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The effectiveness of an investigator is largely dependent upon his ability to obtain information from complainants, witnesses, informants and suspects. It is rarely that circumstantial evidence alone is sufficient to obtain conviction. In cases of robbery or assault it is the eyewitness testimony that may provide all the elements of the offence. But more complicated crimes such as forgery, burglary, fraud and embezzlement require more evidence than that of a witness. Such evidence a good interrogator can extract by patient and intelligent interviewing.

For an interview the investigator should select a place providing him with a psychological advantage and conduct it as soon as possible after the occurrence.

In routine criminal cases the interview should be arranged at the time when subject can devote his full attention to the matter and privacy can be ensured.

In important criminal cases the investigator should arrange to interview witnesses in his own room.

Before the interview the investigator should consider what information the witness can contribute. Planning his interview the investigator should have a checklist. The first few minutes usually called the warm-up period will determine the course of interview. After showing his credentials the investigator should open the interview with some friendly remarks on weather, the difficulties of his profession, and matters of general interest. Friendly in his approach, he should maintain a businesslike manner. Feeling that the witness is in a communicative mood, he should turn the conversation to the witness's knowledge of the case.

After the witness's story the investigator should review it with him, treating the matters that have not been spoken of.

Questions should not be asked until the person appears prepared to give the information. Direct questions will not be suitable until the witness has given his own story and is ready to give additional information.

Remember that:

a) one question at a time should be asked;

b) the interview becomes useless if the answers are suggested in the questions.

c) questions should be simple, but not long and complicated;

d)" yes" and " no" questions result in inaccurate answers;

e) positive attitude.

A common error of interviews is the negative approach in dealing with a witness both in questioning and in arranging the interview. Saying, " You couldn't arrange to meet me this afternoon, could you? " the investigator unconsciously suggests that a negative reply will be acceptable and that the interview can be evaded. Using such phrases as " You didn't see anyone near the house when you arrived, did уou? " or " Would you care to sign this statement? " he encourages an evasive answer. The positive approach should be always employed. The investigator's tone, voice and phrasing should show that he does not contemplate the possibility of negative or non-informative answers. " I have the interview set for 10 o'clock" and " How many persons were at the scene when you arrived? " are questions that guide the mind of the witness positively. An average man easily detects lack of confidence. Leadership and firmness are respected.

It should be note that the investigator's confidence and authority communicate themselves to the witness.

Hesitancy, weakness and doubt encourage evasion and resistance. If the witness appears to be difficult to control, small psychological gestures will bring him under control. He may be told to stop smoking or directed to a chair other he has selected. The difficult witness must learn quickly that the investigator intends to dominate the situation.

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