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Classification of crimes

The Passive Voice Indefinite

I. Read and translate the sentences, paying attention to the predicate.

l. The problem of fighting crime will be discussed by all the lawyers of this country.

2. These circumstances were considered at the trial.

3. The offence was committed by a group of juveniles.

4. Every crime must be thoroughly investigated.

5. Justice is aimed at the prevention of crime.

6. Justice in our country is administered on the basis of equality of all the citizens before the law.

7. It must be said that examination in court is conducted with great thoroughness.

8. The interests of the entire people will be always protected by our law.

9. As soon as the suspect is found, he is interviewed by the police investigators.

10. Some trace materials will be discovered during the search, others will be noted down by crime laboratory examiners.

11. All the evidence found at the crime scene was examined, photographed, recorded and collected.

12. The best physical evidence is normally found at or near the crime scene.

13. The crime was searched for physical evidence bу a well-trained police officer.

14. Every crime scene must be examined thoroughly.

15. A thorough and careful search should be made for impressions and any such impressions discovered should be photographed.

16. Immediate measures should be taken to protect the crime scene a s some physical evidence can be easily changed.

II. Translate the words without a dictionary.

group [v, n); class (v, n); classification, technical, criminal (a, n), physical, method, personal, presumption, justice, interest (v, n ); police, religion, morality, reputation, criminal procedure.

III. Read and translate the text.


English lawyers often group crimes into three classes: treasons, felonies and misdemeanours. Petty offences (non-indictable), i.e. those which can only be tried summarily by justices of the peace, sitting without a jury.

The two groups, indictable and non-indictable offences now overlap to some extent. Some indictable offences may under certain circumstances be tried summarily. Familiar instances of felonies are murder, manslaughter, burglary, house breaking, larceny, rape; the most соnsрісuоus instances of misdemeanours are less heinous crimes like perjury, conspiracy, fraud, libel, riot, assault. The differences between felonies and misdemeanours are no longer so numerous as they once wеге.

Of all parts of the British Criminal Law none is in greaterneed of a thorough reconstruction than that which concerns the classification into felonies and misdemeanours.

In accordance with the modern classification crimesaredivided into arrestable and non-arrestable ones.

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