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vk.comlbastau 77

8apH3HT 004 C.nymaHHC


BapHaHT 004

Text 2


1. Large bags are given for

A) ranging bottles

B) cleaning up the rooms

C) bringing food

Text I 6. He never feared of

A) answering.

B) learning from the expenence

C) working hard

D) becoming a doctor.

E) the accusation of having no Wlllpower

D) collecting recyClable materials

E) keeping goods 7. His trouble was that

A) he had no better physical shape

2. To close the beach we need permission from

A) boss

B) the doctor

C) the friends

D) the council

E) the trainer


3. Fields near the entrance to the beach can be used as

A) swimming pool

B) rest place

C) car parks

D) snack bar

E) stadium


4. Someone is needed

A) to organize dinner

B) to be in charge of the first aid

C) to collect recyclable materials

D) to help wardens

E) to care for children


5. We need some volunteers for

A) cleaning -up

B) swimming

C) cooking

D) buying

E) selling

B) he didn't understand anything

C) he had a couple of bad headaches

D) he didn't enroll on a number of courses

E) he didn't know where to go


8. Mr Gold said about

A) kicking the habit of smoking

B) not realizing the secret

C) playing the piano

D) writing the poems

E) helping the doctor


9. On! st July Mr Gold

A) didn't smoke for 24 hours

B) smoked 24 cigarettes

C) smoked only 2-4 cigarettes

D) smoked 48 cigarettes

E) didn't smoke for 24 hours


10. He wanted to change his life and his desire was

A) to imagine life without smoking

B) to tell about exciting adventure

C) to become an actor

D) to read about smoking

E) to be an artist


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