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Here are some pieces of advice on the interrogator's conduct.

The interrogator must always command the situation and never lose control.

The subject must be impressed with the seriousness of the investigator's purposes. The investigator should sit close to the subject and focus his attention on him.

The speech of the investigator should be adapted to the subject's cultural level. Where the subject may shy away from words such as " assault" and " steal", he may admit that he " hit" and " took".

Civilian dress is more likely to inspire confidence and friendship in a criminal than a uniform.

With his attitude the interrogator should show that he is not trying to convict or punish, but to establish the facts of the case; to discover the truth; to see what he can do to help the subject help himself, to see that the subject accomplices are not doing him any injury.

At the preliminary stage of the interrogation the investigator should identify himself and show his credentials to the subject. He must state, in general terms, the purpose of the investigation and advise the subject of his rights.

The investigator should be alone with the subject. Other persons may be invited for specific purposes, such as witnessing the signing of a confession.

The interrogation room should provide privacy.

Lesson 8


Text: Detection of Burglary, Housebreaking, Shop-


Grammar: Functions of the Infinitive.

The Passive Voice Indefinite

I. Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the translation of the Infinitive.

1. Не was the first witness called in to give evidence.

2. In that trial it was difficult for the jury to arrive at a decision.

3. " To раss a sentence" means to state what kind of punishment the offender is to have.

4. Murder as contrasted with misdemeanour is known to be a heinous offence and the legislature provides for severe penalties for even mere approaches to it.

5. The offender was reported to have been arrested and brought to trial.

6. The accused waited for the jury to pronounce their sentence.

7. The prisoner turned out to be not guilty and he was released.

8. As the prosecution did not have enough evidence to prove the charge of manslaughter the jury found the driver guilty of dangerous driving.

9. The investigator interviewed the witnesses to obtain a description of the housebreaker.

10. Here is the case to be tried in court next week.

11. The testimony of a witness is considered to be one of the most important sources of evidence.

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