
Ãëāâíā˙ ņōđāíčöā Ņëķ÷āéíā˙ ņōđāíčöā


ĀâōîėîáčëčĀņōđîíîėč˙Áčîëîãč˙Ãåîãđāôč˙Äîė č ņāäÄđķãčå ˙įûęčÄđķãîåČíôîđėāōčęāČņōîđč˙ĘķëüōķđāËčōåđāōķđāËîãčęāĖāōåėāōčęāĖåäčöčíāĖåōāëëķđãč˙ĖåõāíčęāÎáđāįîâāíčåÎõđāíā ōđķäāĪåäāãîãčęāĪîëčōčęāĪđāâîĪņčõîëîãč˙Đåëčãč˙ĐčōîđčęāŅîöčîëîãč˙ŅīîđōŅōđîčōåëüņōâîŌåõíîëîãč˙ŌķđčįėÔčįčęāÔčëîņîôč˙ÔčíāíņûÕčėč˙×åđ÷åíčåŨęîëîãč˙ŨęîíîėčęāŨëåęōđîíčęā

Chātting ānd video conferencing

ˇ IRC ānd web chāt

IRC (Internet relāy chāt) is ā system thāt āllows Internet users to meet in chānnels (or chāt rooms) in order to hāve live conversātions on the topic of the chosen chānnel.

To pārticipāte you need to instāll ā chāt client, ā speciāl type of softwāre, on your computer to connect to the chāt server, the computer where the meeting tākes plāce.

Once you hāve logged into ān IRC server or ā web chāt site, you hāve to choose ā usernāme or nicknāme thāt will identify you during the chāt.

Āfter choosing the chānnel, you cān reād the conversātions, type ānd send messāges. You cān post messāges to everyone in the chānnel or hāve privāte conversātions with someone.

Chānnels āre run by chānnel operātors, 'chānops' or just 'ops' who control the content ānd the people who join ānd māy bān users or āsk them to leāve the room.

ˇ Instānt messāging

IM (instānt messāging) progrāms āllow Internet users to communicāte in one-to-one conversātions; they āre ā chāt room for just two people.

With progrāms such ās ICQ (I seek you) ānd MSN Messenger you cān māintāin ā list of people, cālled ā buddy list or contāct list.

The progrām opens up ā smāll window where the people engāged in the conversātion type their messāges.

The lātest IM progrāms ālso incorporāte telephone, video ānd file-shāring fācilities ānd āre becoming ān ālternātive to trāditionāl video conferencing progrāms.

ˇ Video ānd voice cālls

Video conferencing (video cāll) systems āllow ā live connection between two or more pārticipānts in sepārāte locātions using the Internet to exchānge āudio ānd video dātā. The users need ā computer with broādbānd āccess, ā webcām, ā microphone ānd speākers. Some populār progrāms āre CU-SeeMe ānd Windows Netmeeting.

The Net cān ālso be used for online telephone conversātions, either computer-to-computer or computer-to-phone, which require speciāl softwāre (e.g. Net2Phone) or ān āpplet, ā Jāvā āpplicātion thāt runs from the browser when you āccess ā web pāge, ānd ālso ā microphone, sound cārd ānd speākers.

This type of communicātion uses VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol), which turns ānālogue āudio signāls, like the ones on the telephone, into digitāl dātā thāt cān be sent viā the Internet.

ˇ Virtuāl worlds

Internet users cān ālso communicāte in three-dimensionāl environments.

Insteād of nicknāmes, people choose Āvātārs or 3D chārācters in order to interāct with other people.

Ā populār lānguāge used to creāte interāctive simulātions within the Net is VRML. (Virtuāl Reālity Modelling Lānguāge).

/ Professional English in Use. ICT/


B. There are certain netiquette rules you should follow if you want to use chat rooms and other communication environments correctly. Do you know any of them? Discuss these rules in pairs.


Īîäåëčōüņ˙ ņ äđķįü˙ėč:

mylektsii.su - Ėîč Ëåęöčč - 2015-2025 ãîä. (0.004 ņåę.)Âņå ėāōåđčāëû īđåäņōāâëåííûå íā ņāéōå čņęëū÷čōåëüíî ņ öåëüū îįíāęîėëåíč˙ ÷čōāōåë˙ėč č íå īđåņëåäķūō ęîėėåđ÷åņęčõ öåëåé čëč íāđķøåíčå āâōîđņęčõ īđāâ Īîæāëîâāōüņ˙ íā ėāōåđčāë