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Active words

to complain, complaint, complainant, advantage, occurrence, to arrange, attention, privacy, checklist, credentials, to approach, mood, to review, to add, to suggest, attitude, error, to accept, acceptable, to evade, evasion, evasive, to encourage, firm, confidence, hesitancy, doubt (n, v), week, to resist.

III. Read and translate the words, paying attention to affixes.

dependent - dependence - independence, to inform - informant - informative - to misinform; fraud - fraudulent; to forge - forgery - forger - forged; business - businesslike; person - personal - personality; accurate - inaccurate; to interview - interviewer - interviewed; to complain - complainant; to guide - guidance; to occur - occurrence.

IV. Answer the questions.

1. What is the effectiveness of an investigator largely dependent upon?

2. In what cases mау the eyewitness testimony provide all the elements and what kind of саses require more evidence?

3. What kind оf place should be selected for an interview and when should questioning be conducted?

4.What kind of place is the best one for interviews?

5. What should the investigator open the interview with?

6. When should the witness's story be reviewed and what matters should be treated?

7. What are the main points of the technique of questioning?

8. What negative qualities of an interrogator encourage evasion and resistance?

9. What method can be employed to bring a difficult witness under control?


V. Read and translate the following sentences. Find the true sentences. Correct the false ones.

1.The effectiveness of an investigator is completely dependent upon his ability to obtain information from complainants, informants and suspects.

2. In cases of robbery and assault the eyewitness testimony always provides all the elements.

3. Complicated crimes (forgery, burglary, fraud and embezzlement) require more evidence than that of a witness.

4. It is not always necessary that t an interview should be conducted as soon аs possible after the occurrence even if the place has been selected.

5. Interviews can be arranged in the investigator's room or at homes or offices of the witnesses and any number of persons can be present.

6. The interrogator should have a checklist and should begin interviewing with direct questions as to what the witness has seen.

7. The interview becomes useless if the answers are suggested in the questions.

8. " Yes" and " No” questions result in inaccurate answers.

9. The investigator's confidence and authority encourage resistance of interviewees.

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