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Developing Professional Language Competencies


1. Read text D andparaphrase or interpret the underlined words and word partnerships in English.


2. Find in the text English equivalents to the following words and phrases:

1. Преобразованиегосударственногосектора

2. Реформы государственного управления

3. Отвечать за достижение результатов

4. Менеджеры с хорошей репутацией/характеристикой

5. Общественный деятель

6. Система показателей результатов деятельности

7. Система оценки результатов деятельности (труда), аттестация

8. Постатейный бюджет, бюджет с постатейной разбивкой (бюджет, в котором расходы классифицируются по направлениям расходования, а доходы - по источникам их возникновения)

9. Программный бюджет (бюджет предприятия или государственного учреждения, построенный в разбивке по целевым программам и проектам)

10. Укомплектование персоналом, обеспечение кадрами; подбор (и расстановка) кадров /персонала

11. Фактическоевыполнениепрограммы

12. Разукрупнение

13. Обязательные для всех конкурентные торги

14. Оплата по результатам /заслугам, качеству, производительности (система стимулирующей оплаты труда, при которой размер заработной платы зависит от производительности или качества работы)

15. Повышенная оперативность

16. Достигать намеченные краткосрочные и долгосрочные результаты

17. Недостаток денег, стесненный кредит


3. Explain the meaning of the expressions from Text D in English, and then translate the expressions into Russian.


1. Tinkering to cut costs

2. Matters of policy

3. Matters of strict politics

4. High-profilemanager

5. Progress to declared objectives /achieve declared objectives

6. Have a management background

7. Specialist heads of agencies

8. Managerial heads of agencies

9. Reward or sanction staff

10. Policy department

11. On a quasi-contractual basis

12. Operate under explicit contracts

13. Put out to tender

14. Reduce governmental scope

15. Private or voluntary sector providers

16. Terminate staff who are not performing

17. ‘client focus’


4. Comment on the sentences from text D.

1. Public management now requires professional management where administration did not.


2. Political leaders increasingly choose managers with good records who are sympathetic to their goals.


3. Informal methods of appraisal are considered to be ineffective and lead to inferior organizational outcomes.


4. At the next level of senior management, there has been a consistent trend away from position classification towards flexibility in arrangements for filling senior positions.


5. It is argued by proponents that if services are ‘contestable’ they should be put out to tender.


6. If everyone is a contractor, no one has a longer time horizon than the end of their contract; if everyone is a contractor, there can be no such thing as the public interest, only what appears in the terms of the contract.


7. Public management has become a form of political management and the relationship with political leaders has changed.


8. The traditional model tried to depoliticize what was essentially political.


9. Advocates of the new public management, armed with theoretical insights from economics, have argued that there are some things governments should not do.


5. Translate the following passage from the text into Russian in writing.

Flexibility in staffing


At the next level of senior management, there has been a consistent trend away from position classification towards flexibility in arrangements for filling senior positions. The device of a Senior Executive Service (SES) has become a commonplace since the late 1970s in the US. The SES concept aimed at developing a pool of senior managers who can be transferred readily between positions and departments, who are trained for senior management, and who can develop a SES identity rather than a departmental one. Greater emphasis is now placed on policy advising, general management and professional skills rather than experience gained from specific duties. The aim is to improve overall efficiency by improving the service’s management capability. At all levels personnel changes have improved flexibility. It is now easier to re-deploy or even sack staff. Inefficient staff can now be dismissed quite quickly, with protection against arbitrary or politically motivated dismissal.



7. Speak about public management reforms formulating the main ideas of each italicized subheading of text D.


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