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Раздел IV. Тестовые задания

Тест 1.

Ознакомьтесь со следующими предложениями. Сделайте к ним тонограммы.

Низкий нисходящий тон (Low Fall)

Kitty doesn’t know English.

What’s the time?

Высокий нисходящий тон (High Fall)

What’s the time?

Низкий восходящий тон (Low Rise)

Is he a student?

He is five.

Высокий восходящий тон (High Rise)

When did he come?

What did you say?

Нисходяще-восходящий тон (Fall Rise)

You promised it for Saturday.- Monday.

Восходяще-нисходящий тон (Rise Fall)

I knew nothing about it.

Проинтонируйте следующие предложения. Объясните свое решение.

1. My father is a farmer.

2. Have they any friends in London?

3. Is there a farm beyond the forest?

4. I live on a farm in the North of Scotland.

5. He plays tennis.

6. I met my old fiend.

7. What are you doing now?

8. I am glad to see you.

9. She is reading now.

10. There are many flowers in the vase.

11. Mary, come to the blackboard.

Напишите данные стихотворение в транскрипции, обозначьте мелодию и ударения.

O friend unseen, unborn, unknown,

Student of our sweet English tongue

Read out my words as night along:

I was a poet; I was young.

Напишите данные стихотворение в транскрипции, обозначьте мелодии и ударения.

The sun has set,

And now anew

With fallen dew

The grass is wet.

Each little bird

Has sunk to rest,

Within its nest

No song is heard.

Напишите данные стихотворение в транскрипции, обозначьте мелодию и ударения.

There was an old man of Khartoum,

Who kept two black sheep in his room

«To remind me», he said,

«Of someone who is dead».

But he never would tell us of whom.

Напишите данные стихотворение в транскрипции, обозначьте мелодию и ударения.

The British Isles consist of England and Wales, Scotland and Ireland and many small islands chiefly to be found in the west. The total area is about 120, 000 square miles, i.e. one thirty of the size of Europe.

The west coast is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea, the east coast by the North Sea and the south coast by the English Channel.

Запишите следующий диалог в транскрипции, обозначьте мелодию и ударения. Сделайте к нему тонограмму.

А: It’s Tom’s birthday tomorrow. What shall we give him?

В: As he likes fishing, we could give him a fishing rod.

А: We gave him one last year.

В: Oh yes. Well, he also likes reading. Why not to give him a book?

А: Yes, he likes thrillers$ let’s give him a new thriller.

Test 2

1. Does an initial parenthesis usually form a separate intonation group?

a) never

b) yes

c) no

2. Match the spare (лишнее) word

a) tempo

b) pitch

c) intonation

3. Semantically and grammatically incomplete sentences are usually pronounced with... intonation

a) rising

b) mid-level

c) falling

4. The falling tone is marked with

a) |

b) /

c) \

5. With what intonation do we usually pronounce the words " generally", " occasionally", " gradually", " personally" and so on

a) falling

b) rising

c) falling-rising

6. What is the usual tone for reporting phrases in english

a) rising

b) middle

c) falling

7. What grammatical phenomena require Low Rise?

a) adverbial phrase

b) parenthesis

c) enumeration

8. What component of the intonation group is the most important

a) the nucleus

b) the tail

c) the head

9. Name the component of intonation

a) pitch

b) loudness

c) intonation-group

10. Initial parenthesis is placed...

a) in the middle of the sentence

b) in the end of the sentence

c) in the beginning of the sentence

11. How many types of head are there in English language?

a) 1

b) 5

c) 3

12. What does this sign mean [↑ ]?

a) low rise

b) rising intonation

c) accidental rise

13. Which segment of the intonation group stretches from the first stressed syllable to the nucleus tone

a) the head

b) the nucleus

c) the pre-head

14. Translate into russian the word " utterance"

a) речь

b) высказывание

c) синтагма

15. The constitutive function of intonation serves to...

a) to express emotions

b) to build up sentences

c) make the conversation more clear

16. Translate into russina the word " HEAD"

a) уровень

b) голова

c) шкала

17. Translate into russian the word " quoted speech"

a) вводная конструкция

b) прямая речь

c) косвенная речь

18. The rising tone is marked with

a) \

b) /

c) |

19. Final parenthesis is palced...

a) in the beginning of the sentence

b) in the middle of the sentence

c) in the end of the sentence

20. Translate into russian the word " parenthesis"

a) вводное слово

b) антитеза

c) парантеза

21. How many types of nuclei are there in English language

a) 4

b) 8

c) 6

22. What is the last segment of a complete intonation group

a) the pre-tail

b) the tail

c) the pre-head

  • 23. Semantically and grammatically complete sentences are usually pronounced with.... intonation

a) rising

b) falling

c) mid-level

24. Translate into russian the word " intonation-group"

a) парадигма

b) синтагма

c) интонограмма

25. Translate into russian the word " reporting phrase"

a) фраза, вводящая прямую речь

b) вводная фраза

c) фраза репортера

26. How many types of ascending head are there in English language

a) 3

b) 1

c) 2

27. The stressed syllable is marked with

a) \

b) /

c) |

28. What segment of an intonation-group does the final reporting phrase form

a) the tail

b) the pre-nucleus

c) the nucleus

29. How many types of descending head are there in English language

a) 4

b) 2

c) 5

30. How many types of middle-level head are there in English language

a) 1

b) 2

c) 3


1. Карневская Е.Б., Раковская Л.Д., Мисуно Е.А., Кузьмицкая З.В. Практическая фонетика английского языка: Учебник - 11-е издание Издательство: Вышэйшая школа, 2012 г. 366 стр.

2. Колыхалова О.А., Махмурян К.С. Учитесь говорить по-английски: Фонетический практикум. - М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 1998. 232 с.

3. Лукина Н.Д. Практический курс фонетики английского языка: Учеб. пособие для ин-тов и фак. иностр. яз. – М.: ООО «Издательство Астрель», 2003. – 272 с.

4. Меркулова Е.М. Английский язык для студентов университетов. Введение в курс фонетики. – СПб.: Издательство Союз, 2000.

5. Практическая фонетика английского языка: Учебник для факультетов англ. яз. пед. ин-тов. / Под ред. М.А.Соколова, К.П.Гинтовт, Л.А.Кантер и др. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 1997. – 384 с.

6. Практический курс английского языка: 1 курс: Учеб. для студ. высш. учеб. заведений / Под ред. В.Д. Аракина. – М.: Гуманит. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2002.- с.

7. Connor J.D., Fletcher C. Sounds English. – Longman Group UK Limited, 1989.

8. Hancock M. English Pronunciation in Use. Cambridge University Press, 2003.

9. Kelly G. How to teach pronunciation. Pearson Education Limited, 2002.

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