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The noun category of case.

The case is a morphological category which shows the relation of the N with other w-s in the s-ce.

l-ges of synthetic structure have a developed case system.

L-ges of analytical structure lack these morphological category.

The only case which is traditionally distinguished in English is Possessive. Its marker is d ‘s or s’. but it’s not a typical case inflection. Most scholars think there are 2 cases: Common and Genitive. Possessive case is used with N denoting people and animals. The of-phrase is used with N denoting inanimate objects.

There are other theories which describe the category case of English. They are the prepositional theory where the case is determined by the combinability of a N with a certain preposition. The positional theory where the case of the N is determined by the position of the N. the last theory states that there is no case at all. All these theories are open to criticism.



The two words a(n), the form a separate group or class characterized by a) the lexico-grammatical meaning of '(in)definiteness', b) the right-hand combinability with nouns, c) the function of noun specifiers.

The lexical meaning of a(n) in Modern English is a very weak reminder of its original meaning (OE. an = one). The lexical meaning of the in Modern English is a pale shadow of its original demonstrative meaning.

One might be tempted to regard the two articles as members of an opposeme, and the meanings of 'definiteness', 'indefiniteness' as the particular meanings of some grammatical category. Language facts, however, contradict such views. As we know, the members of an opposeme must belong to the same lexeme and have identical meanings (barring those opposed). Now a(n) and the do not belong to one lexeme and their meanings are not identical. Besides the meaning of 'indefiniteness' a(n) possesses the meaning of 'oneness' not found in the. The 'demonstrative' meaning of the is alien to a(n).

For similar reasons a book — the book are not analytical members of some noun opposeme, and the, a(n) are not grammatical word-morphemes.' A(n) and the are not devoid of lexical meaning as

grammatical word-morphemes are. All this corroborates the view that the articles are individual words with individual lexical meanings united by the general lexico-grammatical meaning of '(in)definiteness'.

Some grammarians speak of the 'zero article'. A grammatical zero morpheme is created in an opposeme owing to the relative nature of grammatical meanings. As shown above, the articles are not grammatical morphemes and their meanings are not relative. They are words, and the absence of a word cannot be regarded as a zero word. We do not speak of zero prepositions or zero particles. There is not more reason to speak of zero articles. Combinability of the articles --- right-hand connections with the some parts of speech, nouns.

“a” --- classifying article. Bought a pencil = bought one of those things called pencils. He is a student =He is one of those (people) called students.

Abstract uncountables regularly occur with the indefinite article if used to denote kinds or varieties of some abstract concept, state, quality, etc. It had been a long and frustrating courtship.

Is no used with proper nouns

the ---- individualizing or limiting article.


# 17 The VERB. General characteristics, classification. The category of finitude.

Verb is the most complex and capacious part of speech. Verb – system of systems. The main division inside the verb is into finites and verbids. Verb is characterized by its following properties:

- lexico-grammatical meaning of action, process. It has certain typical stem-building elements, such as suffixes –ize, -en, -ify; prefixes re-, under-, over-, out-, super.

- grammatical categories of voice, order, aspect, tense, mood.

- characteristic combinability (can be associated with a noun, regularly modified by adverb)

- syntactical function of the predicate

In accordance with the stem-structure verbs are divided into: 1) simple (write, see) 2)derived (organize, rewrite) 3) compound (to broadcast) 4)composite (give up)

General classification

1) morphological (1. standart 2. non-standart)

2) semantical (1. notion (full lexical meaning) 2. semi-notional (hardly isolatable in the sentence, serve to connect words of the sentence – link, modal)

3) 1. subjective (connected only with the subject) 2. objective (connected with the subject and object)

Objective, which are connected with their object directly – transitive, with the help of prepositions – intransitive)

4) 1.terminative 2. non-terminative

Terminative denote actions which can not develop beyond a certain limit (time and space)

* come, take, stand up

Non-terminative: love, live, stand, sit, work


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