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Vocabulary Notes. 1. Francis Bacon (1561–1626) – English philosopher, essayist and statesman


1. Francis Bacon (1561–1626) – English philosopher, essayist and statesman. Under James I he advanced from the knight (1603) to attor- ney general (1613) to Lord Chancellor (1618). In 1621 he pleaded guilty to charges of accepting bribes and was fined and banished from the of- fice; he spent the rest of his life writing in retirement. Bacon’s best-known writings are his aphoristic Essays (1597–1625). His major contribution to philosophy was his application of induction, the approach used by modern science.

2. Magna Carta [Lat., = great charter], the most famous document of British constitutional history, issued (1215) by King John at Runnymede under compulsion by the barons. The purpose of the original charter was to ensure feudal rights and to guarantee that the king could not encroach on baronial privileges. The document also guaranteed the freedom of the church and the customs of the towns; implied laws protecting the rights of subjects and communities, which the king could be compelled to observe; and vaguely suggested at least to later generations guarantees of trial by jury and Habeas Corpus.



Reading Comprehension




I. Scanning.


1. Find in the text who in the UK is responsible for upholding the law and what it means.

2. Find out what most important characteristics and duties the judiciary have.

3. Find out what principle is stated both by Lord Chief Justice Hewart and in the European Convention on Human Rights.

II. Skimming.


1. Look more closely through the part “The Prosecution of Francis Bacon” and decide which of the following statements renders the main idea of the given part:

a. Francis Bacon was a deeply flawed, vain and ambitions character.

b. The corruption of Lord Chancellor Bacon is the most infamous stain on legal history record.

c. A judge should not try a case if he is associated with either party.

2. Look through the second part of the chapter and mark the statement that represents the main idea of the given passage.

a. The use of Latin in the courts in now discouraged.

b. The quotation is a statement of how the courts should always do justice according to law, no matter the consequences.

c. The Latin saying “Fiat justitia, ruat coelum” (Let justice be done though the heavens should fall) – remains one of the popular quotations used by barristers.



Vocabulary Work





I. Suggest Russian equivalents of the following expressions and use them in your own sentences based on the text.


1. unfair prosecution; 2. take bribes; 3. prejudice; 4. uphold the law;

5. be biased; 6. pay a fine; 7. allege; 8. his property was forfeit; 9. libel;

10. outlaw smb.; 11. plead for mercy; 12. ruling; 13 fallible; 14. malice;

15. appalling injustice.



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