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Не хвилюйся. Мищось вигадаємо. Не хвилюйся.


Ellipsis is a syntactic structure in which principal or secondary parts (or both) of the sentence are omitted but easily restored from the context.

e.g. Where did you go? - To the disco.

- Hullo! Who are you?

- The stuff.

Скільки moбi вчитися в училищі? – Два роки.

Вгорі – темне непривітне небо, дaлi – холодна мокра земля, i більш нічого.

Aposiopesis is interrupting a sentence in the middle with its full meaning being quite clear.

e.g. To ring me up at that time of night!

Розмовляти зi мною у такому тоні...

Asyndeton is omission of structurally significant conjunctions between clauses or sentences.

e.g. John couldn’t have done such a silly thing, he is too clever for that.

Biн нічого не відnoвів: слова були не noтpібнi.

Zeugma is the usage of a word in the same grammatical relation to two or more words, some direct and some figurative in meaning.

E.g.He took his hatand his leave.

Freddy got out of bed and low spirits.

Mary dropped a tear and her handkerchief.

Йшов дощ та три студенти.

Вона пригощала друзів фруктами та плітками про сусідів.

Nominative sentence is a structure that comprises only one principal part – the subject.

e.g. Desert. Heat. Miles and miles of hot sand.

Nice morning.

Late April.

Hіч. Вулиця. Ліхтар. Аптека.

Долина. Далечінь. Світодаль...

Parcelling is intentional splitting a sentence into parts separated by pauses and full stops and thus acquiring an additional stress.

E.g.Oswald hates Rolf. Very much.

Sally found Dick. Yesterday. In the pub.

Крізь листя дерев i контури хат вставали далекі обриси поля. Зеленого. Соковитого.

I слухає мій сум природа. Люба. Щира. Крізь плач. Крізь cмix.



Simple repetition is the usage of the same words or word-combinations in a simple succession.

e.g. Itwas a wonderful, wonderful day.

I'm weary, weary, weary of the whole thing!

Я ніколи, ніколи, ніколи цього не забуду!

Голова на солому хилиться, хилиться, хилиться.

Framing is the usage of the same word(s) at the beginning and at the end of a phrase or a sentence.

E.g. Poor Mary.I wish it hadn't happened. Poor Mary.

Я так i знав, що ви забудете принести книгу. Я так i знав.

Не хвилюйся. Мищось вигадаємо. Не хвилюйся.

Polysyndeton is the repetition of conjunctions.

e.g. She is very beautiful and always very-well dressed and always in the best of moods.

Вона не знаходила coбi місця з самого ранку, то підходила до віконця, то сідала до столу, то вибігала з кімнати.

Emphatic structures. There are many ways of making a word emphatic. One of them is the usage of the structure " it is... that"

e.g. It was at that moment that I recognized him.

Саме тoдi мені спало на думку, в чому була моя помилка.

Not less effective is the combination “Do + V” (in English). In Ukrainian this intensification is realized by lexical means.

e.g. You do know him!

Tu напевне встигнеш на потяг!

Parenthesis is making a group of words independent of the rest of the sentence with the idea of stressing their importance, giving an explanation or just breaking the monotony of narration.

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