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Тема 4. Правила чтения гласных в четырех типах ударного слога. [əu] [ɔ] [ɔ:] [ɔ:] [(ə)] no vote rode hope note not hot box off stop or
Урок 4. Буква O o
Ex. 1. Pose, no, hoe, note, toe, rode, low, vote, doe, hope, so, roe, ′ sofa, close, nose, cone, dole, tone, lone, ′ poker, rose, rope, ′ cola, crone, go, ′ pony, probe. Ex. 2. Cob, cock, not, stop, boss, pop, off, con, box, hot, ′ policy, pomp, ′ rocket, rod, ox, ′ omelet, slop, smog, crop, moss, pot, cot, loss, log, ′ dolly, clock, top, ′ sonny. Ex. 3. Or, port, sort, lord, form, order, sport, born, ′ morning, horse, short, dis′ order, ′ shortly, ′ portr ai t [ı ], ′ forty, ford, mort, gorge, nor, worn, ′ Nordic, ′ formal, storm, dorm, ′ orbit, cord, fork. Ex. 4. Sore, bore, more, tore, be′ fore, store, a′ dore, core, pore, chore, score, spore, lore, ga′ lore, ore, fore, ′ bookstore, gore, ′ boredom, wore. Ex. 5. In′ hibit o ry, ′ ing o t, ca′ tastr o phe, o ′ bedience, o ′ bject, o ′ blivi o n, o ′ bjectify, o b′ serve, o b′ tain, o c′ cur, o b′ struct, o b′ duce, ′ spig o t, st o ′ lidity. Ex. 6. 1. Oh, no! 2. I sup′ pose so. 3. Jog on. 4. ′ Possibly not. 5. Cora a′ dores horses. 6. ′ Norton is forcing an open door. 7. No bones broken. 8. Don has gone to the wrong shop. 9. No go. 10. John’s dog got lost.
Ex. 7. [u: ] mood, moot, boot, coot, root, food, looting, doodle, scooter, noodles, shoot; [u] wood, hood, ′ hoodlum, ′ woodbine, good, foot, stood, soot, wooden, ′ childhood, ′ manhood; [ɔ ] doll, follow, ′ gollop, holly, jolly, loll, Molly, poll, ′ volley; [ɔ ] gone, bother, moth, cloth, froth; [ə u] both, sloth, troth, wroth; [˄ ] blood, flood.
a) So, lot, cord, score, boat, older, out, owl, tower, some, stone, dot, fork, core, oak, bold, hound, cow, come, sole, clock, born, more, loaf, old, jolt, about, row (шум, гвалт), ′ somebody, zone, stop, port, fore, toad, fold, house, town, month, nose, sock, knoll, sort, sore, coal, told, pound, brown, ′ something, on, dome, toast, hold, rout, howl, mother, not, spoke, load, most, loud, yowl, brother, note, spot, road, cold, scout, fowl, other, vote, off, oats, stroll, louse, down, ′ stepbrother, odd, slope, sport, store, ′ oatmeal, oath, ′ Bolton, count, ′ mountain, bow (поклон, нос корабля), front, toll, pole, short, slot, moat, moan, host, bound, county, foul, boundless, now, son, ton, stock, dorm, loan, soap, ′ hostess, mouth, doubt, how, wonder, one, throat, goal, go, goat, coat, ′ folding, ′ mouthful, found, ′ nowadays, Monday, nothing, a′ long, boa, a′ round, done, ′ overcoat, molt, ground, ′ cowboy, money, Joan, a′ nother, post, round, cowl, none. b) 1. Go slow. 2. Not for ′ toffees. 3. Rob has gone off to play golf. 4. Gordon ′ always puts the cart be′ fore the horse. 5. It is a cold coal to blow at. 6. Now, now! 7. Out of bounds. 8. Boys will be boys. 9. Ruth can’t say boo to a goose. 10. It looks good. 11. I thought Maud ought to talk. 12. ′ Follow your nose. 13. Stones grow old. 14. Out of doubt. 15. The noise is an′ noying. 16. Don’t be too soon. 17. Here_is your cook-book. 18. ′ Morgan thought he bought a sought after goods. 19. No smoking! 20. Joy is at boiling point. c) 1. Trudy is too busy doing the rooms. 2. Rose goes to Soho. 3. Now, now, now, what are you howling for. 4. Keep a good look out. 5. He a′ dores to play noughts and crosses. 6. Joyce is so hoity-toity. 7. I sup′ pose you know Rose. 8. With′ out doubt Gower_is ′ somewhere a′ round. 9. Woolner_is to put foot out. 10. Our counting house is down town. 11. May will join you at the ap′ pointed point. 12. They told that host was older. 13. Will you be gone long, John? 14. Lou grew too big for his boots. 15. Boys take en′ joyment in spoiling toys. 16. Howell is seldom out of town ′ nowadays. 17. Nora left shortly be′ fore dawn. 18. Take the coat, it is cold on the road. 19. ′ Nobody home. 20. Joan ′ Bolton goes to the post. 21. Towler_is out and a′ bout.
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