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Тема 4. Правила чтения гласных в четырех типах ударного слога

Урок 3. Буквы I i / Y y



[aı ] [ı ] [ɜ: ] [aı ə ] [ı ] [aı ] (в глагольном суффиксе -fy)
nine type hi my lie did ′ syntax milk it ′ system girl sir Byrne bird myrtle tire lyre hire tyre sa′ tire ′ dirty ′ engine ′ family ′ music ′ English ′ notify ′ specify in′ tensify ′ falsify ′ glorify


Ex. 1. Five, time, tie, fly, fine, dye, mine, try, by, ice, ′ miner, ′ Friday, ride, rye, side, rep′ ly, wide, bye, I, trite, ′ silent, type, mile, vile, file, ′ bicycle, I, ′ wider, fry, pile, hype, tide, shy, sly, life, dyke, pipe, why, mice, smile, quite, ′ hypo, like, white, imp′ ly, sky, July.

Ex. 2. Mill, lit, myth, if, wish, ′ system, pick, ill, ′ crystal, rich, ′ finish, crypt, till, ′ pillow, ′ symbol, his, lift, ′ mystery, pit, ′ village, ′ cryptogram, mint, bill, gyp, ′ silly, drill, tick, is, ′ Gypsy, bring, think, ′ Philip, ′ lyric, isn’t, thick, ′ syrinx, grist, still, sick, list, ′ written, ′ typify, simple, skin, thin, quick, fit, wind, sink, fish, grill.

Ex. 3. First, firm, Byrd, skirt, shirt, birth, fir, myrrh, ′ thir′ teen, ′ dirty, myrtle, ′ circumstances, ′ thirty, stir, whirr, mirth, ′ circuit, irk, dirk, ′ irksome, whirl.

Ex. 4. Fire, tired, mire, tyre, wire, re′ tire, ′ Myra, ′ siren, shire, ex′ pire, pyre, es′ quire, re′ quire, lyre, de′ sire, en′ tire, gyre, em′ pire, ′ fireplace, byre, ′ Ireland, en′ tirely.

Ex. 5. ′ Public, ′ lady, gym′ nasium, al′ ready, sym′ bolic, ′ city, ′ notify, sym′ phonic, ′ synonym, ′ difficult, ′ antonym, ′ many, ′ badly, ′ specify, a′ cetify, ′ falsify, ′ bicycle, sym′ posium, ′ study, in′ tensify, ′ silly.

Ex. 6. Tie, size, if, nip, fit, tired, mire, de′ fy, shirt, com′ ply, mine, fine, wry, dive, tin, first, ′ thirty, third, pine, life, side, lift, sin, ′ dirty, wire, cry, skirt, pipe, tide, kid, like, time, hire, ap′ ply, bird, sup′ ply, tint, nine.

Ex. 7.

1. Time flies! 2. Is ′ Mickey in? 3. Go to bye-bye. 4. The girls whirled in the dance. 5. I quite like Mike. 6. In with him. 7. I had the time of my life at the Whites. 8. Dirk was ′ irked under the ′ circumstances. 9. It’s this wind. 10. Ike and ′ Ivy sat side by side as mice. 11. It’s the ′ limit! 12. ′ Certainly, sir. 13. And pigs might fly. 14. I dine with the Whites on ′ Friday. 15. Will you bring Mrs. Limm in. 16. ′ Christie will fill the bill. 17. Girls did not stir. 18. It is ′ written in simple ′ English. 19. If it isn’t Philip!


ie [i: ] ia, io [aı ə ] i+ ld, nd [aı ] igh [aı ] y [j] (в начале слова перед гласной)
piece ′ liar mild night yes
niece ′ riot wild light yet
chief ′ trial mind right yard
field ′ lion find might yoke
yield ′ via kind high you


a) Field, via, ′ synonym, light, chief, youth, child, ′ liar, gyp, mind, yeast, might, niece, be′ yond, wright, type, sight, kind, piece, your, wild, ′ chiefly, you, flight, ′ trial, find, re′ lief, ′ lion, year, mild, ′ giant, cycle, night, frieze, fight, re′ lieve, blind, yard, tight, lyre, bright, ′ mindful, yes, ′ liable, be′ hind, brief, man′ kind, ′ highway, ′ briefing, ′ dial, ′ diary.

b) 1. Mind your eye. 2. You won’t yell, will you? 3. My child’s bright. 4. Julia’s young for her years. 5. I had a white night. 6. I find it’s quite right. 7. But it is flying, the time is flying! 8. The year is young yet. 9. You are young yet, aren’t you. 10. The book will be be′ yond you, ′ Jolion.


Диалог: An interesting film

Bill: Is Tim in?

Lyn: Is he coming to the pictures?

Mrs Smith: Tim’s ill.

Bill: Here he is! Hello, Tim.

Tim: Hello, Bill.

Lyn: Are you ill, Tim?

Tim: Is it an interesting film?

Lyn: It’s ‘Big Jim and the Indians’.

Bill: And it begins in six minutes.

Mrs Smith: If you’re ill, Tim …

Tim: Quick! Or we’ll miss the beginning of the film!

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