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XV. Read and translate the text with a dictionary.

To the general public the concept of " solving the crime" -means the process of discovering the identity of the suspect and apprehending him. These are only two of the objectives for an investigator and they leave the investigator far from his ultimate aim of presenting sufficient evidence in court. Finding the criminal is often the simplest phase of the investigation; gathering the evidence to support the charge in court is a very complex task.

Most crimes can be solved. The investigation will be considered successful if the available physical evidence was collected, the witnesses intelligently interviewed, the suspect effectively interrogated, and the case clearly and accurately reported.

Lesson 4

Text: Crime Scene Search

Grammar: Complex Forms of Participles.

Absolute Participle Construction.

I. Read and translate the sentences, paying attention to the complex forms of Participles.

1. Being interviewed by the officer, the person gave useful information for the investigation of the crime.

2. Having been invented by Mr. Edward Henry, Inspector General of Police, Bengal, in 1900, the system of identification of criminals by fingerprints has been widely used.

3. Having been identified, the criminal was traced and located.

4. Having gathered valuable evidence and found competent witnesses, the police officer solved the crime quickly.

5. Having been established by the police, the criminal's modus operandi helped to identify him.

6. Having interviewed witnesses and studied evidence, the investigator could reconstruct the offence.

II. Read and translate the following sentences, paying attention to Participle I and the Absolute Participle Construction.

1. The elements of the criminal offence being important for any police officer, he must study the penal law.

2. The evidence of guilt being sufficient, the suspect was found guilty and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment.

3. The identification having been made by some objective eyewitnesses, the criminal confessed of his guilt.

4. The presence of malice being proved by facts, the punishment will be more severe.

5. Circumstantial evidence being established from the statement of witnesses, the investigating officer wanted to find some physical evidence.


6. The discovered lead having been very important, the police began to develop it.

7. Motive in crimes of personal violence being connected with a strong personal hatred, evidence of quarrels should be searched for in investigating assault and murder.

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