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Fifth 100 Names

401. Balaaay, One who is all mighty
402. Itihaasaay, One who is most ancient, who is the past and history
403. Sankalpaay, One whose resolves are always successful, the Lord is the work called ‘Mimansa’
404. Gautamaay, One who incarnated as Rishi Gautama, The one who has perfect control over His speech
405. Nishaakaraay, the Lord is the great work on grammar named after the Moon (Nishaakar- one who creates the night)
406. Dambhaay, One who punishes the wicked
407. Admabhaay, He is the One whom no one can punish
408. Vaidambhaay, The Lord is skilled in all religious observances
409. Vashyaay, One who is capable of being conquered only by His devotees
410. Vashakaraay, He subjects all to obey His commands
411. Kalayae, One who brings contention to destroy the Worlds
412. Lokakartrae, The Lord is the creator of the (14) spheres - lokaas
413. Pashupatayae, The Lord is the father/creator of all the jeevas from Brahmaji to the tiny grass
414. Mahaakartrae, The Lord is the creator of the five original elements
415. Anoashadhaay, The Lord is unattached to all acts and enjoyments
416. Aksharaay, The one who is free from decay, does not perish, indestructible
417. Parabrahmanae, The Lord is most supreme giver of joy, the highest bliss
418. Balavatae, One of greatest strength might
419. Shakraay, The Lord is Indra, Shakra
420. Neetayae, The Lord is the punishment inflicted on the wrong doers
421. Aneetayae, The Lord is the form of dictatorship prevailing in the worlds
422. Shuddhaatmanae, One who is the pure Soul, blissful
423. Shuddhaay, The Lord is blameless; He is without fault of any kind
424. Maanyaay, He is the one worthy of worship, honor
425. Gataagataay, The Lord is one from who the Worlds continuously appear and disappear
426. Bahuprasaadaay, The giver of the highest grace
427. Susvapnaay, The giver of good dreams
428. Darpanaay, The Lord is a mirror in which the Worlds are reflected
429. Amitrajitae, One who has conquered both His internal and external enemies
430. Vaedakaaraay, The author of the Vedas
431. Mantrakaaraay, The author of the Mantras, Tantraas and Puranaas
432. Vidvaan, One who has great knowledge of everything; animate and inanimate
433. Samaramadanaay, He is the crusher of the foes
434. Mahaamaeghanivaasinae, He resides in the mighty clouds which are formed at the time of Universal dissolution
435. Mahaaghoeraay, The great destroyer
436. Vashinae, The Lord successfully brings all creation under His control
437. Karaay, The Lord is the doer of all actions
438. Agnijwaalaay, One who has fire as His energy, strength, and vitality
439. Mahaajwaalaay, The one whose energy is mightier than fire, glowing in greatest splendor
440. Atidhoomraay, The Lord is the Yugafire that consumes everything
441. Hutaay, One who is gratified through sacfricial offerings, oblations
442. Havishae, The Lord is the Havis (water and other liquids) offered with the Mantras
443. Vrushanaay, The Lord is the embodiment of righteousness, Dharma
444. Shankaraay, the giver of the highest joy, bliss
445. Nityaay, Unchanging, always the same
446. Varchasvinae, The great effulgence
447. Dhoomakaetanaay, The Lord is the form of fire and smoke
448. Neelaay, One who is the color of emerald
449. Angalubdhaay, One who is always present in the phallic emblem
450. Shoabhanaay, He is the source of Auspiciousness
451. Niravagrahaay, One who cannot be baffled by anything or anybody
452. Svatidaay, The Lord is the giver of blessings, prosperity
453. Svatibhaavaay, The Lord is the very form of blessings, prosperity
454. Bhaaginae, One who receives His share in the sacrificial offerings
455. Bhaagakaraay, The Lord distributes to each their share in the sacrifice
456. Laghavae, One who is very nimble, has great speed
457. Utsangaay, One who is dissociated from all objects, non-attached
458. Mahaangaay, The Lord has the mightiest and most perfect limbs
459. Mahaagarbhaparaayanaay, The Lord is the supreme creator of the stream of Universes
460. Krushnavarnaay, One who is of a dark complexion (In your form as Lord Vishnu)
461. Suvarnaay, One who is of a golden/fair complexion (In your form as samba, Lord Krishna’s son)
462. Sarvadaehinaamindrinaay, One who dwells in all creatures as the master of the senses
463. Mahaapaadaay, One who is of large strides/ who has greatest feet
464. Mahaahastaay, One who has vast hands
465. Mahaakaayaay, The Lord has a vast body
466. Mahaayashasae, One who is of greatest fame
467. Mahaamoordhnae, The Lord has a vast head, (moordha means the crown of the head)
468. Mahaamaatraay, One who is of vast dimensions
469. Mahaanaetraay, One who has vast vision
470. Nishaalayaay, The Lord is the abode of darkness, ignorance
471. Mahaantakaay, The Lord is the greatest Destroyer in whom everything merges at the time of dissolution
472. Mahaakarnaay, He is the one with the greatest ears
473. Mahoeshthaay, The Lord has the greatest lips
474. Mahaahanavae, One who has the greatest chin, cheeks
475. Mahaanaasaay, The Lord has the greatest nose
476. Mahaakambavae, The one with the greatest throat
477. Mahaagreevaay, The Lord has the greatest neck
478. Shmashaanabhaajae, The giver of liberation (mukti), He tears the bonds of attachment to the body
479. Mahaavakshasae, The Lord has the greatest chest
480. Mahoeraskaay, The Lord has the greatest compassion
481. Antaraatmanae, The Lord dwells in the heart lotus of every being
482. Mrugalayaay, The Lord has a deer on His lap, (He is the shelter for even the animals)
483. Lambanaay, From whom innumerable worlds hang, just like fruits hang from a tree
484. Lambitoeshthaay, The Lord stretches His lips at the time of dissolution to swallow the Universes
485. Mahaamaayaay, The Lord creates the greatest illusion (Maaya)
486. Payonidhayae, The Lord is the vast ocean of milk
487. Mahaadantaay, The Lord has the greatest teeth
488. Mahaadanshtraay, He has the greatest jaws
489. Mahaajihvaay, The Lord has the greatest tongue
490. Mahaamukhaay, The Lord has the greatest mouth
491. Mahaanakhaay, The Lord has the greatest nails (In His incarnation as the Man-lion, Narasimha)
492. Mahaaroemnae, The Lord has vast bristles (hair on the body in the Boar incarnation)
493. Mahaakaeshaay, The Lord has hair of infinite length
494. Mahaajataay, The Lord has the greatest matted locks of hair (Jataa)
495. Prasannaay, The Lord is always cheerful, blissful
496. Prasaadaay, He if the very form of graciousness, kindness
497. Pratyayaay, The Lord is the very form of belief
498. Girisaadhanaay, The Lord has the mountain as His bow
499. Snaehanaay, One who is like a father in affection towards his children
500. Asnaehanaay, One who is not affectionate, non-attached

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