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Unit 5. Интонация повелительных предложений. Intonation of imperatives.

Model: ˎ Read. 'Read the 'text aˎ gain.

'Cheer ˏ up. Conˏ tinue.

Обычно команды, приказы, инструкции произносятся нисходящим тоном, а просьбы — восходящим. Например:

'Bring me a ˎ chair. 'Bring me a ˏ chair.

'Don't ˎ cry. 'Don't ˏ cry.

'Shut the ˎ door. 'Shut the ˏ door.

Exercise 1. Read the commands and requests. Observe the intonation they are pronounced with.

a). ˎ Go. ˎ Try. ˎ Stay. ˎ Wait. ˎ Write. ˎ Phone. ˎ Here. ˎ Stop it. ˎ Bring it.

b). 'Open the 'books at 'page ˎ 30. Tran'scribe and in'tone the ˎ sentences. 'Learn the 'text by ˎ heart. 'Don't ˎ look at me. 'Speak ˎ louder. 'Don't 'make misˎ takes. 'Always co'rrect your miˎ stakes. 'Let him 'speak ˎ louder. 'Ask ˎ questions. 'Read the ˎ text. 'Sit ˎ down. 'Take a ˎ pen.

c) 'Write to her aˋ gain then. 'Don't 'say anything at ˋ all. 'Come as 'soon as you ˋ can. 'Let's 'go ˋ home. 'Don't 'go aˋ way. 'Shut the ˋ door.

d) Conˏ tinue. 'Go ˏ on. 'Go aˏ head. 'Don't ˏ mention it. Be ˏ careful. Your ˏ passport, please. 'Hold it ˏ carefully. 'Don't 'take it too 'much to ˏ heart. 'Cheer ˏ up. 'Don't ˏ worry. 'Don't be ˏ long. 'Let me ˏ show you. 'Give it to ˏ Mummy, Johnnie. 'Now 'don't 'stay 'too ˏ late. 'Do 'bring him 'round to ˏ see us. 'Pass me the ˏ salt, please. 'Work ˏ hard. 'Don't be ˏ silly. 'Buy me a ˏ newspaper. 'Wait a ˏ moment. 'Let's 'try aˏ gain. 'Open the ˏ window. 'Have a ˏ heart. 'Don't be aˏ fraid.

Exercise 2. Ask your fellow students:

a) in a form of commands;

b) in a form of requests.

a) 1. to open the books at page 12. 2. to translate Text 5. 3. to underline all the verbs in the sentence. 4. to read the sentence aloud. 5. to correct the mistakes in the test. 6. to render Text 1. 7. to open the window. 8. not to look at you.

b) 1. to wait a moment. 2. to open the book. 3. to fetch some chalk. 4. to repeat reading rules. 5. to write a letter to his friend. 6. to go to the cinema. 7, to find a new pen. 8. to cheer, up. 9. not to ask many questions. 10. not to read aloud.

Exercise 3. Practise the dialogues and memorize them.

1. — Let's go to the theatre.

— Fine. Phone Ann and invite her too. Tell her to meet us at 6.

— Right. Shall I do it now?

— Don't be silly. Do it when you can.

2. — Will you tell me the way to Trafalgar Square?

— Certainly. Go down Regent Street to Piccadilly Circus. Turn to the left then.

— Thank you. Is there a bus?

— There's sure to be. Ask the policeman over there.

Exercise 4. Make up your own dialogues of the same kind.

Exercise 5. Play the game. Divide the group into two teams. The leader commands: " Turn your heads to the right." The rest of the students must fulfill his command. If they fail to do it, they will be out of game. The list of commands:

Turn your head to the left/to the right; Bend your body to the left/to the right; Forward; Hands up/down; Open/Close your eyes; Put your hands on your head; Right hand up; Left hand down; Touch your right ear, etc.

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