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Vk.comlbastau. 11. On the ground floor, there are two halls are used fc

l1 79


Bapmurr 004 BapllllKr 004


Text 3



Text 4


11. On the ground floor, there are two halls are used fc

A) consulting people or

B) yoga, Thai Chi

C) giving recommendation

D) treating

E) playing football


12. It is very pleasant to have

A) photographs

B) trainers

C) many people tum up

D) photographs

E) supervisors


13. Our physiotherapist's role is

A) to employ people

B) to give a quick tour

C) to invite trainers

D) to obtain information about clients

E) to prevent injuries


14. Contact details you can find

A) on computer display

B) in the hall

C) in the street

D) on the notice board

E) at university


15. Liaison Officer's duty is

A) to contact

B) to supervise equipment

C) to manage bookings

D) to open doors

E) to train people

16. On the basis of the extensive research, it is clear that

A) it is hard to please everybody

B) it doesn't need to represent country

C) Royal Mail receives no idea

D) The Advisory Committee is not represented a list

E) it is easier to design stamps


17. People writed to the post office that

A) they loved and hated

B) stamps mustn't be of the same size

C) stamps mustn't be of national interest

D) living people should appear

E) they couldn't give ideas


18. Recently King Henry has appeared on a British stamp together with

A) a stamp featuring his palace

B) sky

C) a stamp featuring each of his wives

D) nature

E) a stamp featuring his horse


19. Many stamp enthusiasts are afraid of that

A) the country will not finance

B) stamps are not acceptable

C) stamps will not play an important role in our lives

D) there are no good designers

E) the people in power use their influence to get onto the stamps


20. About two thousand ideas were received by Royal Mail every year and

A) few of them were ever used

B) all of them were used

C) one of them was used

D) five of them were used

E) none of them were used



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