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Central nervous system drugs. Cardiovascular drugs⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 58 из 58
People in every civilization in recorded history have used drugs of plant and animal origin to prevent and treat diseases. Many of these drugs are still in use today, but most drugs used in modern medicine are produced synthetically. According to Collins dictionary, a drug is a synthetic, semisynthetic, or natural chemical substance used in the treatment, prevention, or diagnosis of disease, or for other medical reasons. There are different types of drugs used to treat and prevent different diseases. Central Nervous System Drugs affect the central nervous system and are of two main types: those which stimulate the nerves in the brain and spinal cord, stimulants, and those which depress the nerves in the brain and spinal cord, depressants. Stimulants produce a temporary feeling of euphoria (well-being) and help to relieve lethargy. Amphetamines can produce restlessness, insomnia and nervousness as well as hypertension and gastrointestinal disorders when given in high doses. Used in excessive doses, such side effects as convulsions can appear. There are several types of central nervous system depressants. These include analgesics, hypnotics, sedatives and barbiturates, tranquilizers, anticonvulsants, alcohol and anesthetics. Analgesics are used to relieve pain. They are divided into two categories: narcotic and nonnarcotic. Narcotic analgesics can suppress the central nervous system and relieve pain, but in excessive doses produce unconsciousness, stupor, coma, and possibly death. Most of narcotic analgesics are additive and habit-forming. Sedatives are used to quiet and relax the patient without necessarily producing sleep. Some drugs act as sedatives in small doses and in large doses as hypnotics that produce sleep. Anticonvulsants are used to treat epilepsy and relieve seizures. Anesthetics produce temporary state of unconsciousness, loss of sensation and loss of the appreciation of pain. Cardiovascular drugs may be divided into three groups: drugs that affect the heart; drugs that affect blood pressure and drugs that prevent blood clotting. Drugs, that affect the heart, change the rate and force of the heartbeat are called cardiac glycosides. These drugs are used to treat patients in heart failure (when the heart is not contracting with sufficient force). Drugs that correct an irregular heartbeat and slow a heart that is beating too fast are called anti-arrhythmics. Vasodilators are drugs which relax the muscles of vessels walls, thus increasing the size of blood vessels. Nitrites are drugs which are also used as vasodilators. They dilate all smooth (involuntary) muscles in the body, but have a greater effect on the muscles of the coronary blood vessels. Diuretics promote excretion of fluid and which in turn reduces the volume of blood and thus also low blood pressure. Vasoconstrictors are drugs which constrict muscle fibers around blood vessels and narrow the size of the vessel opening. Vasoconstrictors are needed to raise blood pressure, increase the force of heart action, and stop local bleeding. Drugs that prevent blood clotting are called anticoagulants. They are used to prevent the formation of clots in the veins and arteries.
Exercise 5. Match the following Ukrainian words and word combinations with the English ones:
Exercise 6. Answer the questions to the text: 1. What is a drug? 2. What types are CNS drugs subdivided into? 3. What drugs are used before surgery to stop appreciation of pain? 4. What is the action of anticonvulsants? 5. What are the main groups of cardiovascular drugs? 6. What drugs are used to increase heart rate and the force of contraction? 7. What drugs are used to low blood pressure? 8. What is the action of anticoagulants on the human body?
Exercise 7. Match the words and word-combinations with their definitions:
Exercise 8. Translate the words given in italics: 1. Opium is знеболююче, що викликає звикання. 2.Stimulants are administered to produce тимчасове відчуття гарного самопочуття. 3. This drug лікує серцеву недостатність. 4. If you take this drug у надмірних дозах it may cause restlessness. 5. Anesthetics продукують несвідомий стан and enable the performance of other medical interventions. 6. Судинорозширювальні препарати relax muscle walls and low blood pressure. 7. The patient was administered anticoagulants щоб запобігти формуванню тромбів. 8. Anesthesia is a unique medical intervention which продукує втрату відчуття болю. Exercise 9. Find synonyms to the text to the phrases given below: Loss of theappreciation of pain, sleeplessness, to relieve convulsions, anxiety, to soothe and calm down, loss of consciousness, adverse effects, illness, additive, to increase blood pressure, to decrease the volume of blood.
Exercise 10. Insert the missing prepositions: 1. If this drug is used... excessive doses, it can produce convulsions. 2. Alcohol is central nervous system depressant which affects ….. the cerebral cortex of the brain. 3. Most of these drugs are extracted … plant leaves. 4. These drugs restore the heart rhythm … depressing myocardial impulses. 5. These drugs are used … treating blood vessel diseases. 6. This drug is easily absorbed … the blood stream and is also easily excreted … the body. 7. Sedatives are used to quiet and relax the patient... necessarily producing sleep. 8. Central nervous system stimulants are used to speed up vital processes... cases of shock and collapse.
Exercise 11. Guess what type of drugs is it said about: 1. ___________ inhibit the growth of microorganisms. 2. ___________ are used to prevent the formation of clots in veins and arteries. 3. ___________ are used to raise blood pressure, increase the force of heart action, and stop local bleeding. 4. _________ strengthen the myocardium and slow the rate of contraction of the heart. 5. ____________ produce substances, which are called antibodies that fight a particular disease. 6. _____________ facilitate or increase bowel movements and are mostly used to treat constipation. 7. _____________ despite antibiotics are produced synthetically. 8. Penicillin was the first _________________ to be produced and it still assumes a position of major importance in this field.
Exercise 12. What drugs would be administered to the patient with: Epilepsy, heart failure, hypertension, insomnia, acute pain, thrombosis. Exercise 13. Translate the following sentences, paying attention to Active and Passive Voice: 1. Diuretics excrete fluid and shrink the volume of blood within the vessels. 2. New kinds of microorganisms were discovered by scientists in the XX century. 3. The course of drug treatment of leukemia will be accompanied by X-ray treatment which should be applied externally. 4. The mixture contained less than 16% of oxygen. 5. This drug will act on the nervous system of the patient. 6. After this injection had been introduced the felt much more quiet and relaxed. 7. In the cases of shock and collapse vital processes have been speeded up by central nervous system stimulants. 8. The usual dose of the drug which was given in the treatment of leukemia constituted 6-10 mg per day at weekly intervals.
Exercise 14. Put questions to the underlined words: 1. The excessive use of this drug may occasionally cause a rise in blood pressure. 2. The patient suffering from nausea and vomiting will be administered antiemetics. 3. Antiserum gave only temporary protection against the disease. 4. This antibiotic was obtained from naturally occurring microorganisms. 5. Most antibiotics nowadays are prepared synthetically. 6. The lobular pneumonia has successfully been treated with antibiotics. 7. Unlike vaccines, antiserums contain antibodies rather than substances that cause the body to produce antibodies. 8. Before the patient went to Africa he had been vaccinated against malaria.
Exercise 15. Open the brackets and translate the sentences into your native language: 1. Antiserums usually (to give) only temporary protection. 2. Antihistamines (not to cure) the allergic reaction, but they (to relieve) its symptoms. (refers to the future) 3. The patient never (to suffer) so much from an acute pain before so he (to prescribe) potent drugs. 4. The doctor stated, that insomnia (to cause) by stress at work. 5. If you take this drug regularly the formation of clots in veins and arteries (to prevent). 6. Heart rhythm (to control) by antiarrhythmics after a long treatment. (refers to the past) 7. Amphetamines already (to produce) restlessness and insomnia. 8. The loss of theappreciation of pain in this patient (to produce) by hypnotic drugs. (refers to the past)
Exercise 16. Translate into English: 1. Ліки звичайно приймаються перорально, але можуть призначатися внутрішньовенно або внутрішньом'язово. 2. Це лікувальний засіб для регулювання і запобігання серцевим нападам. 3. Лікування серцевої недостатності – одна з найактуальніших проблем кардіології. 4. Сечогінні засоби сприяють збільшенню виділення сечі і зменшенню вмісту рідини в організмі. 5. Аспірин знизить його температуру, та заспокоює біль. 6. Препарати, що звужують судини, необхідні, щоб підняти кров’яний тиск. 7. У великих дозах серцеві глікозиди зменшують збудливість міокарда. 8. Ці ліки будуть пригнічувати центральну нервову систему.
Здання для самостійної роботи студентів
Test 1. Narcotic drugs are those which depress the central nervous system and produce... a) sleeplessness b) restlessness c) sleep d) anxiety e) excitement
2. Cardiac glycosides are used to treat patients in.... a) cholecystitis b) heart failure c) pericarditis d) gastritis e) angina pectoris
3. Central nervous system stimulants are used to... vital processes in case of shock and collapse. a) slow down b) smooth c) reduce d) strengthen e) speed up
4. The loss of sensitivity …… by the administration of anesthetics during the operation yesterday. a) was removed b) is produced c) was produced d) has been relieved e) will be achieved
5.... are drugs which relax the muscles of vessel walls. a) vasoconstrictors b) pain killers c) vasodilators d) glycosides e) cocaine derivatives
6. The drugs that stimulate the nerves in the brain and spinal cord are called.... a) anticoagulants b) stimulants c) diuretics d) vasodilators e) depressants
7. Anesthetics are drugs which produce loss of... and particularly loss of appreciation of pain. a) consciousness b) sensation c) talkativeness d) depression e) fear
8. Sedatives are used... the patient without necessarily producing sleep. a) to change behavior b) to excite c) to depress d) to relax e) to stimulate
9.... are drugs which relax the muscles of vessel walls. a) vasoconstrictors b) pain killers c) vasodilators d) glycosides e) cocaine derivatives
10. Diuretics ……fluid out of the body. a) discharge b) defecate c) enter d) administer e) excrete
Exercise 1. Practice the pronunciation:
Exercise 2. Learn the following words: inspection огляд heed враховувати chair-side крісло cancel анулювати dye фарбувати warn попереджати, запобігати resistance стійкість, опір benefit користь rinse полоскати disclosing tablet виявляюча таблетка suck смоктати (таблетку) dietary харчування detergent очищувальний debris харчові залишки
Exercise 3. Form verbs from the following nouns. Translate them: Inspection, instruction, reminder, explanation, demonstration, combination, replacement, prevention, detection, requirement, treatment, restoration, extraction, addition
Exercise 4. Translate the sentences paying attention to the underlined words: The beneficial effect of cleaning teeth after meals is cancelled out if food debris is replaced by frequent snacks between meals. The patients should be warned against snacks between meals. Either some fruit should be taken instead or snacks stopped.
Exercise 5. Translate into Russian paying attention to the Passive Voice: 1. This information mustn’t be ignored. 2. Complete clinical history and physical examination are followed by administration of a proper treatment. 3. A severe attack of influenza was followed by pneumonia. 4. The severity of heart attack can be evaluated using this monitor without a cardiologist. 5. Thirteen cases were included in the review.
Exercise 6. Read and translate the text: Preventive dentistry includes instruction in oral hygiene, regular inspection and any necessary treatment for prevention and removal of stagnation areas. Instruction in oral hygiene is best given at the chair-side, whilst posters and pamphlets in the waiting room serve as an extra reminder. Patients are told how dental disease arises and how it can be prevented. This entails an explanation of the all-important role of plaque and the effects it produces. The most impressive way of demonstrating plaque on their own teeth is to give patients a disclosing tablet to suck. This contains a dye that stains it bright red. Patients can then see by themselves in a mirror whether they are cleaning their teeth properly. They are then shown how to use a toothbrush correctly, advised to clean their teeth after every meal and warned against snacks between meals. However, they are not likely to heed such advice unless it is practicable. Patients must therefore be told how to clean their teeth when a toothbrush is not available. The best substitute in such cases is a detergent food or plain water mouth rinse. It must be emphasized that the beneficial effect of cleaning teeth after meals is cancelled out if food debris is continually replaced by frequent snacks between meals. Prevention is better than cure. Patients should be encouraged to have a regular inspection twice a year. Further instruction can then be given if necessary. Bitewing X-rays are taken at the same time for early diagnosis of caries. These visits will detect incipient dental disease that can be treated far more easily in its earliest stages than later.
Exercise 7. Find equivalents for the following words and word combinations in the text: Pегулярний огляд; плакати та буклети; найбільш вражвючий спосіб, забарвлювати у яскраво-червоний колір; коли зубна щітка недосяжна; дисципліна харчування; між прийманнями їжі; замість цього; двічі на рік; подальші инструкції; захворювання на ранній стадії; початок захворювання; ушкоджені зуби.
Exercise 8. Skim the text and look for the answers to the following questions: 1.What does preventive dentistry include? 2.When is instruction in oral hygiene best given? 3.What are patients told? 4.What does the most impressive way of demonstrating plaque contain? 5.The patients are only shown how to use a toothbrush correctly, aren't they? 6.How can patients clean their teeth if a toothbrush is not available? 7.Why is cleaning after every meal not enough unless it is combined with dietary discipline? 8.What is better prevention or cure? 9.How often should patients have a regular inspection? 10. In what stage can any dental disease be treated easily?
Exercise 9. Translate into English: 1. Профілактика у стоматології передбачає різноманітні способи: рекомендації з гігієни ротової порожнини, регулярні огляди, лікування з метою запобігання захворюванню. 2. Пацієнтам необхідно пояснити, як можна запобігти карієсу. 3. Правильність чищення зубів можна перевірити шляхом забарвлювання зубного нальоту спеціальним барвником. 4. Пацієнт повинен бачити сам, чи правильно він чистить зуби. 5. Якщо зубна щітка недосяжна, потрібно, принаймні, зۥ їсти яблуко або прополоскати рота водою. 6. Чищення зубів неэффективне після їжі, якщо ви перекусуєте між прийманнями їжі. 7. Пацієнта слід переконати у необхідності обстеження стану ротової порожнини регулярно двічі на рік. 8. Це допоможе диагностувати захворювання ротової порожнини на їхній ранній стадії. 9. Раннє лікування дозволить зберігти зуби протягом усього життя.
Exercise 10. Insert the necessary prepositions and translate the text: Increasing Resistance to Caries Increasing the resistance … a tooth to acid attack has already been mentioned. It can be done … dietary measures and fluoridation. But fluoridation is a subject … such importance to the dental profession that it is covered … much more detail. Decisions to introduce fluoridation are made … local authority level and every dental student should know its benefits so that they may voice their opinion … the basis of knowledge rather than emotion.
Test 1. Patients … how dental disease arises and how it can be prevented. a) is told b) told c) can tell d) are told e) talk
2. The most impressive way of demonstrating plaque on their own teeth is to give patients … to suck. a) Remedy b) a disclosing tablet c) a red pill d) a dying tablet b) e) a candy
3. Patients … then see by themselves in a mirror whether they are cleaning their teeth properly. a) Must b) should c) can d) may e) might
4. The best substitute in case when a toothbrush is not available is …. a) to eat fruit and vegetables b) not to eat c) to use a detergent food or plain water mouth rinse after meal d) to drink e) to eat an apple
5. Instruction in oral hygiene is best given …. a) at the chair-side b) in the Internet c) at hospital d) in posters and pamphlets e) in the policlinic
6. Patients can then see … in a mirror whether they are cleaning their teeth properly. a) on themselves b) by themselves c) by their own d) themselves e) for themselves
7. These visits will detect incipient dental disease that can be treated far more easily … its earliest stages than later. a) at b) on c) for d) in e) along
8. However, they are not likely to heed such advice unless it is …. a) Visible b) practicable c) tangible d) substantial e) vital
9. It must be emphasized that the beneficial effect of cleaning teeth after meals is … if food debris is continually replaced by frequent snacks between meals. a) put off b) lost c) insignificant d) gained e) cancelled out
10. They … how to use a toothbrush correctly, advised to clean their teeth after every meal and warned against snacks between meals. a) are shown b) show c) is shown d) are showed e) is showed