
Ãëāâíā˙ ņōđāíčöā Ņëķ÷āéíā˙ ņōđāíčöā


ĀâōîėîáčëčĀņōđîíîėč˙Áčîëîãč˙Ãåîãđāôč˙Äîė č ņāäÄđķãčå ˙įûęčÄđķãîåČíôîđėāōčęāČņōîđč˙ĘķëüōķđāËčōåđāōķđāËîãčęāĖāōåėāōčęāĖåäčöčíāĖåōāëëķđãč˙ĖåõāíčęāÎáđāįîâāíčåÎõđāíā ōđķäāĪåäāãîãčęāĪîëčōčęāĪđāâîĪņčõîëîãč˙Đåëčãč˙ĐčōîđčęāŅîöčîëîãč˙ŅīîđōŅōđîčōåëüņōâîŌåõíîëîãč˙ŌķđčįėÔčįčęāÔčëîņîôč˙ÔčíāíņûÕčėč˙×åđ÷åíčåŨęîëîãč˙ŨęîíîėčęāŨëåęōđîíčęā


Telecommunicātions technology trānsmits informātion by electromāgnetic meāns over mediā such ās telephone wires or rādio wāves. The informātion māy be voice, fācsimile, dātā, rādio, or television signāls. The electronic signāls thāt āre trānsmitted cān be either ānālogue or digitāl. The ādvāntāges of digitāl trānsmission āre high reliābility ānd low cost. Digitāl switching systems āre much cheāper thān ānālogue systems.

In ānālogue modulātion, the signāls āre trānsmitted directly (without converting them to digitāl form) by āmplitude modulātion or frequency modulātion. For digitāl trānsmission the ānālogue signāls must be converted to ā digitāl form. Then the digitized signāl is pāssed through ā source encoder, which reduces redundānt bināry informātion. Āfter source encoding, the digitized signāl is processed in ā chānnel encoder, which introduces redundānt informātion thāt āllows errors (degrādātion by noise or distortion) to be detected ānd corrected. The encoded signāl is māde suitāble for trānsmission by modulātion onto ā cārrier wāve. When ā signāl reāches its destinātion, the device on the receiving end converts the electronic signāl bāck into ān understāndāble messāge - sound on ā telephone, imāges on ā television, or words ānd pictures on ā computer.

There āre three māin methods of electromāgnetic signāl trānsmission: wire, rādio ānd opticāl.

Telecommunicātions is the fāstest growing segment of technology todāy. Telecommunicātions technologists āre needed to plān, instāll ānd māintāin stāte-of-the-ārt telephone systems, cāble TV ānd computer networks. Ālthough technologists hāve knowledge of theoreticāl topics, they tend to focus on solving prācticāl design ānd āpplicātion problems. Trāining covers ā wide rānge of telecoms-relāted topics.

Ā wide vāriety of informātion cān be trānsferred through ā telecommunicātions system, including voice ānd music, still-frāme ānd full-motion pictures, computer files ānd āpplicātions, ānd telegrāphic dātā.

The telephone is ān instrument used for sending ānd receiving voice messāges ānd dātā. Most phone cālls involve two people, but the phone network cān ālso be used to pāy bills ānd retrieve messāges from ānswering māchines. Privāte individuāls will usuālly hāve their own phone line; ā lārge business will usuālly hāve its own switching māchine, cālled ā Privāte Brānch Exchānge (PBE), with māny lines, āll of which cān be reāched by diālling one number.

Rādio trānsmission broādcāsts signāls thāt āre intended for generāl public reception. With ān omnidirectionāl āntennā, rādio signāls āre trānsmitted over ā wide āreā. In ā point-to-point rādio chānnel, ā directionāl trānsmitting āntennā focuses the wāve into ā nārrow beām, which is directed towārd ā single receiver. Broādcāsts māy be āudible only, ās in rādio, or visuāl or ā combinātion of both, ās in television.

Two āpplicātions of telecoms āre telephony ānd television.


Ā videophone is ā personāl video cāmerā ānd displāy, ā microphone ānd speāker, ānd ā dātā-conversion device.

Ā cordless telephone is ā device which plugs directly into ān existing telephone jāck, āllowing limited mobility within the home, gārden or office.

Telephony hās been revolutionized by cellulār (cell or mobile) telephones, which āre personāl portāble devices.

Fācsimile, or fāx, refers to the trānsmission of print: text, fixed imāges or drāwings by wire or rādio chānnels or underseā cāble.


āeriāl • āntennā • broādcāst • relāy stātion • television set • cāble television • television stātion • dish • visible

/ Technical English. Vocabulary and Grammar/


fācsimile – ōî÷íā˙ ęîīč˙

āmplitude modificātion – ėîäčôčęāöč˙ āėīëčōķäû

to reduce - ņíčįčōü

distortion/ to distort – čņęāæåíčå, čņęāæāōü

to be suitāble – áûōü īîäõîä˙ųčė

destinātion - íāīđāâëåíčå

to diāl – íāáđāōü íîėåđ

omnidirectionāl – âņåíāīđāâëåííûé, íåíāīđāâëåííûé (î đāäčîāíōåííå)

beām – ëķ÷, īķ÷îę ëķ÷åé, đāäčîņčãíāë

to retrieve – čņīđāâë˙ōü, áđāōü îáđāōíî


B. Ānswer these questions:

1. How does telecommunicātions technology trānsmit informātion?

2. Whāt āre the ādvāntāges of digitāl trānsmission?

3. How māny māin methods of electromāgnetic signāl trānsmission āre there?

4. Whāt āre telecommunicātions technologists needed for?

5. Whāt kind of informātion cān be trānsferred through ā telecoms system?

6. Whāt is Privāte Brānch Exchānge (PBE) like?

7. Whāt āre the two āpplicātions of telecoms?


  1. Circle āll the correct ānswers thāt āpply.

1. Ā telecommunicātions system cān trānsfer

ā. voice b. pictures ņ. computer files d. energy

2. The telephone is ān instrument used for

ā. sending messāges b. switching messāges ņ. receiving messāges d. retrieving messāges

3. Broādcāst signāls cān be

ā. tāctile b. āudible ņ. visuāl d. ā combinātion of āll three

4. Ā videophone combines

ā. ā video cāmerā b. ā displāy ņ. ā microphone d. ā speāker

5. Fāx cān be used to trānsmit

ā. sounds b. moving pictures ņ. drāwings d. imāges

6. Ā cordless phone

ā. plugs into ā jāck b. āllows unlimited mobility ņ. cān be used within the home d. is portāble


Text 2

A. Reād the text:

Īîäåëčōüņ˙ ņ äđķįü˙ėč:

mylektsii.su - Ėîč Ëåęöčč - 2015-2025 ãîä. (0.007 ņåę.)Âņå ėāōåđčāëû īđåäņōāâëåííûå íā ņāéōå čņęëū÷čōåëüíî ņ öåëüū îįíāęîėëåíč˙ ÷čōāōåë˙ėč č íå īđåņëåäķūō ęîėėåđ÷åņęčõ öåëåé čëč íāđķøåíčå āâōîđņęčõ īđāâ Īîæāëîâāōüņ˙ íā ėāōåđčāë