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In a Good School

Miss Luke: Good afternoon, girls.

Girls: Good afternoon, Miss Luke.

Miss Luke: This afternoon we're going to learn how to cook soup. Open your books at unit ţ wenty-two.

P r u e: Excuse me, Miss Luke.

Miss Luke: Yes, Prue?

P r u e: There's some chewing gum on your shoe.

Miss Luke: Who threw their chewing gum on the floor? Was it you, Prue?

Prue: No, Miss Luke. It was June.

Miss Luke: Who?

Prue: June Cook.

June: It wasn't me, stupid. It was Sue.

Sue: It was you!

June: It wasn't me, you stupid fool. My mouth's full of chewing gum. Look, Miss Luke!

Sue: Stop pulling my hair, June. It was you!

June: You!

Sue: You!

Miss Luke: Excuse me! You're being very rude. You two nuisances can stay in school this afternoon instead of going to the swimming pool.

3. Where Are You, Hugh?

Lucy: Hugh? Hugh! Where are you?

Hugh: I'm in the loo. Where are you?

Lucy: Removing my boots. I've got news for you.

Hugh: News? Amusing news?

Lucy: Well, I saw June in Kė w. You know how moody and rude she is as a rule? Hugh, are you still in the loo? What are you doing?

Hugh: Well, you see, Lucy, I was using the new foolproof screwdriver on the Hoover and it blew a fuse.

Lucy: You fool! I knew that if I left it to you, you'd do something stupid. You usually do.

Hugh: And then I dropped the screwdriver down the loo.

Lucy: Hugh, look at your shoes! And your new blue suit! It's ruined! And you — you're wet through!

H u g h: To tell you the truth, Lucy — I fell into the loo, too.

4. Miss Woodfulľ lł Be Furious!

Rachel: " How much wood would a woodpecker peck if a woodpecker could peck wood? " Goodness, that's difficult!

Mabel: Looks a good book. Let me have a look.

Rachel: It's full of puzzles, and riddles, and —

Mabel: Let me look, Rachel!

Rachel: Mabel! You are awful! You just took it!

Mabel: I asked if I could have a look. Now push off. I'm looking at the book.

Rachel: You're a horrible bully!

Mabel: And you're just a miserable pudding!

R а с h e 1: I shoulď ve kept it in my room.

Mabel: Oh shush, for goodness' sake! Anyway, I shouldn't have thought you could have understood the book, you're so backward.

Rachel: You're hateful! Give me my book! Oh careful, Mabel! It's Miss Woodfulľ s book. I'll get into terrible trouble if you — oh look! you are awful! She'll be-furious!

Mabel: Well, you shouldn't have pulled, should you?

Exercise VII. Read the rhymes and learn them.

1. There was an Old Person of Loo,

Who said, " What on earth shall I do? "

When they said, " Go away! "

She continued to stay,

That foolish old person of Loo.

2. There was an old man of Peru,

Who dreamt he was eating his shoe,

He awoke in the night

In a terrible fright:

And found it was perfectly true!

3. I would if I could

If I couldn't how could I?

I couldn't without I could, could I?

Could you, without you could, could ye?

Could ye? Could ye?

Could you, without you could, could ye?

Exercise VII. Transcribe the proverbs and learn them.

1. By hook or by crook.

2. A fool and his money are soon parted.

3. The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

4. A good wife makes a good husband.

5. A good name is sooner lost than won.

6. The exception proves the rule.

7. Soon learnt, soon forgotten.

8. The boot is on the wrong foot.

9. Too good to be true.

UNIT 7. [ə ] - [i]

Exercise I. Read the following words paying special attention to correct pronunciation.

1. [ə ]     2. [ə ]- [i]
obey perhaps sooner affect — effect
allow entertain measure accept — except
adore amateur Africa armour — army
attend comfortable Persia waiter — weighty
obstruct ignorant flatterer sitter — city
achieve understand colour razors — raises
account terrible picture battered — batted
annoy permanent murderer mitre — mighty
approve characters sailor offers — office
appear component collar officers — offices
offence glamourous America better — Betty
      fisher — fishy

Exercise II. Read the following sense-groups, mind the rhythm and intonation.

(a) a photograph; a photograph of her mother; a photograph of her mother and father; a photograph of her mother, father and brother; a photograph of her mother, father and younger brother.

(b) America; about South America; a book about South America; a beautiful book about South America.

Exercise III. Transcribe and intone the following sentences. Practise reading them in pairs.

[ə ] (a) 1. Walter is older than Thomas.

2. Amelia speaks German better than Japanese.

3. Marcia is going to visit Persia in August.

4. Peter has never been to London.

5. Perhaps we'll come to them on Saturday afternoon..

6. London is beautiful in such weather.

[э] — [i] (b) 1. Peter was offered a job of a manager in his father's office.

2. Betty knows London better than Manchester.

Exercise IV. Read the tongue-twister and learn it.

An adventurous professor and a professional astronomer are posing in front of the camera of a fashionable photographer.

Exercise V. Read the following texts.

(a) Alderman Sir Edward Anderson is a prosperous government official at the Treasury. Sir Edward Anderson's apartment at Aldeburgh is comfortable and fashionable. A professional burglar has entered the apartment by a ladder that was at the back of the house. But an observant amateur photographer has focussed his camera on the burglar and summoned a police-constable. As the burglar leaves there is a policeman at the bottom of the ladder.

(b) Barbara spent Saturday afternoon looking at a beautiful book about South America.

" I want to go to South America, " she said to herself.

The next morning, when Barbara woke up it was six o'clock, and her brothers and sisters were still asleep.

Barbara looked at them, and closed her eyes again.

Then she quietly got out of bed and started to pack her suitcase.

She took some comfortable clothes out of the cupboard.

She packed a pair of binoculars and her sister's camera. She packed a photograph of herself and one of her mother and father.

" I mustn't forget to have some breakfast, " she said to herself. But then she looked at the clock. It was a quarter to seven.

" I'll just drink a glass of water, " she said.

" A glass of water, " she said.

" Water, " she said, and opened her eyes.

She was still in her bed, and her brothers and sisters were laughing at her.

" Tell us what you were dreaming about, " they said to her.

But Barbara didn't answer. She was thinking about her wonderful journey to South America.

Exercise VI. Read the dialogue, mark the stresses and tunes. Act it out.

Comfort, Culture or Adventure?

Christopher: Going anywhere different for your vacation, Theresa?

Theresa: Ah, that's a million dollar question, Chistopher. Perhaps you can provide us with the decision. Edward demands his creature comforts — proper heating, constant hot water, comfortable beds, colour television...

Christopher: What about you, Theresa? Or aren't you too particular?

Theresa: Normally, yes. And usually we combine the open air and exercise with a bit of culture. Last year, for instance, we covered the Cheltenham Festival. The year before, it was Edinburgh. Edward adores Scotland.

Christopher: You fortunate characters! Are you complaining?

Theresa: No, but I long to go further afield — something more dangerous — and where the temperature's hotter!

Christopher: I wonder if this would interest you. It arrived today. " A Specialised Tour of South America for Photographers. Canoeing up the Amazon. Alligators. And other hazardous adventures."

Theresa: Christopher, how marvellous! It sounds wonderful.

Christopher: No creature comforts for Edward!

Theresa: Separate holidays are an excellent idea — occasionally! Edward can go to Scotland alone.

Exercise VII. Read the rhymes and learn them.

1. Tinker, Rich man,

Tailor, Poor man,

Soldier, Beggar man,

Sailor, Thief.

2. Rub-a-dub dub,

Three men in a tub,

The butcher, the baker,

The candlestick maker,

They all jumped over a rotten potato!

Exercise VIII. Transcribe the proverbs and learn them.

1. Adversity is a great headmaster.

2. Beggars can't be choosers.

3. Better an egg today than a hen tomorrow.

4. Better be alone than in bad company.

5. Christmas comes but once a year.

6. Take us as you find us.

7. As like as two peas.

UNIT 8. [ɛ ə ] - [iə ]

Exercise I. Read the following words paying special attention to correct pronunciation.

l. [ɛ ə ]   2. [iə ]   3. [ɛ ə ] - [iə ]
hare despair era appear hare — here
dare compare zero adhere bear — beer
pair repair here veneer air — ear
air declare dear endear fair — fear
mare affair ear career rare — rear
care prepare shear sincere pear — pier
hair impair mere museum dare — dear
fair aware beer material chair — cheer
        Clare — clear
        stare — steer
        spare — spear
        rarely — really
        mayor — mere
        a pair — appear

Exercise II. Read the following sense-groups, mind the rhythm and intonation.

(a) share; fair share; their fair share; it's their fair share.

(b) there; down there; Mary down there; there's Mary down there; I swear there's Mary down there; I dare swear there's Mary down there.

(c) Can you hear? Can you hear clearly? Can you hear clearly from here?

Exercise III. Transcribe and intone the following sentences. Practise reading them in pairs.

[iə ] (a) 1. Here, here!

2. Here today, gone tomorrow.

3. He that has ears to hear, let him hear.

4. There's none so queer as folk.

5. All the world is queer save thee and me and even thee's a little queer.

[ɛ ə ] (b) 1. All's fair in love and war.

2. Fair's fair.

3. Share and share alike.

4. There, there!

5. Hair of the dog that bit you.

6. To bear a grudge.

7. As mad as a March hare.

8. If the cap fits, wear it.

9. Mary, Mary, quite contrary.

[ɛ ə ] — [iə ] (c) 1. The steering wheel needs repairing.

2. And the radio aerial doesn't work.

3. The gear box is really bad.

4. And would you repair the spare wheel? The air comes out.

5. The theatre is somewhere near here.

6. I don't care whether I live upstairs or downstairs.

Exercise IV. Read the tongue-twisters and learn them.

1. Mary is scared of fairies in the dairy.

2. Fair-haired Sarah stares warily at the hairy bear, glaring from his lair.

Exercise V. Read the text.

A dreary peer sneers in the grand tier of the theatre. At the rear they hear the peer and jeer. But here, clearly the cheers for the hero are really fierce. The weary hero King Lear is nearly in tears.

Exercise VI. Read the dialogues, mark the stresses and tunes. Learn them. Act out the dialogues.

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