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VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. It is a truth universally acknowledged that the constitution of a modern democracy governed by the rule of law must effectively guarantee judicial


1. It is a truth universally acknowledged that the constitution of a modern democracy governed by the rule of law must effectively guarantee judicial independence.

2. The case was a milestone in establishing the right of free speech.

3. Justice is portrayed as blind, not because she ignores the facts and circumstances of individual cases, but because she shuts her eyes to all considerations extraneous to the particular case.

4. Not only must judges never actually be biased, they must also never allow themselves to be put in a position where they might be accused of bias.

5. The legal system is after all run by human beings for human beings, and all human beings are fallible.


VIII. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.


1. libel; 2. considerations extraneous to the case; 3. judiciary; 4. allege;

5. rulings; 6. heard afresh; 7. corruption; 8. unanimous; 9. forfeit; 10. litigation;

11. independent.


1. The newspaper reporters that the man was murdered but they have given no proof.

2. If a man put his country in danger by helping the enemy, his life and possessions were to the crown.

3. Rod Stewart has won the first round in a $15 million action against a newspaper which claimed he cheated on wife Rachel Hunt with her agreement.

4. We saw it eye to eye and the vote was.

5. The judge has made several on these matters.

6. Justice is portrayed as blind because she shuts her eyes to.

7. If the judge was biased, the ruling of the court should be set aside and the case.

8. Cases of judicial corruption, where a judge has actually taken a bribe offered by one of the parties to, are however, almost unheard of in our many centuries of legal history.

9. The judges as a whole are called the and one of their most important characteristics is that they are.

10. is the crime of giving and taking bribes.



IX. Fill in the appropriate prepositions from the box.


for (6); over (2); against; with; in (3); upon; on (2); to; up to; from (2); at.


1. The courts and the judges who preside them are responsible

upholding the law.

2. Chancellor Bacon was called to decide two cases.

3. Bacon actually decided the case the person who gave the bribe.

4. Nevertheless he was still charged corruption.

5. due course he confessed his crimes and pleaded mercy.

6. The Spanish authorities applied a warrant the arrest of General Pinochet and his extradition Spain charges that he was responsible ”genocide, torture and terrorism’’.

7. the years there have been many notable examples of judges who have stood the power of the throne.

8. The public large – everyone in the country – has an interest

justice being done.

9. Every time a judge tries a case, he himself is trial.

10. F. Bacon was dismissed office, fined and imprisoned the

Tower of London taking bribes.



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