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Instructions to authors
The journal «Golden Horde Review» is issued according to international standards of SCOPUS online citation database (Elsevier publishing company, the Netherlands). When selecting articles the editorial office gives preference to the solving problem works. The proposed articles should not have been previously published (in full). The articles should be drawn technically correctly, strictly according to the following requirements. See the official website of the jornal https://goldhorde.ru Author Guidelines for Submission of Journal Manuscripts: – Articles are accepted in electronic form. Point size – 14, font – Times New Roman, regular style, line spacing, margins – 2 sm; – UDC (Universal Decimal Classification) of the article (https://udc.biblio.uspu.ru); – The initials and surname of the author(s) (on the right, bold font); – Title of the article (centered in bold, no capital letters); – Abstract in Russian; – Keywords in Russian; – The initials and surname of the author(s) – transliteration in Latin alphabet (https://ru.translit.net/? account=bgn); – Title of the article – in English; – Abstract (Originality / value) (200–250 words) and keywords (6–8 words) in English. Please, note that the abstract should be: 1. Informative (containing no generalities); 2. Original (not to be the calque of Russian annotation with literal translation); 3. Content-related (reflecting the main content of the article and the results of the study); 4. Written in good English; 5. Abstract is intended for a competent audience, so you can use the technical (specific) terminology of your discipline without forgetting that you are writing for an international audience. – Keywords in English. – Text of the article (in total – not less than 5 pages and no more than 1, 5 printer’s sheet); submitted material should be edited stylistically and technically, you should not include the tabulation or separate paragraphs by one empty line; – References in the text should be enclosed in square brackets and indicated by a number corresponding to the sequence number mentioned in the list of references. After the reference number follows the number (or numbers) of the publication's page on which the author refers. In the list of references the total amount of publication's pages should be indicated. For example: In the text: [10, p. 32] In the list of references: 10.Usmanov M.A. Charters of the Ulus of Jochi of the 14th–16th centuries. Kazan: Kazan University Press, 1979. 318 p. – References should be arranged in alphabetical order (surname and initials of the author, the title, place and year of publication, pages) – in original language, first – the sources on Cyrillic (Russian, Bulgarian, Ukrainian, etc.), then – on Latin alphabet (English, Turkish, French, etc.). – List of references in English (References) – combination of the transliterated and English parts of the Russian titles (for transliteration use https://www.translit.ru with option BGN – https://ru.translit.net/ For example: Description of monographs (books): Usmanov M.A. Zhalovannye akty Dzhuchieva ulusa XIV–XVI vv. [Charters of the Ulus of Jochi of the 14th–16th centuries]. Kazan, Kazan University Publ., 1979. 318 p. Description of article from continuing publication (the collection of works): Gatin M.S. Bertol'd Shpuler o pitanii v Zolotoy Orde [Bertold Spuler about Nutrition in the Golden Horde]. Zolotoordynskaya tsivilizatsiya. Sbornik statey [Golden Horde Civilization. Collected Papers]. Kazan, 2012, no. 5, pp. 8–12. Description of conference papers: Mirgaleev I.M. Toktamysh i Timur: restavratsiya antimamlyukskoy koalitsii [Tokhtamysh and Timur: The Restoration of anti-Mamluk Coalition]. Zolotoordynskoe nasledie. Materialy vtoroy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchnoy konferentsii «Politicheskaya i sotsial'no-ekonomicheskaya istoriya Zolotoy Ordy» [The Legacy of the Golden Horde. Proceedings of the Second International Conference «The Political and Socio-Economic History of the Golden Horde»]. Kazan, 2011, vol. 2, pp. 27–32. Description of the printed journal articles: Dode Z.V. K voprosu o boktag [Concerning the Question of Boktag]. Rossiyskaya arkheologiya – Russian Archaeology, 2008, no. 4, pp. 52–63. Description of the electronic journal article: Rady M. The Gesta Hungarorum of Anonymus, the Anonymous Description of translated books: Herberstein S. Rerum Moscoviticarum commentarii. Basiliae, 1556 (Russ. ed.: Gerberstein S. Zapiski o Moskovii. Red. V.L. Yanin. Moscow, Moscow University Publ., 1988. 430 p.). Only black and white illustrations are given in the journal. – Illustrations should be presented as separate files in the format TIF, JPG with high resolution of 200–300 dpi; – Captions to the illustrations and the tables should be given after the list of references; – At the end of the article should be given information on – Information about the author(s) – in English. Please, send your articles to e-mail: zolotayaorda.centr@mail.ru
Центр исследований истории Золотой Орды им. М.А.Усманова Института истории АН РТ является правообладателем исключительных имущественных прав на свои издания. Любое использование материала данного издания (размещение в Интернете, перепечатка, переиздание и т.д.), полностью или частично, без разрешения правообладателя запрещается.
Usmanov Center for Research on the Golden Horde History of