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John Lennon

E) in the sixteenth century

In December 1980, the London " Morning Star" wrote about John Lennon,

member of the world-famous " Beatles" until 1970, when he was killed in New­ York. Here are some of the facts from the article in the " Morning Star":

On Tuesday, December 9th, 1980, a twenty five year old man, Mark

Chapman, killed John Lennon in front of his flat in New-York. Lennon was only one out of 21 000 people who died that way in the USA in 1980.

In the evening of December 9th over 1 000 inhabitants of New York met in front of Lennon's flat to show their respect for him.

John Lennon was born on October 9th, 1940, in Liverpool, a big city in the north-west of England. Together with Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr he formed " The Beatles". He fought for peace and against the United States war in Vietnam with his songs " Give Peace a Chance" and " Power to the People". John and the other members of the group sold more than 250 million records.

In the 1970s John Lennon and his wife Yoko Ono went to the greatest city in the United States of America, New York. For some years he gave up music to look after his little son. But shortly before he died he began singing again. He sang songs against war at meetings and demonstrations, for young and old, for Black and White.

Thousands of American and many other people in the world still remember John Lennon as a famous singer and a fighter for peace and friendly relations between the peoples.


93. Why did he give up music for some years?

A) To have a rest.

B) To travel.

C) To look after his little son.

D) To look after his dog.

E) To look after his parents.


94. What group did John Lennon form with his friends?

A) " Power to the people".

B) " Gorkey Park".

C) " Rolling Stones".

D) " The Beatles".

E) " Doors".



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95. How many people met in front of the Lennon's flat? A) 4000.

B) 200.

C) 5500.

D) 1000.

E) 900.


96. Why did people meet in front of his flat?

A) To visit him.

B) To sing songs.

C) To see him. ·

D) To see each other.

E) To show their respect.


97. When was he killed?

A) On Tuesday, December IO! h, 1978.

B) On Wednesday, January 9th, 1981.

C) On Tuesday, December 9th, 1980.

D) On Friday, December 9th, 1980.

E) On Friday, January! Ou., 1980.


98. When did he go to New York with his wife?

A) 1%5.

B) 1968.

C) 1980.

D) 1970.

E) 1972.


99. What songs did they sing when they fought against the United States war in Vietnam?

A) " Give Peace a Chance", " Power to the People".

B) " Yellow Submarine".

C) " Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star".

D) " Jingle Bells".

E) " Yesterday", " Girl".



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100. What was John Lennon?

A) A member of " The Beatles".

B) A journalist of " Morning Star".

C) A great painter.

D) A worker.

E) A member of Parliament.



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