
| thoroughly weary, discouraged, or bored