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X. Read and translate the sentences, paying attention to the Absolute Participle Construction

1. The crime scene search being the most important part in investigation of some types of offences, the detective must perform it carefully, methodically and according to a plan.

2. The witnesses having been interviewed intelligently, the information obtained was very useful.

3. The eyewitnesses having notified the police about the crime and having given the description of the perpetrator, the police could apprehend him soon after the commission of the offence.

4. The search having been conducted effectively, much valuable evidence was found, collected and preserved.

5. Assistance having been summoned quickly, the doctors could save the life of the woman.

6. Forgery and embezzlement requiring no physical activities in their commission, they have no " scene" in the sense of an area where traces are usually found.

7. The photographs having been taken, the investigator proceeded with the preliminary survey.

8. The detectives working very effectively, they are sure to find the criminal soon.

9. The method of operation of the malefactor having been established, he was identified as the person responsible for committing the burglary.

XI. Read and translate the following sentences.

1. Homicide is the killing of a human being. It may be a murder or a less serious crime or no offence at all.

2. If a homicide is committed under such circumstances as to be neither justifiable nor excusable it is not, and never was, a mere misdemeanour, but always a felony.

3. Since there was no evidence the charge of larceny was disproved.

4. The criminal could be found nowhere.

5. In order to enforce some social regulations special administrative courts have been set up applying rules, which are neither civil nor criminal but administrative.

6. Nobody witnessed the commission of the crime.

7. The police officer failed to collect evidence to prove the guilt of the accused.

8. The police collected no evidence to prove the guilt of the accused.

9. The evidence was not strong enough to arrest him.

10. No person may be placed under arrest except by a decision of a court or a procurator.

11. The difference between felonies and misdemeanours are no longer so numerous as they once were.

12. Nothing must be touched or moved at the crime scene until the examination has been completed.

XII. Read and render the text. Answer the questions.

1. What is the main objective of every investigator?

2. Where is the actual solution of an offence?

3. What are the duties of the investigator at the crime scene?

4. What kinds of evidence can be found at the crime scene?

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