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Grammatical category. Types of opposition.
A grammatical category is a unity of special gr.form and special gr.m-ing. It can be also defined as a certain gr.m-ing which is expressed by a gr.form, or a gr.category is a gr.form expressing a special gr.m-ing. The main method of revealing a gr.category is the method of binary opposition. A gr.category includes no fewer than 2 opposed forms but a bigger amount is possible. There are no categories that have only one form. To establish the category we must find at least 2 gr.forms which are opposed to one another on the principal having or not having distinctive features (marker). The member of opposition which has no marker is called weak or unmarked. The other member of opposition which has a certain mar is called marked or strong. There are oppositions where both members are marked (works – is working). Opposition may be 3 main types: 1. privative 2. gradual 3. equipollent 1 – has 2 members which one of them is unmarked. The marked member has a narrow defined m-ing while unmarked – wide general m-ing. 3 – both members are marked. 2 - members of this opposition differ by the degree of certain quality. Sometimes scholars distinguish b/n general and partial gr.category. GENERAL: 1. case 2. voice 3. tense 4. number PARTIAL: 1. genitive 2. plural 3. past 4. future Some gr.categories reflect phenomena of objective reality and they are called notional. The others are called formal. Notional gr.categories exist in all l-ge but formal differ from l-ge to l-ge. There are 2 types of oppositional reduction: a) neutralization b) transposition A – takes place when the marked member is replaced by unmarked. B – takes place when one of the member is used instead of the other and at the same time it inquires some stylistic effect.
10. The principles of the traditional classification of the vocabulary. Every l-ge contains thousands and thousands lexemes. When describing them it’s possibly to analyse them separately or unite them into classes which have more or less common features. While studying gr-r we deal with classes of lexemes called parts of speech. In modern linguistics parts of speech are divided on the bases of 3 criteria: a) semantic b) formal c) functional A – takes into consideration the m-ing which is characteristic of all the w-s constituting of given parts of speech. In the theoretical gr-r the m-ing of part of speech is called the categorical m-ing (the categorical m-ing of a N is substance, V – action, Adj – quality). B – takes into consideration the derivational feature (w. building affixes) and specific gr.categories of the part of speech. C – concerns the sementical role of w-s in the s-ce. Traditionally w-s are divided into notional and functional. Щерба divided w-s into notional (N, V, Adj, pronouns, numerals) and into functional (particals, model words, interjections, prepositions, conjunctions, articles). Each part of speech is further subdivided into subclasses (N into common, proper, countable, uncountable, V – notional, auxiliary, modal, regular, irregular, etc) Виноградов thinks only N, Adj, Pron, Num, V, Adv and the category of state may be consider parts of speech. We also distinguish 4 parts of speech: - particulars proper - linking particulars - prepositions - conjunctions J. Sweet divides part of speech into declinable (N, Adj, V) and indeclinable (Adv, prepos, conjun, interjection). He also suggests grouping w-s on the basis of syntactic functioning of classes of w-s. he divided v-ry into the nominal (N) w-s and he includes here N, N-pronouns, N-numerals, inf-gerunds. The 2nd of Adj w-s he includes here Adj, Adj-pronouns, Adj-numerals, particle. The 3d group – V-group which includes personal forms and verbal. Scientists have developed the 4th of dividing w-s based on the study of the w. combinability. Each class of w-s is characterized by a set of position in the s-ce which are defined by the substitution testing. Ch. Fries singles out for many classes of w-s roughly corresponding N, Adj, V, Adv, 15 of functional w-s. The scientists have chosen 3 frame: 1. the concert was good (always) 2. the clerk remembered the tax (suddenly) 3. the team went there Krutikov linked the theory based on the lexical m-ing with the phenomena of w. combinability and substitution. He distinguished: 1. notional 2. functional 3. semi-notional
11. Different approaches to the v-ry classifications. Admoni’s theory of the field structure of the English v-ry. There are different classification of the v-ry suggested by different authors. Виноградов thinks only N, Adj, Pron, Num, V, Adv and the category of state may be consider parts of speech. We also distinguish 4 parts of speech: - particulars proper - linking particulars - prepositions - conjunctions J. Sweet divides part of speech into declinable (N, Adj, V) and indeclinable (Adv, prepos, conjun, interjection). He also suggests grouping w-s on the basis of syntactic functioning of classes of w-s. he divided v-ry into the nominal (N) w-s and he includes here N, N-pronouns, N-numerals, inf-gerunds. The 2nd of Adj w-s he includes here Adj, Adj-pronouns, Adj-numerals, particle. The 3d group – V-group which includes personal forms and verbal. Scientists have developed the 4th of dividing w-s based on the study of the w. combinability. Each class of w-s is characterized by a set of position in the s-ce which are defined by the substitution testing. Ch. Fries singles out for many classes of w-s roughly corresponding N, Adj, V, Adv, 15 of functional w-s. The scientists have chosen 3 frame: 4. the concert was good (always) 5. the clerk remembered the tax (suddenly) 6. the team went there Krutikov linked the theory based on the lexical m-ing with the phenomena of w. combinability and substitution. He distinguished: 4. notional 5. functional 6. semi-notional The boundaries of part of speech are not clearly cut especially in the area of m-ing. Within the part of speech there are subclasses which are given to a class and other subclasses which have some another of their properties. Admoni proposed the theory of grammatical fields. He describes the part of speech as a field in which he distinguished the most typical marginals and less typical elements. Marginal areas of different part of speech may overlap and there may be intermediate elements with contradicted features. As a result different scholars single out from 9 till 13 part of speech in modern English. We may say that part of speech is a number of lexemes characterized by its lexico-gr.m-ing, its combinability and its functions in the s-ce.