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Appendix A: Delivery Checklist

q Have all instructions been followed? Check the PO and any email correspondence from the PM.

q Have you performed a spelling and grammar check?

q Have you checked the names within the document one more time?

q Have you checked the numbers and any necessary measurement conversions?

q Have you made sure your work contains no missing text?

q Have you removed any highlighting, special characters, or other features added for your own use?

q Have you checked that all formatting instructions have been followed?

q Check that work is in the correct format (i.e. Word, PowerPoint, etc.) – check PO or e-mail for instructions.

q File name of document includes the job number – however DO NOT alter Wordfast file names.

q Check that you have attached the correct files.

When submitting your work, verify that the:

q Email is addressed to the correct person(s) – check PO.

q Job number is listed in the email subject line. Job number can be found in the PO.


Appendix B: Translator’s Code of Ethics and Proper Conduct

This Code is not only intended to outline the fundamental principles that all translators must follow, but also to guide them in developing their own ethical reasoning and applying their own informed judgment in all assignment settings, whether the situation lies in the parameters defined by this Code, or if it exceeds them.

i. Translators shall treat any information learned in an assignment as confidential.


ii. Translators shall convey the content and spirit with which any expression is written, completely and precisely, to the best of their ability and understanding.


iii. Translators must have a good grasp of the subject area in which they are translating, and must be able to effectively translate terminology specific to the subject in both the source and target languages.


iv. Translators shall consult all available sources and references, especially when provided by the Project Manager, in order to produce a translation of the highest quality possible.


v. Translators shall not interject subjective judgments or personal opinions in any body of work, and shall not allow personal values to interfere with the integrity, accuracy or completeness of any translation.


vi. Translators shall refrain from accepting an assignment when objectivity may be jeopardized by individual values or personal relationships.


vii. Translators shall continuously seek to enhance and broaden their knowledge of evolving language and subject-specific terminology, and shall participate in continuing education programs as available, attending at least one related educational event each year.


viii. Translators shall accurately represent their certifications, accreditations, training and pertinent experience.



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