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Тема 4. Правила чтения гласных в четырех типах ударного слога. [ju:] [u:] (после r,l,j) [˄] [ɜ:] [juə], [uə] (после r,(l),j) [(ə)]

Урок 5. Буква U u



[ju: ] [u: ] (после r, l, j) [˄ ] [ɜ: ] [juə ], [uə ] (после r, (l), j) [(ə)], [u], [ju: ]
use tune due a′ buse puce rule true blue June ′ luser run up but mud fuss turn burn hurt fur spur ′ during ′ fury ′ rural lure ′ jury ′ difficult suc′ ceed ′ pulchritude ′ gracef u l u′ tility


Ex. 1. Jute, flu, student, union, duty, human, pupil, sue, hue, nude, rue, protrude, rude, prudent, brute, clue, judo, truce, prude, spruce, prune, prudence, cute, flute, fume, fuse, fusion, lute, mute, brutalize.

Ex. 2. Junk, summer, butter, cut, dull, jut, rust, hut, cup, under, fun, uncle, supper, mug, jug, bug, shrub, shut, ultra, must, tub, duck, pup, just, lucky, mutt, such, sudden.

Ex. 3. Return, turkey, burden, curtain, purpose, spur, burr, blur, hurt, purred, surf, blurt, surge, Thursday, curl, hurl, burst, furniture, curse, furl.

Ex. 4. Secure, sure, mure, lure, lurid, curious, endure, durance, ′ tenure, i′ nure, Ural, cured, demure, manure, secured, insure, burin, curio, Huron, durable, furious.

Ex. 5. S u c′ cess, u ′ pon, u ′ ni que (в конце слова [k]), ′ prod u ct, s u p′ pression, ′ attit u de, ′ thankf u l, s u c′ ceeding, ′ cuc u mber, ′ lux u ry, ′ gratit u de, ′ gratef u l, u ′ nite, s u f′ ficiency, s u g′ gest, s u g′ gestive, t u ′ reen, s u ′ burban, ′ altit u de, u ′ rani u m, ′ tactf u l.

Ex. 6. Must, ′ pupil, burn, duke, ′ union, se′ curity, bunker, pure, mutt, re′ turn, hut, turn, fuss, curl, just, spur, bunt, ′ tuning, ′ lucky, cube, hurt, duty, turtle, ′ turkey, tub, ′ purpose, ′ summer, ′ rural, ′ Thursday, duck, ′ prudent, nurse, curd, mute, uncle, ′ supper, as′ sure, ′ unify, during, sur′ vive, curdle, suc′ cessful, puppy, scrub, brush, cue, fuse, fusion, bun, burner, ′ future, nude, gun, fume, in′ surance, fury, ֽ curi′ osity, ′ longitude, en′ durance, ′ circumstances, ′ colourful.

Ex. 7.

1. Sue is the ′ nuisance too. 2. Do you ′ usually have two ′ pupils on duty? 3. ′ Hubert will be on ′ Tuesday. 4. ′ Usually Sue treats ′ Hubert with a sense of ′ humour. 5. There’s a bus coming. Hurry up! 6. You must not trust to luck. 7. It’s a ′ usual cure for a cold. 8. Not all the ′ tourists will en′ dure to the end, ′ surely. 9. I’ll turn in early. 10. What a hurly-burly girl Urse is! 11. The girls worked turn-and-turn again. 12. Bert’s boat turned turtle. 13. ′ Trudie is true blue. 14. ′ Rupert, don’t pro′ trude. 15. Bruce is ′ prudent.


u+ll [˄ ] u+ll [u] после b, p, f u+ sh [˄ ] u+ sh [u] gu [g] qu [kw]
dull bull brush push guest queen
lull pull flush cushion guess quest
null full tush bush guide quad


hull, cull, rush, crush, bully, pulley, cully, dully, fully, gully, sully, question, questionable, questioner, questionless, questionnaire, questman, bushel, bulletin, bullion, pull-up, pullet, disguise, disguised, quit, quiet, quite, quick, guild, guilt, guard, guardsman, guilty, guiltless, guillemot, guidance, beguile, quack, quirt, quiver, quiz


Диалог: The worst nurse

SirHerbert: Nurse!

Colonel Burton: Nurse! I’m thirsty!

SirHerbert: Nurse! My head hurts!

Colonel Burton: NURSE!

SirHerbert: Curse the nurses!

Colonel Burton: Nurse Sherman always wears such dirty shirts.

SirHerbert: And such short skirts.

Colonel Burton: She never arrives at work early.

SirHerbert: She and … er … Nurse Turner weren’t at work on Thursday, were they?

Colonel Burton: No, they weren’t.

SirHerbert: Nurse Sherman is the worst nurse in the ward, isn’t she?

Colonel Burton: No, she isn’t. She’s the worst nurse in the world!


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