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Seventh 100 Names

601. Mahaayudhaay, The greatest warrior with mighty weapons
602. Bahudhaaninditaay, The Lord has been accused and criticized numerous times
603. Sharvaay, The Lord caused confusion in the Rishis living in the Daruka forest (This was only to help the Rishis)
604. Shankaraay, The Lord does good to even those who have moved away from Him (Reference to the Rishis of the Daruka forest)
605. Shankaraay, The Lord dispels the fears of all and gives them liberation (Reference to the Rishis of the Daruka forest)(this name appears twice in the Shiv Sahastranama)
606. Adhanaay, One who has no wealth, and lives as a pauper
607. Amaraeshaay, The Lord is the Lord of the celestials
608. Mahaadaevaay, The greatest Lord
609. Vishwadaevaay, The Lord of the Universe, one who is adored even by Lord Vishnu
610. Suraaridhnae, The Lord destroys the enemies of the Gods
611. Ahirbudhnyaay, The Lord lives in the form of Sesha (the great serpent) in the nether worlds
612. Anilaabhaay, the Lord is all pervading. He is invisible like the wind, but can be known
613. Chaekitaay, One who knows the root matter of everything
614. Havishae, One who is the Oblation, One who enjoys the Havis (object)
615. Ajaikapaadae, Among the eleven Rudras the Lord is Ajaikapaad
616. Kapaalinae, One who wears a garland of skulls around his neck
617. Trishankavae, The Lord is the form of all the Jeevas (self) with the three attributes of the Gunaas
618. Ajitaay, He is invincible, unconquerable
619. Shivaay, The Auspicious one, the state of pure existence that is not possible to describe through words
620. Dhanvantarayae, The Lord is the physician Dhanvantaree
621. Dhoomakaetavae, The Lord is the comet of difficulties that are experienced by the sinful
622. Skandaay, The father of Skanda, the great commander
623. Vaishravanaay, You are the Lord of the Yakshaas and Kubera, who is inseparable from you
624. Dhaatrae, You are the giver, protector, and the support of all
625. Shakraay, The Lord is Indra
626. Vishnavae, The Lord is Vishnu the all pervading
627. Mitraay, The Lord is Mitra, the Sun
628. Tvashtrae, The Lord is celestial builder
629. Dhruvaay, The Lord is the Pole Star, One who is firm and not changing his position
630. Dharaay, The Lord is the supporter of everything
631. Prabhaavaay, Among the Vaasus the Lord is Prabhaava, One who influences
632. Sarvagavaay, All pervading, The Lord is the wind which is capable of going everywhere
633. Aryamnae, The Lord is the form of Aryamaa, the leader of the Pitris (Manes)
634. Savitrae, The Lord is power of the Sun
635. Ravayae, The Lord is the Sun
636. Ushangavae, The Lord is the great ancient king Ushangu
637. Vidhaatrae, The supporter of all creation
638. Maandhaatrae, The Lord is the giver of honor; He is the one who gratifies all creatures
639. Bhootabhavaay, He is the source of all creatures
640. Vibhavae, One who has diverse forms
641. Varnavibhaavinae, The Lord is the author of the different categories
642. Sarvakaamagunaavahaay, The Lord upholds the desires of His devotees and all the attributes of nature
643. Padmanaabhaay, The Lord holds the World lotus on His navel
644. Mahaagarbhaay, The Lord is the great womb of creation
645. Chandravaktraay, Who holds the curved moon on His head, Whose face in lovely as the moon
646. Anilaay, The Lord is the wind
647. Analaay, The Lord is the fire
648. Balavatae, One who has immense strength, might
649. Upashaantaay, One who is peaceful or tranquil
650. Puraanaay, He is most ancient
651. Punyachanchavae, The Lord is supremely pure and expert in all undertakings, One who is known through righteousness
652. Ityai, The Lord is Lakshmi, auspiciousness
653. Kurookartrae, The Lord is the author of the field and the actions
654. Kuroovaasinae, The one who abides in the field of action
655. Puroohootaay, The Lord is the very self of the field of action
656. Gunaushadhaay, The Lord is the medicine to overcome the attributes of nature (Gunas)
657. Sarvaashayaay, The Lord is the resting place for everything
658. Darbhachaarinae, The Lord treads the sacred grounds where the sacred grass grows (Darbha)
659. Sarvapraanipatayae, The Lord is the Lord of all creatures
660. Devadevaay, The God of Gods
661. Sukhaasaktaay, The Lord is blissfull
662. Sadasatae, The Lord is the cause and the Lord is the effect (Sat and Asat)
663. Sarvaratnavidae, One who possesses the best of all things
664. Kailaasagirivaasinae, The one who resides on Mt. Kailaasa
665. Himavadgirisamashrayaay, The Lord dwells on the Himaavat Mountain
666. Koolahaarinae, The Lord washes away everything like the current sweeps everything from its banks
667. Koolakartae, The Lord is the creator of the safe banks for His devotees
668. Bahuvidyaay, One who has the knowledge of infinite kinds
669. Bahupradaay, The Lord is the giver of infinite gifts, blessings
670. Vanijaay, One who is a trader
671. Vadhakinae, One who is a carpenter- The Lord is the creator/builder
672. Vrukshaay, The Lord is the tree that provides all the needs
673. Bakulaay, The Lord is fragrant like the bakulaa flowers
674. Chandanaay, The Lord is the Sandalwood tree, fragrant like
675. Chhandaay, The Lord is the form of verses, composition
676. Saaragreevaay, The Lord has an excellent neck
677. Mahaajatravae, The Lord has a vast shoulder joint
678. Aloelaay, The Lord is tranquil, not restless
679. Mahoashadhaay, The Lord is the form of herbs, plants, and medicine
680. Siddhaarthakaarinae, One who grants success in achieving their goals
681. Chhandovyaakaranottarsiddhaarthaay, The Lord knows the true and correct meanings of both the Vedas and Grammar
682. Simhanaadaay, The Lord has the roar of the lion
683. Simhadamshtraay, The Lord has fierce fangs like the lion
684. Simhagaay, The Lord rides on the lion
685. Simhavaahanaay, One who vehicle is pulled by lions
686. Prabhaavaatmanae, The Lord is the truth of truths
687. Jagatkaalasthaanaay, The Lord brings about destruction of the Universe
688. Lokahitaay, The Lord is always working for the welfare of the world
689. Taravae, The Lord rescues all aerations from distress
690. Saarangaay, One who is of the form of the bird - Saaranga
691. Navachakraangaay, One who is the form of a new (young) swan
692. Kaetumaalinae, The Lord looks beautiful with flowers forming a crest on His head (like that of the peacock)
693. Sabhaayanaay, The Lord protects the assemblies where the wise gather to give justice
694. Bhootaalayaay, The Lord is the refuge, shelter of the goblins, ghosts etc.
695. Bhootapatayae, One who is the head of ghosts and goblins (all creatures)
696. Ahoeraatraay, The Lord is the day and the night (eternity)
697. Aninditaay, The Lord is faultless
698. Sarvabhootavaahitrae, The Lord carries, supports all
699. Sarvabhootanilayaay, The Lord is the refuge of all
700. Vibhayae, The Lord is birth less

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