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VII. Translate the sentences from English into Russian. 1. This agency will carry out the administrative and support tasks for the


1. This agency will carry out the administrative and support tasks for the

Court of Appeal, High Court, Crown Court, and county courts.

2. Certain other distinguished judges, for example, the Lord Chief Justice and the Master of the Rolls, may also sit in ‘the Lords’. All the Law Lords are Life Peers, created from the ranks of judges.

3. The Law Lords may reach their decisions by a majority, and it is not unusual for the court to decide its cases by a majority of 3-2.

4. Lord Chancellor Falconer said the object of the creation of this ‘new free-standing Supreme Court will be to ‘separate the highest appeal court from the second house of Parliament, and remove the Lords of Appeal in Ordinary from the legislature... the proposed new Court will be a United Kingdom body legally separate from the England and Wales courts since it will also be the Supreme Court of both Scotland and Northern Ireland’.

5. Consultation Paper prepared by the Department for Constitutional Affairs refers to: questions about whether there is sufficient transparency of independence from the executive and legislature to give people the assurance to which they are entitled about the independence of the judiciary.

6. The considerable growth of judicial review in recent years has inevitably brought the judges into the political eye. It is essential that our systems do all that they can to minimize the danger that judges’ decisions could be perceived to be politically motivated.

7. It therefore follows that a High Court Judge in the Queen’s Bench Division is likely to find the year divided up into periods when he or she will be in London, or say, Leeds, Manchester, Cardiff or Winchester trying either serious criminal cases or important civil cases, or sitting in the Court of Appeal, assisting the Lords Justices to hear criminal appeals.

8. Circuit Judges may be specially approved to try cases involving certain types of serious criminal offences, such as murder, rape, child abuse, and fraud.

9. Members of the public sit as magistrates as an act of public duty.

10. In cases of difficulty, where, for example, the circumstances of death may point to someone being to blame, a jury will be sworn to give a verdict as to the cause of death.


VII. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.



1. decision(2); 2. recognizes; 3. law; 4. Tribunal; 5. binding(2); 6. judges(2);

7. precedent; 8. sentencing; 9. injustice; 10. co-ordinate jurisdiction;

11. per incuriam; 12. development; 13. Court of Appeal; 14. follow; 15. settlements; 16. free; 17. entered into; 18. criminal jurisdiction; 19. court’s opinion; 20. criminal; 21. duty; 22. principle; 23. conflicting; 24. rule(2); 25. decided; 26. criminal cases; 27. House; 28. Parliament; 29. a question; 30. court; 31. civil side; 32. previous decision; 33. applicant; 34. conflicting;

35. members; 36. misunderstood; 37. tribunals; 38. statute; 39. force; 40. binding; 41. determination; 42. review; 43. in ignorance; 44. unanimous;

45. bound; 46. entitled; 47. first instance; 48. inferior; 49.overruled.

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