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A) When was the managerial model applied to the public sector?


Public Sector Reforms



Were there many differences in management styles between private and public sectors in the twentieth century? Support your answer with arguments.

Did the traditional model of administration need a complete overhaul? Give reasons for your point of view.

What in your opinion is the modern view of public sector management? What is NPM?

1. Read Text A and explain why governments began to challenge the basic beliefs of the traditional model of administration.


Text A

The main reason for the eclipse of the old traditional model of administration is simply that it did not work any more, and was widely perceived as not working. Governments realized this first and began to challenge some of the most basic beliefs of the traditional model. They began to hire economists or people trained in management instead of generalist administrators, borrowed management techniques from the private sector, pushed back the dividing line between public and private sector activity with the aim of cutting costs, and set out to change working conditions inside the system which were no longer required.

Governments were faced with declining real revenue, but with political demands to maintain services at the same level. In these circumstances, the only avenue was to improve productivity. When theories suggest that bureaucratic provision is inherently inefficient, when economic studies show the same thing, it is little wonder that politicians began to ask awkward questions. Why should public servants have permanent, lifetime employment when no one else does; why should they not be hired by contracts? If someone is employed to do a job, what is so wrong in seeing if it is being carried out?

The public services had lost public support to such an extent that governments found little resistance to changes that would have once been regarded as destroying the very notion of a public service. And, once change began, the various aspects of the traditional model of administration were taken apart.

2. Give the English equivalents to the following words and phrases, if possible, without referring to the text.

1. Линия раздела

2. В целях сокращения затрат

3. снижение реальных государственных доходов

4. политические требования

5. при данных обстоятельствах

6. единственный путь/средство

7. постоянная работа, пожизненная занятость

8. нанимать/предоставлять работу на контрактной основе

9. потерять поддержку общества / государственную

3. Suggest Russian equivalents to the underlined words and phrases in Text A.

a. eclipse

b. widely perceived as

c. basic beliefs

d. generalist administrators

e. bureaucratic provision

f. inherently inefficient

g. to ask awkward questions

4. Translate Text A into Russian.

5. Scan Text B to find answers to the questions:

a) When was the managerial model applied to the public sector?

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