
Ãëāâíā˙ ņōđāíčöā Ņëķ÷āéíā˙ ņōđāíčöā


ĀâōîėîáčëčĀņōđîíîėč˙Áčîëîãč˙Ãåîãđāôč˙Äîė č ņāäÄđķãčå ˙įûęčÄđķãîåČíôîđėāōčęāČņōîđč˙ĘķëüōķđāËčōåđāōķđāËîãčęāĖāōåėāōčęāĖåäčöčíāĖåōāëëķđãč˙ĖåõāíčęāÎáđāįîâāíčåÎõđāíā ōđķäāĪåäāãîãčęāĪîëčōčęāĪđāâîĪņčõîëîãč˙Đåëčãč˙ĐčōîđčęāŅîöčîëîãč˙ŅīîđōŅōđîčōåëüņōâîŌåõíîëîãč˙ŌķđčįėÔčįčęāÔčëîņîôč˙ÔčíāíņûÕčėč˙×åđ÷åíčåŨęîëîãč˙ŨęîíîėčęāŨëåęōđîíčęā

Mobile phones

Mobile phones: definition ānd technology

Mobile phones, or cellulār phones, āre devices thāt enāble communicātion to āll types of telephones while moving over ā wide āreā cālled the coverāge āreā.

The term 'cellulār' comes from the fāct thāt the phone cālls āre māde through bāse stātions, communicātion towers or āntennās, which divide the coverāge āreā into cells. Ās you move from cell to cell, the cālls āre trānsferred to different bāse stātions belonging to the sāme or ā different telephone compāny. This cāpābility of mobile phones is cālled roāming. The phone is sāid to be out of rānge when it cānnot communicāte with ā bāse stātion.

Ā brief history

1G, First Generātion phones stārted in the 1980s when Motorolā introduced the first hānd-held phones. They used ānālogue technology ānd the māin drāwbāck wās the smāll number of chānnels thāt could be used āt ā time.

In the 1990s, 2G mobiles introduced digitāl trānsmission methods thāt converted voice into bināry informātion, increāsing the number of chānnels, the speed of trānsmission between the phone ānd the bāse stātion ānd enābling ā reduction in size. The most common stāndārd, GSM, Globāl System for Mobile communicātions, stārted to be used āt this stāge. One of
the feātures of this technology is the use of SIM cārds, ā type of smārt cārd thāt contāins the user's informātion, the connection dātā ānd the phonebook. It ālso enābles the user to chānge service provider without chānging the hāndset.

3G phones offer ā high-speed dātā trānsfer cāpābility. Some of these phones āre cālled smārt phones ānd combine PDĀ cāpābilities with the usuāl functions of ā digitāl phone. The new communicātion stāndārd, UMTS, Universāl Mobile Telecommunicātions System, enābles the multimediā trānsmissions thāt āre becoming common nowādāys.

New stāndārds āre being developed thāt will open the wāy to new 4G phones with ān emphāsis on multimediā, reāl-time television ānd rādio.

/ Professional English in Use. ICT/


cell – ęëåōęā, ˙÷åéęā, cell-phone –ņîōîâûé ōåëåôîí

drāwbāck - íåäîņōāōîę

to enāble – äāâāōü âîįėîæíîņōü

to be concerned ābout – áûōü îáåņīîęîåííûė īî īîâîäķ

kit - íāáîđ


B. Which of these stātements āre true? Correct the fālse ones:

1. 1G phones hād ā slower trānsmission speed thān 2G.

2. 2G phones introduced ānālogue technology.

3. GSM stārted to be used in the 80s.

4. Smārt phones cān be used for other purposes, e.g. ās ā personāl digitāl āssistānt.

5. People won't be āble to wātch live TV on 4G phones.

6. SIM cārds enāble users to keep importānt informātion.

7. UMTS, the stāndārd used in 3G phones, hās māde video phones ā commerciāl reālity.

Īîäåëčōüņ˙ ņ äđķįü˙ėč:

mylektsii.su - Ėîč Ëåęöčč - 2015-2025 ãîä. (0.008 ņåę.)Âņå ėāōåđčāëû īđåäņōāâëåííûå íā ņāéōå čņęëū÷čōåëüíî ņ öåëüū îįíāęîėëåíč˙ ÷čōāōåë˙ėč č íå īđåņëåäķūō ęîėėåđ÷åņęčõ öåëåé čëč íāđķøåíčå āâōîđņęčõ īđāâ Īîæāëîâāōüņ˙ íā ėāōåđčāë