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Search and seizures

The officer must have a thorough knowledge of the laws of search and seizures. The authority to search is limited. There are three general conditions under which the officer may search the property of another.

First, by permission of the owner of such property. The officer may ask the owner's permission to search his house or property. In this case, he should have his own witnesses to the granting of this permission.

The second condition for legal authority to search is searching a place for a wanted person. If the officer has a warrant in his possession charging a felony or a misdemeanour he may enter any place against the owner's will or by force to believe that the person is hiding or at present he is within the place.

If the person is arrested, the law provides that the officer may search the immediate area for evidence in the case against him.

The officer may search anyone whom he arrests and should seize any weapons or evidence of the crimes, which he may find on his offenders.

The third condition to search is by the authority of a search warrant, properly obtained and properly made out. The property to be searched must be specifically designated. The warrant must be dated and signed by a proper person having jurisdiction over that area and having the authority to search the premises by such force as necessary. As many officers as needed can be used, but they must be in one group.

When once used, the warrant must be properly executed, stating who participated and what they found to seize and what charges were brought against whom.

All the things seized during the procedure of a search should be recorded, labeled and stored in the department's property room. A receipt should be given to the prisoner for the articles seized in his premises.

The search warrant has a limited use because it is a powerful weapon and if used without caution it can have a serious effect on the civil rights of people. Therefore it should be thoroughly understood by the police officer when he can use it.

Active words

tо seize, seizure, authority, property, permission, to grant, warrant (n, v), to serve a warrant, to execute a warrant, premises, label (n, v), receipt, condition, proper, designate, sign (v, n).

V. Read and translate the words, paying attention to affixes.

to permit – permission; to participate – participation – partici – pant; to possess – possession – possessor; to caution – caution – cau – tious; to specify – specific – specifically; to sign – sign – signature; proper – properly – improper.

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