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What is the Project?



1 What is the Project?........................................................................................... 3

2 Choosing a suitable project................................................................................ 4

3 Complexity......................................................................................................... 5

3.1.... Complexity examples......................................................................................... 6

4 Methodology....................................................................................................... 8

5 Guidance on marking the Project...................................................................... 9

6 Examples of marked learner responses............................................................ 9

6.1.... Quality of report [Total 3 marks]......................................................................... 9

6.2.... Definition, investigation and analysis [Total 11 marks]..................................... 11

6.3.... Design [Total 12 marks].................................................................................... 33

6.4.... Software development, programming, testing and installation [Total 18 marks].......................................................................................................................... 50

6.5.... Support documentation [Total 10 marks]......................................................... 87

6.6.... Evaluation [Total 6 marks]................................................................................ 99


What is the Project?


The project is a substantial piece of work requiring analysis and design over an extended period of time, which is organised, evaluated and presented in a word processed report.


Learners choose, in conjunction with their teacher, a well-defined user-driven problem which enables them to demonstrate their skills in analysis, design and software development, including programming, testing, installation, documentation and evaluation. Problems should be selected that allow learners to demonstrate and increase their programming skills.


Projects should be chosen to demonstrate the integrative aspects of the work and should avoid needless repetition of the demonstration of a given skill. Each learner must submit a report on their piece of work, supported by evidence of software development including programming and testing.


The teacher marks the projects using the marking criteria in the Guidance on Marking Projects section of the NIS G12 Computer Science Test Specification, then moderation takes place following NIS procedures.


The selection of the problem for which a computerised system is to be designed and implemented is extremely important. It should be chosen by the learner in consultation with the teacher, and should always involve a client (this may be a teacher), who requires the solution to the problem, and a user(s), the person who is going to use the computerised system. The client and the user may be the same person e.g. if a sole-trader’s business requires a computerised system.


It is important to stress that the learner should endeavour to produce a system which will solve a given problem sensibly, within the constraints of resources available to the learner.


Since the project seeks to assess the systems analysis section of the specification in a practical manner, learners should not produce a system from their own limited knowledge of the requirements of the system. The client has to be someone who is willing to be involved in the project:

· in the analysis of the problem, where the client’s requirements are obtained; this may take the form of recorded interviews with the learner

· at the software development, testing and implementation stages, where the client and/or user is involved in ‘prototyping’

· at the evaluation stage, where the client is involved in checking that the system is completed as specified and, leading on from this, is then willing to write a letter of acceptance of the system, including any criticisms of it.


In this way, learners can be encouraged to look beyond school or college life into the businesses and companies in the community of the surrounding area. The emphasis is on analysing an existing system, and producing a computer-based solution to fit the needs of a client. The solution may not necessarily require a 'new' system, as a significantly improved version of a currently established system could be acceptable. Learners may be able to submit project proposals for approval by NIS before they commence work on the project.


At the end of the project, learners should submit a concisely written and well laid out report, which should be word-processed.


The solution must be implemented using a programming language and any of the following that are appropriate:

· pre-written modules or toolkits

· applications software and programmable packages


Very brief descriptions of any programming languages or software packages used, together with reasons for their selection, should be included in the report.

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